Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy?

16 replies, 16 voices Last updated by Aditi Sahu 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Sadly yes. Here we are continuously struggling for the future where men and women can walk side by side. But the worst contrust of this idea is women herself. Our women society either truly are supporter of rigid patriarchy or indirectly upholding the sense of patriarchy, even more than male society himself.
    You ask how?
    It’s seen in our mother, women to justify the gender roles much more than male of the family. It’s more from the women who are preaching generation by generation that how a girl has to be homely, should practice all household chores, play less, be silent and never question decision of men
    Despite of being a woman herherself, they stigmatized women’s dreams as ‘selfish desires’, judge women’s clothing. Mother-in-law is never concerned about other female of her family. Thus maternal health is lacking.
    And obviously we are not forgetting the neighborhood aunties, always watching our actions, judging about going outside, with a guy, wearing shorts. Ya, we all have at least one of that kind.
    Even not only aunties, our modern teenage girl society is also following the hierarchy somehow. Body shaming, skin colour shaming, acquiscent dressing sense are just another form of upholding patriarchal norms that how men want to be women the most perfect show piece.
    Nonetheless. It’s our whole women society who are telling their girls how much inferior and weak they’re, how they should always endure the pain, how they need to manage in their marriage life. Today women are even afraid to consult and report about harassment. Being weak is not only the cause of course. Before each and every action, we have to think about what will people say or much specifically how other women’ll react if it’s consulted. Because we ourselves stigmatized this thought that she is always cause, always needs to be blamed.
    It’s often believed that women are the main spike in the way of women empowerment and sadly it’s true indeed. Women don’t prioritized their unity, they don’t support each other. That’s the main cause we are still lacking in.
    Though it’s good to say that this age is better than 19th or 18th century as women really come over to support atleast. But that social norms which are conceived among us unconsciously, we need to constraint that. There should be more female to female understanding and ww should uplift another girls to go forward.

    Manpreet Singh
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    With patriarchy set up in place and women are affected by it, patronizing them in various ways. However, many are of the opinion that some women are reinforcing misogynistic cultural values as they are passing them down to the next generation as well as functioning on the same basis.
    It’s a mere fallacy to believe that the world is moving towards equality. It is an ongoing fight and we have definitely come a long way. But it is often forgotten that the patriarchy was manifested and developed as a result of a countries long process, it can’t be broken overnight.
    Some women uphold the patriarchy as a result of being influenced by their culture. In some cultures, the ideology is based on the fact that sons are being given the upper hand and thus, expecting the same treatment when facing the real world. These norms need to be broken. It won’t just take women fighting for equality but also the natural change in men’s mentality to accept an environment of equal rights without being threatened by the other gender. I believe that each generation brings its own force to break the cycle. In conclusion, I believe to generalize women in whether they uphold or are disembarking patriarchy isn’t right.
    Women have definitely been marginalized in this patriarchal system and partially it is because women used to the culture and traditions that hold them back from speaking against the system. However, in today’s day and age with the spread of education and information at large, across the world, I don’t feel that women are completely responsible for maintaining the patriarchy system or dissolving it.
    After all, it is a system based on men holding the power while women are excluded from it. The men of today play a major role in maintaining the balance of the world’s societal system where their voice would hold more value and relevance in speaking for the balance of rights and power in society between both genders.

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    In the pre- Vedic and Vedic ages, women and girls had equal right to education and choosing their own profession. Women worked alongside men and contributed to the household. Hence, a steady and peaceful balance was observed in that society. Post- Vedic society, however, started getting highly rigid and differentiated based on Varna, Jati and gender. A vertical hierarchy was observed where women did not hold a high status- in fact, they were symbols of misfortune and past misdeeds in the patriarchal society. Women were first the property of their fathers, and after marriage, of their husband. This classification and division of society led women and men both to place immense significance on housework, worship, and submissiveness.

    Skip to the modern world, the deeply ingrained thought that the worth of women is solely in their service to men, has been rigid and very difficult to change. Throughout the generations, all women and girls are told the same thing- to train themselves to be good wives and mothers and daughter- in- laws. There is a certain amount of safety in having our lives mapped out for us- and women tend to take this road because if they deviate, society will not accept them. This view has been changing since the past few decades where women are taking long and brave strides to improve themselves and their situations through education. Only through education and true empowerment can women be made to realize that they are independent beings and masters of themselves.

    Everybody who has grown up in a certain system grows up to justify it, it is just human nature. It takes time, courage, and efforts to recognize and accept the flaws and take conscious steps towards improving it. I this case, the tradition of patriarchy has been age- old and would need systematic efforts to uproot it’s evils.

