Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Discrimination against girl child at home

10 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Discrimination against girl child begins before the girls has been born because this society needs boy child only and so when a woman is planning for a child or during her pregnancy, she has a lot to hear from society and its people and from that point onwards a woman has to face discrimination and inequality. This discrimination between genders is from past generations and still is observed.
    There are many families who don’t want a girl child because they think it will be burden to have a girl because many things need to be fulfilled for her starting from her childhood expenses till her marriage. The discrimination at a very basic level like providing boys with proper education and girls with less or no education, or giving boys a chance to decide for their own career and no opportunity to the girl to decide for her own life.
    When a boy is born there are grand celebrations but at the birth of girl there no such thing and they blame their fortunate and say our luck was bad that we had the birth of girl child. By listening to these things for girls it feels very saddening that people are so narrow-minded. The mentality of society is orthodox, it was not only in past but is continued in these times also.
    Boys and girls are discriminated against on clothes, their studies, their activities, their behavior, and many more things. The basic thing thought to a girl in her family is how to manage the kitchen and family because she is female and boys are not taught this because they will become bread earners for the family.
    This kind of discrimination still prevails in this era too and in fact, it will continue so in coming times also because discrimination, inequality is the root cause of any other issues related to women. It will only be reduced when we keep our thoughts open and treat each gender equally and consider everyone at par.

    anshika agarwal
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    Discrimination against girl child at home
    Discrimination means the unjust treatment of children on the grounds of appearance, gender, aptitude, skills and family expectations. In all discriminations gender discrimination is so high. Girl childs are facing depression, anxiety and discrimination in society as well as at their home due to their gender. A study shows that girls receive less education, less health facilities and are less impoverished than boys.
    Forms of discrimination against girl children are numerous and vary depending on the traditions, history, and culture of a particular society. At home girls are treated as liability and boys as assets. Female infanticide is also done at home because some people don’t want girls as their child. Boys are told not to cry because it’s a girly thing. In families girls are proven as weak and emotional. Girls are given dolls to play while boys are given cars, fighter toys. In families boys are always preferred over girls. Boys are sent to better school for gettting education but girl’s education is not taken seriously. Girls are told how to do household chores while boys never told to do so. A girl is treated as an object who is going to another house in future. Family members just focus on making their daughter a good daughter-in-law. Girl child is told not to go outside after a particular time but there is no restrictions on boys. Girls are told to behave properly and dress nicely in full clothes which cover their entire body. Every family wishes to have atleast one boy child and if their second child is also a boy then it is treated as overwhelming but after having a daughter in a family no family member wants their second child as a girl. There are a lot of discrimination running at home. Girl childs are suffering through them. Families should ensure that girls also get equal rights in family like boys and there shouldn’t be any kind of discrimination.

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    Discrimination against girl child at home is still exist in our society. Because the mindset of people that boys will take care of parents till they get old and will stay with parents and girls are called as “parayadhan”. Why always girls are getting victim for discrimination in our society. In some family son will always get encouragement by their parents for the bright future but daughter are taught household chores from childhood. Why? can’t they taught both son and daughter household chores, boys should also learn cooking. Instead of showing inequality towards their daughter atleast give the same opportunity for both of them. If boys having average grades then also they get support of their parents and if girls scores high grades no one will appreciate or support for her bright future. Society also do comparison between boys and girls because of which from childhood onwards boys think that they are always better than girls. In villages we can see that many girl child are getting married at very small age due to which they don’t even get chance and support from family to educate herself and because of child marriage girls face lots of health problems. Because of society mentality against women that they are only meant to be housewife and not to go outside do job. Girls are the one who always get discriminate for her clothes, gesture, posture, Going outside, education and what not. Girls never get appreciation for her work rather it can be in cooking or achievement at school. Boys are always supported and motivated towards their career. And girls don’t get any support from the family towards their career. In our society girls and boys are just gender we need to see their ethics, talent, hardwork and support them equally by not making comparison between boys and girls. Girls are equally deserve of love and support of their family without getting discriminate them with boys.

    Shumaila Siddiqui
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    Girls are killed before even they’re born forget about the discrimination she faces in their own house. It is such a shame as a society that we have still not digested the fact that girls are also a human and have a right to be treated equally.
    The old orthodox people have said it and still saying that a girl should be living in her house like guest because eventually she will go to another home. Also, they brainwashed the girls mind that they are dependent on male tropes for their survival, and they are inferior to them and need to follow the commands by them immediately.
    Girls are not permitted to go out alone and to have fun with friends, but the boys can do a night out. They are not allowed to have meal before the male members and forced to eat the leftovers by them. Even the pocket money is almost in pennies for them, but the boys are provided as much money as they want.

