Category Archives: Poetry


कुछ इस तरह हमें खुद से मोहब्बत है, भूल कर दुनिया को दिल में ख्वाहिशों की एक शिद्दत है। भूल ना जाऊं मैं इस भीड़ में खुद को कहीं, कुछ इस तरह मुझे अपनी खुशियों में जीने की चाहत है। बिन वजह खुद को देखकर कभी कभी यूं मुस्कुराना, जिंदगी की समस्याओं के चक्कर में…

I am ‘Woman’!

I am moon for the dark, I am sun for the night, I am oxygen to the breath, I am carbon to plants, I am ambition to the failure, I am eager to the success, I am sunshine to the clouds, I am rain to the barren, I am snow to the mountains, Somewhere, I…

This war is till eternity.

We all have wars inside us Sometimes it threatens to destroy us And sometimes to keep us alive Passion running through veins Dreams fumbling thought processor Fire strolling inside us, Making our world enlightened. What if we die soon? Fear shudder the dreams though This war is till eternity Just sustain the glow of fire…

No Value

No value for her emotions. No value for her pain. No value for her tears. No value for her voice. No value for life. No value for the time she gives once for her loved one. No value for her Waiting who always waits for her husband, then turn up late or don’t home. No…

Who is she?

Who is she?” Standing reflective of very glass, Looking through as each tick peddles,tock pass. “Who’s she?” Blinking her fetish away, Jolted before sleeps again. “Who’s she?” Is she you? Elegance resides not on facial features Nit in clothes you snuggle up! Not of what you have. It’s all that reflect eyes, when with immateriality,…

Live Life Of Your Own

Ladies now have become so Strong and independent that, no Men can dare try to put them down. If they try to put down, She knows to Rise as a Strong Women. Keep Your head high and walk, don’t let fear overcome yourself. Make yourself so powerful that No Storm can shake You Down. Higher…

“This is #Me”

I may not be beautiful, but I am intelligent I may not be attractive, but I am strong I may not be lovable, but I am loyal I may not be charming, but I speak truth I may not be the needed, but I care I may not be rich, but I have a heart…