038 deepika Singh
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Why do we always hate men for not understanding and supporting us? Why have we made this a war of the genders, when there are just as many women who judge us, dismiss us, dehumanise us and devalue us? All those aunties who are over-eager to get you married the moment you hit eighteen. Those women who judge you if you are doing better than them at…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Top Girls Colleges in India in the forum Access to Education 2 years, 10 months ago
It is aptly said by many that college life is the best period of your life. Mostly because, you shape up to become the person you want to be in the future. So, selecting the best college for you becomes all the more important.
Here is a list if top girls colleges in India.
•Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi.
•MOP Vaishnav College for Wom…[
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Child marriage a punishable offence? in the forum Child Marriage 2 years, 10 months ago
Child marriage is a curse. It snatches away childhood from children’s life. Child marriages has been prevailing in our country since a long time. India is estimated to have over 24 million child brides. 40% of the world’s 60 million child marriages take place in India according to the National Family Health Survey. The most common reasons for u…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh started the topic Discrimination Faced By Single Mothers In India in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
A single mother with a kid always faces society’s barbs and questions. They are always looked upon with sympathy and pity. What are your thoughts?
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Challenges faced by female sportspersons in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
No matter how much the world has progressed, the idea that women can never be equal to men still prevails as an ivy in our society. Be it at work, home or field, women face inequality everywhere.
Somehow we have believed that women and sports do not go hand in hand. The patriarchy related to sports have been prevailing in out society since…[Read more] -
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Best Job Oriented Short-Term Courses after 12th For Girls in the forum Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship 2 years, 10 months ago
Here are a list of top courses that you can do after 12th and they can provide you quality jobs after their completion.
• Digital Marketing Courses
• Computer Courses
• Interior Designing Courses
• Fashion Designing Courses
• Video Editing Courses
• Graphic Design Courses
• Teaching Courses
• Foreign Language Courses
• Makeup and Hairstyling C…[
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Stay at home moms: are they a step back on the feminist agenda? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
President Obama made a headline in the year 2014 with what he said: “Just Say No to Stay-at-home Moms”. With what Obama said, what do you think of women working outside and managing the responsibilities of their family at the same time? Most women working outside are ridiculed for not doing their part as a mother or a wife. The prime factor beh…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Do people start calling themselves feminists because it’s fashionable? in the forum Feminism 2 years, 10 months ago
The real meaning of feminism is – equal rights to women as men. Men and women should have equal political, social and economical rights. Feminism= equality. This is how simple feminism is. Yet people do not understand this and start calling them feminists just because ‘everybody else does?!’
But we often tend to get a wrong idea of feminism in t…[Read more] -
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Top Law Colleges in Bangalore? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
There are many law colleges in Banglore but what matters is – choosing the right college. Getting your law degree from just any college is not going to fetch you anything. However at end, what matters are your own skills. But you do need the right kind of teachers to acquire those right skills. Choosing a college is never easy. And it’s more of…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Digital gender divide in the forum Gender Divide 2 years, 10 months ago
Men are 52% more likely to have access to the internet than women in the world’s least developed countries. Not everyone has access to technology. There are a large number of women who do not own a simple smartphone. They do not have the necessary digital literacy, have less understanding of technology and have no presence on social media p…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic History of feminism in India in the forum Feminism 2 years, 10 months ago
Feminism is a belief that promotes equality between genders. It’s main aim is to lift up women and bring them to the same level as men. It gives women the much needed voice in a patriarchal word. It ensures that women are paid equally for the same work and are not abused by men. It supports equality in education and opportunities.
In India, the…[
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic top engineering colleges in Bangalore? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
There are many engineering colleges in Banglore but what matters is – choosing the right college. Getting your engineering degree from just any college is not going to fetch you anything. However at the end, what matters are your own skills. But you do need the right kind of teachers to acquire those right skills. Choosing a college is never e…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic The glorification of motherhood. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
Mothers deserves to be glorified but the problem arises when this glorification effects those who do not choose to be a mother or someone who struggles with the new role of motherhood. I have a lot of admiration and awe for the amount of work it takes for a woman to raise her children. The physical, emotional and mental strength and mettle that…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh started the topic The Lack Of Sisterhood in the forum Inspirational Women 2 years, 11 months ago
Why do we always hate men for not understanding and supporting us? Why have we made this a war of the genders, when there are just as many women who judge us, dismiss us, dehumanise us and devalue us? All those aunties who are over-eager to get you married the moment you hit eighteen. Those women who judge you if you are doing better than them at…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic COVID-19 Pandemic and the Role of Women in the forum Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership 2 years, 11 months ago
The COVID‑19 pandemic has created a profound shock worldwide, with different implications for men and women. But the most affected were women. Women’s experiences at home, their health, their work and economic wellbeing have been all negatively affected by the pandemic . Women have served on the frontlines against COVID‑19, and the impact of the c…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic The patriarchy that female sportspersons face. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
No matter how much the world has progressed, the idea that women can never be equal to men still prevails as an ivy in our society. Be it at work, home or field, women face inequality everywhere.
Somehow we have believed that women and sports do not go hand in hand. The patriarchy related to sports have been prevailing in out society since…[Read more] -
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic First Wave of Feminism in the forum Feminism 2 years, 11 months ago
The term ‘first wave feminism’ refers to the feminist movement of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. During this time women in the organised and advocated for equal social and constitutional right to white men, including the right to vote, right to education, right to own property. The first wave denotes the period in whi…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Free online courses for housewives in India in the forum Access to Education 2 years, 11 months ago
I believe that it is never too late to start learning a new skill. In present times women are educated but often they have to sacrifice their careers looking after their children and doing other household works. After a couple of years when women thinks to begin from where she left in her previous jobs; she found it hard and faced lots of…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Discrimination against girl child at home in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
From the moment babies are born, their assigned sex immediately begins to shape how they should be treated, what opportunities they should receive or how they should behave according to dominant gender stereotypes in their society. Since childhood a daughter is told to perform and learn all the house chores, since she is likely to get married…[Read more]
038 deepika Singh replied to the topic Are we moving towards a society that isn't male-default? in the forum Gender Divide 2 years, 11 months ago
We are and we have been living in a society where a man is considered a default since a very long time. Whether it’s the plurals always taking the male form, or writers presuming a male reader, this is pervasive.If you ask a child to describe a scientist, most will draw a man wearing a coat. The assumption that science is a male-dominated field i…[Read more]
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