avanti replied to the topic Impact of gender discrimination on a Woman's Mental Health in the forum Mental Health 3 years, 8 months ago
Any form of sustained stimulus is proven to cause changes in brain chemistry and form; this applies to any and every stimulus present around us and is responsible for certain conditioning. The type of conditioning that happens is largely responsible for creating memories and opportunities which decide the kind of life a person lives. Continuous…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic When a man cooks food it is called as an Art but when a woman cooks food it is called as her Duty. Why? in the forum Gender Justice 3 years, 8 months ago
When a child turns five, he starts learning gender roles taught and accepted by society, conforming to them, and receiving reward. This usually conditions children to not deviate from the norms as they arrange themselves in society with conformance with these gender roles. They include things like boys playing with trucks and girls playing with…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Why are women so emotional? in the forum General Discussions 3 years, 8 months ago
Since the dawn of society, femininity and emotions are viewed as weak, and thus women were labeled as the weaker sex. Now being emotional is very easily equated with women. However, we fail to acknowledge that anger is also an emotion which is displayed widely by men, but since it is deemed as a ‘masculine trait’ it is very easily accepted as bei…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Should Motherhood Be A Choice? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Since time immemorial, a woman is thought to be a father’s possession before marriage, and a husband’s after marriage; we see this written in the Manu Smriti as well, the Indian Hindu code of law. So basically, women are not thought to have any autonomy culturally speaking, despite the legal framework. This thought process is what makes women sub…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Why does society place greater onus on mothers in raising children? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Throughout the many years, psychologists have examined the roles of fathers in parenting and development of the child. According to Youn-Soo Roh and Sonam Yang (2013), “actors of role awareness and role action are mutually complementary as a whole, and father’s role awareness is regarded as an important variable of parenting participation (Son and…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Is menstrual education a major concern? in the forum Reproductive Health & Rights 3 years, 8 months ago
Since the dawn of society as we know it, the topic of menstruation has gone through many phases. Women being worshipped while they are menstruating to women being isolated and treated with contempt. What is common in between these phases is the fact that all of it was based on misinformation or lack of proper biological knowledge. This not only…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic When attempting to create a more harmonious society, gender is a more important factor than class or income. in the forum Gender Justice 3 years, 8 months ago
In any basic society, there are many divisions and sub- divisions: the basis for this division my differ from region to region. In India, society used to be divided according the varna, then the jati or the occupational category for a person; within this division women were always the lesser gender. This sort of division has proved to be very…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Female actresses should not use their femininity for promotion. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Since ages, femininity has been equated with weakness no matter who portrays it. This has its roots in our patriarchal society which places more importance on men and hence values ‘masculine’ traits more. Because of this, all girls go through a phase where the hate the so- called feminine actions like hating pink, glamour and wearing boyish clo…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Mansplaining and its effect on women. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Mansplaining is when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending undertone assuming that he knows more about the subject even if it is related to women. Examples of it can be seen in our daily lives in careless statements like, “Stop whining so much, period cramps don’t even hurt,” or “Let me tell you how to cook this dish properl…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
In the pre- Vedic and Vedic ages, women and girls had equal right to education and choosing their own profession. Women worked alongside men and contributed to the household. Hence, a steady and peaceful balance was observed in that society. Post- Vedic society, however, started getting highly rigid and differentiated based on Varna, Jati and…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Why is homosexuality against Indian culture? in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 3 years, 8 months ago
Indian culture and history is long and extremely vast: but it is a culture known to be accepting and inclusive. Homosexuality is considered to be a modern fad, but that is nothing but a misunderstanding. Since 2nd Century in India, there are mentions of the Tritiya Prakriti, or the third sex. This group of people consisted of men and women who…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Toys should be gender neutral in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
At birth, a child is assigned a sex identity- male or female. Sex identity is a biological concept and is related purely to one’s physiology. Gender, as seen in today’s world, is a much more fluid and personal concept. A gander identity is one’s own personal experience and expression influenced by multiple internal as well as external facto…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Women empowerment, reality or still a dream? in the forum Gender Justice 3 years, 8 months ago
Emancipation of women can be traced back to the European Industrial Revolution, when for the first time with the rise of factories women could work due to the large demand of workforce and men at war. Earning a living gave women a sense of independence and allowed them to be self- sufficient. It has since then been many decades and now working…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Debate: How Women Can Become Good Leaders? in the forum Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership 3 years, 8 months ago
A leader is defined as a person who is in charge of a group or a situation. Leaders can be seen as dynamic personality in almost every walks of life. An able leader is aware of their group’s strengths and weaknesses and knows how to utilize them efficiently. To become a leader, one needs opportunities. Even in today’s ‘progressive’ world, men can…[Read more]
avanti replied to the topic Gender Stereotypes contribute to Misogyny. What do you think of this? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Gender Stereotypes mean to make generalized assumptions about certain genders and to view certain roles being attached to certain genders. A few examples of this can be views such as “Women are bad drivers,” or “crying is weak and feminine,” and even “Fighting is masculine.” Gender stereotyping emerges from centuries of gender roles and patriar…[Read more]
avanti changed their profile picture 3 years, 8 months ago
avanti replied to the topic What do you think about changing of portrayal of women in Bollywood? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 8 months ago
Bollywood movies have since their dawn played an important role in shaping trends and popular practices among the folks of India, particularly the youth. But these movies often reflect a collective mindset of the people in their times. Hence, with changing times the stories and characters keep evolving.
In old hits like Sita Aur Geeta (1972) or…[Read more] -
avanti replied to the topic Women Exploitation in Modern Society in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 9 months ago
Throughout the history of mankind, women have been the ‘lesser gender’, more so in the last century. Their role has been thought to be limited to nurturing, caregiving and serving; it can be said that the purpose of women was only to be child rearing objects. In recent history although the feminism movement has been taking big strides, the woes of…[Read more]
avanti became a registered member 3 years, 9 months ago