    The attention and the affection towards them is very deteriorating as a child. They feel insecure and not so good about themselves as human.

    They start questioning why is this kind of behavior and treatment is been given to them specifically. Sometimes even the education is not provided to them up to the par. They are burdened with household chores’ responsibility.

    They are questioned and scolded for their attitude, behavior, way of living and the dressing in their own house. A set of rules is applied to them without their personal opinion.

    Even the marriage is held without her permission and forced to marry. The important decisions of her life is not in her hand but the men of her life.
    She is treated as a slave and a robot who needs to walk through the life approval from others. She is caged from the childhood itself.
    I urge all the people who still treats and behave differently with their women’s to let her live freely on her own. She is a powerful enough to make her own decisions.
    Make her fly not caged.

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    We all are aware about the discrimination which women came across . But this discrimination is seen in the society, in the school, in the workplace and many other places . But we cannot imagine that girl face discrimination even at her home. Yes still there are many houses were parents and other member of the families discriminate between a girls and boy child.
    It’s the tradition of Indian parents to teach their daughter house chores since from the childhood. They assume that this is necessary for their future. many parents scold their daughters for the mistake and if their son made any mistake they don’t even say a word to them. Boys are free to go out later that night but when it comes to a girl she is restricted to go out even after 6 p.m. Many parents doesn’t allow girls child to study more as the believe there are some other’s property so why should they invest huge amount in their studies instead of that they should focus on their son studies since he is the one who is going to take care of them in future and fulfil their all the needs. Girl child is always has to listen the comments like “we never want a daughter” “you are unexpected child” “why should we spend money on you” . Parents never buy expensive gifts for the daughter but boy’s always get what ever they want , their all needs are fulfilled.
    A girl want to pursue her career in sports field or in any such field which need some time and use Mani parents always restrict her. Game mentality is a golf pursue her career in sports background this go against her gender since girls are not made play games like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho , cricket and badminton. Even she is forced to learn dance, music . They believe she should have smoothness in her voice, in her work . She should be active in household work and should I learn all the culture and tradition of their country because all These quality e is needed in device which is very essential for a girl to get married. Even in the ancient time girls child kiled after the take birth.
    Being girl is not is Sin for us. We are strong enough to take stand for yourself and rise of voice against all this discrimination . Parents should treat both of their child equally because if child never discriminate between their love towards their parents so why should parents do so? This practice may lead to bad effect in the mind of the daughter and develop a feeling of revenge in her mind.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Discrimination against girl children is a form of discrimination and oppression. It is rooted in the social construct, and beliefs that women are inferior to men. Such beliefs are repeated by women themselves, perpetuating the negative conception that it is acceptable to treat girl children differently or put them at a disadvantage based on their sex. In the past century, we have made significant progress towards achieving gender equality in many parts of the world. And yet, today we live in a world where girl children are still denied equal rights and equal opportunities as their male counterparts as well as lack social security and support systems that could help them develop into self-sufficient individuals.

    Problems faced by the girl child are partly biological and partly socio-cultural. The biological problems related to the reproductive system, the birth process, lactation, and menstruation. Biological problems can be minimized by proper care during pregnancy, delivery, and child-caring practices. In comparison, socio-cultural barriers are those that societies create for their reasons. These barriers are most pervasive in customs and traditions that affect the lives of girls disproportionately. Discrimination against girls is a global threat. It is not limited to any one country or region, nor does it disproportionately affect any specific population. The practice of gender discrimination and the impact it has on girls’ lives are all-pervasive.

    Both forms of discrimination have serious impacts on the development of girls and women throughout the world. In regions such as India, they are among the leading causes of death for young girls. In addition to causing the deaths of thousands of girls annually, both also promote female foeticide (girls selectively aborted) and infanticide (girls selectively abandoned or killed after birth), which further impact girl’s welfare and well-being.

