Aditi Sahu
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence in the forum Gender-based Violence 2 years, 10 months ago
1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence. Does this even sound surprising? Unfortunately no! This is not at all surprising in the current situation of the world. Women face all sorts of atrocities against them and the majority of these atrocities include violence in them.
Women have always faced society’s harmful mindset and it’s…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Do women play a role in upholding patriarchy? Absolutely yes! People of all genders have upheld the ideals of patriarchy for years even though they themselves might be a victim of it. Talking about women, yes women have contributed to patriarchy just like men, maybe not as much, but their contribution is significant enough to feel ashamed of the…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic The reservation of seats and jobs for women indicate that they are fragile? in the forum Gender Justice 2 years, 10 months ago
Uplifting someone so that they can be in the same position as the majority is not an indication of fragility in any way. Reservation is the government’s way of uplifting people who have been discriminated against in the past, reservation has nothing to do with a person’s physical or mental strength or their tolerance.
Women, who have faced…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Why are Indians against inter-community marriage? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
Indians have long believed that marriage should be between two people of “equal” social standing. The reasons they give are mostly baseless. The most famous one of which, is the belief that equal social standing in a society would lead to more compatibility and hence the less marital conflicts and adjustments. So this is basically why Indians…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Why there's only one day to celebrate women? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
Why there’s only one day to celebrate women? An important question indeed but a very complex one to answer. While our society has definitely learnt to pretend they care about women’s rights, they are seldom successful in proving it right. They go on making days where they”celebrate” women and their rights or the days where they celebrate “…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Pandemic worsen struggle for working women. in the forum Employment Opportunities 2 years, 10 months ago
Pandemic has worsened the struggle for working class, and the most affected group of working class would have to be working women. There are many women whose employment depends on the odd jobs offered at rich households, but the pandemic has made it difficult for them to get these types of jobs. Pandemic has mandated for the people to be…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic What do you think about changing of portrayal of women in Bollywood? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Media plays a huge role in shaping someone’s opinion, especially youth. And if today’s youth is influenced by something the most, it has to be Bollywood movies. Bollywood movies have been known to be very misogynistic and sexist by their very nature. They have been known to glorify toxic relationship traits and objectifying women’s bodies…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Is Self-Love necessary for Us? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
Self-love is absolute love for oneself, it doesn’t necessarily mean vanity or pride but it means the room to allow yourself to have utmost love and respect for yourself regardless of how you might act sometimes. In today’s world, people are bound to make mistakes and be wrong sometimes, but that doesn’t mean that they should spend their whole time…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Sexism in the Indian music industry in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Music has the power to influence the youth. And to see today’s music industry thriving on its sexist lyrics is just saddening, and Indian music industry probably stands on the top of it.
Sexism in music industry is not a new thing, you can listen to any old Bollywood song, and you’ll find how problematic a lot of lyrics are. So many lyrics are…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Beauty product are some way a source of discrimination? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Absolutely yes! Beauty products are the “beauty” industry’s way of saying that being pretty is a necessity. It’s the society’s way of telling an individual that they have to fit a certain definition of beauty to be treated with respect and dignity. Beauty products make individuals feel bad about the way they actually look and lead to the decrease…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Still the society try to prove a working mother irresponsible towards her child? in the forum Employment Opportunities 2 years, 10 months ago
It takes very little for our society to throw their stupid judgements around. And the ones who take worst of these judgements are of course, women. Women have been a subject of society’s irrelevant and senseless judgement from ages. One would think such things might be a thing of past now, but sadly that is not the case.
Working mothers, the term…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Should Motherhood Be A Choice? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Motherhood, or parenting for that matter, is a huge responsibility to take. So to simply answer the whether motherhood should be a choice, I’d say a big yes! Motherhood is a full-time job that a woman has to do without any sort of payment because obviously it can never be measured with money. It’s a task that demands too much of a woman’s energy,…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Why are Indian women expected to be 'homely'? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
Our society puts millions of unrealistic expectations upon women. A beautiful woman but who doesn’t have self-confidence because that could intimidate men. A smart woman but not smart enough to state her opinions. And an educated woman but not so much that she has a job, as she should be “homely”. Why exactly are Indian women expected to be…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Discrimination against girl child at home in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
A girl child is discriminated from the moment she is born. From the kind of things she is allowed to do, to the kind of things she is supposed to do, everything is decided for her against no regard to her mental and physical well-being. She is supposed to sit “modestly” and dress “modestly”. She is supposed to be hospitable from the young age. She…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic What Is Stopping Our Government From Criminalizing Marital Rape? in the forum Gender-based Violence 2 years, 11 months ago
Non-consensual sex within a marriage is termed as marital rape. Marital rape is criminalised in almost 150 countries till date—sadly India remains in the minority who hasn’t criminalised such a heinous act yet. It is really sad and appalling that we still have to discuss why a crime as serious as a rape is still legal in our country. But that’s j…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu started the topic Are we moving towards a society that isn't male-default? in the forum Gender Divide 2 years, 11 months ago
In our society, traditionally most of the roles are assumed to be a man’s. If someone is told to go visit a doctor, the image of doctor comes in their mind as a man in a white coat. Do you think we have made any progress in changing the society’s mindset of always assuming male to be the default?
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Still house chores are women’s duty. Why? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
Times have changed, a lot of women are doing paid jobs now. Be it women having their own beauty salons, or them working as managers of big corporations, the majority of women are now employed. Such a scenario would make you think, now that women are doing paid jobs just like men, men must be engaging in the household chores as that is an obvious…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Marriages often fail because…… in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 11 months ago
Do marriages often fail because men seek more power in a relationship? Absolutely yes! The patriarchal society has structured men’s minds to struggle for power and to be at the top everywhere, even when it comes at the expense of the stability of a relationship.
When it comes to the relation of marriage, it’s highly uncommon to find a marriage…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Men are better in sciences while women are better in the humanities. in the forum Women & New Roles 2 years, 11 months ago
“Men are better in sciences while women are better in the humanities”. This is such a disgusting stereotype and it honestly makes me sick at this point. It has already been known that these gender based stereotypes play a huge role in influencing the people on what career path they choose. So it is very disheartening to see that such stereotypes…[Read more]
Aditi Sahu replied to the topic Do Short Dresses define our Character? in the forum Feminism 2 years, 11 months ago
Character is a set of traits possessed by a person. Character is not something that can be altered or judged by a person’s external appearance. There are many people who judge women on the basis of the size of their, but that makes us question, can dresses be the basis for a judgement of someone’s character? Or more precisely, do short dresses…[Read more]
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