    Yash Tiwari
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    The extent to which women play a role in upholding patriarchy is an area of debate. Many feminist scholars believe that women help to perpetuate patriarchal power structures, while many others do not. I think it’s true that women can play a role in upholding patriarchy, just as men can. But I don’t agree with the premise that, patriarchy is in place and women around the world are affected by it or that these women are somehow marginalized in various ways. Defining patriarchy as it typically is a form of social organization in which fathers or elder males are the heads of household and one or more wives.

    The above-stated points can be said about the issue of women’s rights. It’s often portrayed that women are oppressed by the patriarchy and this is a mere fantasy to believe that we live in a world of equality. This essay aims to explore how patriarchy has been integrated into society and how this affects our everyday lives, providing argumentation that challenging men’s authority in the public sphere is important to achieve equality. There is a common perception that women are the ones who uphold the patriarchy.

    In many parts of the world even today, women are expected to act in a certain way – they’re supposed to be submissive, soft-spoken, caring givers. We live in an image-driven world; it’s necessary to look beautiful and pleasant to be accepted by society. Some people even go as far as to say that men in today’s world can’t be able to break free from the so-called ‘oppressive patriarchal society and be seen as ‘equal’ or just be seen as a human being.
    While this may sound like a societal problem, women are also affected in their ways by the male-dominant culture. This is because most of them are taught to be dependent on their male counterparts. Words like ‘delicate’, ‘fragile’, and ’emotional’ are associated with females which make them feel they need men for protection and thus, cooperate with the gender role given by our society. Women’s way of thinking puts them at a disadvantage as they feel they cannot prove themselves.

    It all depends on how we define women. Not all women want to be a housewife or homemaker. It has always been associated with patriarchy that women are lesser than men, and that she upholds the patriarchy. I believe it all evolves from childhood. Gender division in pre-schools is where this plays out in society with boys playing out typical boy games like cricket while girls sit and talk, read magazines and eat chocolates, etc. In conclusion, it’s wrong to generalize women in whether they uphold or are departing from patriarchy. It’s because not all women are raised the same, and as men, not all women think the same. Additionally, there are still some minor changes that need to happen for both men and women to be on equal grounds.

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    Yes, women do play a role in upholding the patriarchy. Some women still follow patriarchal norms because they feel that it is the standard.
    We have seen it everywhere: Women enforcing gender roles because that is what they’re used to. For example, women are supposed to be quiet and polite individuals according to the gender roles given to us. Sadly, women themselves push this stereotype on us and make it seem as if anything else is abnormal. Women are taught to be submissive and if they see a woman who isn’t like that, they think less of them.
    Women are subject to unnecessary comments not only from men but also from women. They comment on how she acts, how she carries herself and how she dresses. It is cruel that they are subject to these type of comments from their own kind.
    In rape cases, I’ve heard of women asking why she was out so late and what she was wearing. All of that is useless. Men should stop having these attitudes. Some mothers baby their sons and think they can do no wrong, even defending their child when they’re the perpetrator of a crime saying that the girl must have provoked him or that he was falsely accused. They never hold their sons accountable. They never correct their sons when they’re wrong and this is wrong because as a parent, you must correct your child when they’re wrong so that they do not repeat the mistake or do something even worse in the future. Some women are tough with their daughters-in-law and will scrutinize everything about them because they have to be the perfect wife to their son.
    We should understand that as women we should all join hands, educate others and help abolish patriarchy. If we contribute to patriarchy while being women ourselves, it will be a long time before we can be seen as equals.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy?
    Patriarchy has been prevalent in our society since centuries together. It clearly declares the male gender as the superior gender. In such circumstances, women cannot get hold of their rights and cannot exercise them either. In my opinion, women are somewhat involved in the same. Women do play a role in upholding patriarchy. A crime is a criminal’s job to deal with, but even those who are partially involved in it for not raising a voice against it, have to be held responsible. Although patriarchy is not a crime as such, it does not even serve to be helping the society in any means.
    Women are the office bearers of the households. It is absolutely in their hands and under their control to if not curb patriarchy then at least minimize it to some extent. Where we lag, is at the social barrier between the two genders which some women do not see in actual, and end up supporting it blindly for their husbands and sons are the ones who the power comes to, eventually. Just to glorify one’s family’s purpose, or to experience one’s family’s state and condition in power, one cannot put on stake an entire part of the human population. One cannot go to the extent of putting a question mark on the existence of women, for one’s selfish means and purposes.
    Why in a family, is it required for a daughter to take permission from her parents before even making a phone call to a friend whereas the son can ride his motorbike and go wherever he wants to? Why are their restraints on a girl to come back home from work before dusk while a boy can go on loitering about even though it is not needed? Why a girl’s brother is always allowed to be violent with his sister if she makes a mistake and why is a daughter taught how to handle a family household rather than aiming and dreaming big? Is it not a woman’s or a mother’s responsibility to fit in these basic etiquettes or protocols in the minds of young children so that they remain etched in their brains even after they grow up? Every disease needs to be diagnosed at the base of it and it needs to be curbed at it’s very glass root level in order to prevent it from infecting the entire body. The day women understand that it is not only their need but their duty to respect and support other women in order to overcome the faulty practices of the society against women, women will not only be able to exist in the society, but also live and make a difference to the world.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    simran arora
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    It’s a sad reality, but yes, women do play a role in upholding patriarchy. After years of practicing patriarchy, women have either accustomed themselves to follow the practice or the men in their community force them to follow the rules. When these women face different values in the world, they tend to suppress the people around them with what they learned in their households, which makes them partially responsible. However, this is the place where problems begin. As they have learned to abide by these rules, they pass the same to upcoming generations, and the idea of reinforcement becomes a little challenging. Not to forget, education has made things better, but there is a long way to go ahead and improve the suggestion.