    An unbiased deduction of any observing individual reveals clearly that the discrimination against girl children has existed for centuries in India in both subtle and explicit forms. From infanticide to sex selection to lowering of marriage age for dowry, from rape to increasing illiteracy and malnutrition among young girls, have all led to a harrowing future for women in India. A necessary component of the intellectual battle against sex selection is an increased awareness among public policymakers and the general public that sex discrimination is not a matter of cultural preference, but rather a form of sex-based violence. The experiences of women in South Asian countries, who face high levels of gender-based violence like domestic violence and dowry murders, as well as female infanticide and selective abortion, have shown that action needs to be taken locally and regionally, as well as globally.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Gender discrimination is the unequal treatment of a specific gender. It is the result of years of patriarchy and male dominance. As per 2011 census data, literacy rates for men were 82.14% and for women were 65.46%. the constitution of India lists equal rights and privileges both for men and women. But it is seen that women across the country do not enjoy these rights or opportunities. The root cause of this is poverty, illiteracy, patriarchal setup, social customs, beliefs and practices and the lack of awareness among women. Most people have a feeling that only a male child can extend their family. Research shows that mostly the educated and financially well of people are responsible for female foeticide. If female foeticide goes on at this rate then a time will come when the world would be devoid of any woman. In rural areas, people still believe that they should prioritise their sons because they are going to look after them in their old age. They believe that their daughter is someone who is the property and won’t earn any money for the house. The girls who get married at a very young age face a variety of problems both physically and mentally. Not only in rural India but girls are also subjected to discrimination everywhere. This has several reasons. Stigma and taboo during menstruation, forcing for marriage after a certain age, judging their choices, charging based on their clothes and a lot more. It is observed that parents get their daughters married due to financial constraints. Though the patriarchal setup seems to change with urbanization and education there is still a long way to go. Sons are considered as economic and ritual assets where daughters are considered liabilities. Changing the perspective house society views the rights of girls can eliminate gender-based discrimination. Empowering young girls providing them with the right education is necessary.

    Manpreet Singh
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    While in the 21st-century children around the world continue to experience many sorts of adversity, girls in the particular face numerous forms of discrimination, exploitation, and gender oppression. UN data, national surveys, and NGO studies reiterate that girls as a group have lower alphabetic rates, have fewer health services, and are more commonly poorer than boys. It is also crucial to remember that these situations are not improved as girls become women more often than not. There are several forms of prejudice against girls and the traditions, histories, and culture of a particular community are different. The Youth Advocates International Program focuses on its endeavors to better the conditions of girls’ three life-threatening activities affecting the lives of millions of girls – women, females, and honor killings.
    Girls are typically economically less likely than boys since boys have more probability of finding jobs and earning a better salary. In poor societies, this is significant if every family member is expected to increase household income. When a girl is forced to turn all her salary to her husband, she cannot contribute to her family’s income after marriage. In many cases, raising a girl is far more an economic hardship as many cultures need girls but not boys to celebrate religions and social festivals. It can be exceedingly costly to hold an “appropriate” ceremony to preserve respectful social position, leaving poor families often without anything. This is not only a concern in rural areas. Research indicates that the chances of survival for a young girl following a first daughter are smaller in educated and affluent families. These families living in urban areas are able to receive ultrasound scans and afford abortion prices. In Delhi, the sex ratio of children is dimly 871 according to the 2011 census. The worst offender is the South Delhi district. Education and learning opportunities: the rates of gender literacy in India highlight a broad divide in the gender sphere. Effective literacy rates (age 7 and older), according to 2011 census statistics, were 82.14% for males and 65.46% for women. Parents don’t want to invest in education for girls, believing education for women is worthless as they will only serve their married couples in the future.
    Most women do not know their basic rights and talents. They have no basic knowledge of how they are affected by socioeconomic and political forces. They accept any discriminatory behaviors, mostly because of their ignorance, ignorance, and ignorance in families of generation under the name of tradition and society. Gender discrimination across Indian territory can only be controlled if the opportunity for females to learn and flourish in life is not denied. Girls like boys should have a good start to life in education. This will allow them to achieve economic independence and help them to contribute properly to their growth.

    038 deepika Singh
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    From the moment babies are born, their assigned sex immediately begins to shape how they should be treated, what opportunities they should receive or how they should behave according to dominant gender stereotypes in their society. Since childhood a daughter is told to perform and learn all the house chores, since she is likely to get married eventually. A preference for sending boys to school is fuelled by a belief that all girls will eventually get married off. Therefore, investing in a girl’s education reaps little return because a girl who stays at home and learns how to take care of a family is of more value to a future husband. She is reminded multiple times that she needs to ‘behave’ as an inferior character since she is a ‘woman’. In many countries, girls and women do not have property rights. Only men are allowed to own or inherit property, having a son keeps assets in the family and makes sure parents will have somewhere to live when they get old. A woman is told to compromise her dreams in order to fit in the boxes of ‘stereotypes’ of our society. Many women fail to pursue their education and live the lives of their dreams due to the senseless typical mindset of our society. Some parents do their part by just graduating their girl and making them educated, skilled, ‘marriage material’ women.

    Male and female are both equal and play a key role in creating and developing their families in their respective areas and in society in general. Nonetheless, the fight for equality became one of the movement ‘s core concerns worldwide. We need to understand that a woman is the man’s counterpart, not the lower.

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