    In rural regions, many practices find abode in the patriarchal idea and hierarchy. Some people do not negotiate in the promotion of educating a girl child, and other people have complete control over men, especially in their profession.

    Many women are set to believe that they are inferior to men. That is why they continue to practice misogynist values. Such actions are sexist and toxic to all genders in society. Like it goes for men, some women also play along with patriarchy for comfort and protection.

    Lastly, women play a role in upholding patriarchy is by refusing to change or participating in a revolution. And the worst part is, education might have taught them something, but still, they refuse to change. It is like a habit; the longer you stay, the harder it gets to leave. We are still far away from not forcing misogynist ideas on our children, especially until gender inequality continues to play a role.

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    Frightfully, since their birth girls are taught to obey men, live for their choices, marry them and make them happy by all means. Women are taught that it’s their duty to serve men and their family and women on the other hand works under a man’s guidance because of what they’re taught and what they believe is that it’s their duty to respect what a man says. So yes women do play a role in upholding patriarchy. Women today are modern enough to follow their own dreams and career paths but until now many of them believe that their husbands have the right to choose whether they can follow their career or not, women are still not free enough to make choices for their own without a man’s consent. This is a horrifying truth of our society, mostly in rural areas, women think that it’s their duty to let their men do anything and they have to muggle it up all by themselves, even if anyone tries to stand against the people who hurt women, some women are against letting anyone point their men, this is how the mindset of some women have been destroyed to bear all the pain this patriarchal society gives them.
    Change can be bought only when they’re ready to change their mindset or else the society will keep crushing a woman’s dream in every way possible.

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    Yes, in some ways a woman’s play a role in hair patriarchy.
    This is a saddest truth of the society that a woman itself all the rights and responsibility to the man and work on his decision. No one gives our right we have to fight for our rights, responsibility and power. But women don’t do that. Man has control and right because we have given it to him.
    A woman does it by asking man, whether she does or not. Then, whether they do it on their own or under pressure. Many women have such a mind-set that if they have to lift heavy goods, then man can only do this work, it is not her cup-of-tea . Many women start saying to their girls from childhood that you do not talk much, you will come forward from house chores, do not argue more. Her is your father, you cannot argue with him, you should not talk to them like this, tell me what you want to say, but you cannot talk to your father like this. I am not saying that we should talk to our father in a bad way, but we should talk to our father and mother both in the same way, we should respect them in the same way, both are older than us, one has given us life, one is responsible for bringing us into this world . So, both should be treated in the same way .Many women refuse their girls to wear shorts in front of her father, they believe that she should not wear such clothes in front of the father because he is her father bigger than her, then She should not do so. Oaky let’s get dressed how you like but how can we wear those clothes in front mother, which we cannot wear in front of the father? Is it right? A woman always tell her child that if you want to be happy in marriage, do not speak more than the husband , always accept what he says , as he is your well-wishers this is the thing that promotes man empowerment in wrong way. This is the thinking that a woman has transferred to her future generation and from here she promotes patriarchy.
    There are some women of society who comment on a girl clothes “how will she wear the clothes of the boys” and “wear short clothes, see her a blouse ” these few women who comment on a girl and become enemies of the girls themselves. And if a girl wants to hang out with a man more than girls, then they would also start commenting on her that she has started living with boy’s a lot nowadays. Girls are commenting on other girls, it’s in the 20th century they are still doing so .
    In this Morden era , a woman has become an enemy of a woman, a woman who wants to be something, wants to say something, her mother or in-law prevents her from doing that . And just says “you cannot do this, you are a girl, it does not suit you” women’s are not even getting the support from the other women’s . Many of the women demotivated other women.

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