Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership COVID-19 Pandemic and the Role of Women

16 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
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    This year, International Women’s Day is being specially marked to highlight the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Theme for International Women’s Day 2021 “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” is the theme for this year’s Women’s Day.

    One thing which the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us is that when women lead, we see positive results. Some of the most efficient and successful responses to the COVID-19 pandemic were led by women. Can we achieve EQUAL FUTURE in the post-covid world?

    Piyu Radadiya
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    On last year because of pandemic there is all people at home. There is every businesses and all workshop are closed. But women are not free from work.

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    COVID-19 pandemic is very disturbing for all of us like everything get stopped but women at home they work 24/7 for there family. In this pandemic situation everyone work has stopped but women work gets double they has no vacation or no holiday. In this situation everyone work has stopped but women works as usually like always. Due to pandemic everyone gets frustrated and because of that every member of family gets argument for unnecessary. Working Women used to do office work also and household also they don’t get time for themselves. In this situation everyone gets to know about how women are strong they has no holiday they has to work, Cook food for everyone by seeing this it get realize how busy they are. As we also know there are female doctors who ready to fight this situation by leaving there small child at home alone and having distance when they comeback to home it so difficult to have distance with our child but they fight like a super heros.

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    In the situation of this Pandemic , we all are stuck at home .We feel homesick but a women always stay at home and cook food . When all the restaurants are closed, we keep asking the women to make something at home. We all sit and eat food, have chips, watch TV and the series, but think about that woman once .We make them work . We forget that the holidays are ours, our work is closed, but for the woman, every day is the same, for her, nothing was changed . She has to wake up in morning , make tea for everyone, to cook, to do all the other work of the house, to do laundry, to do all the work of the day, to make dinner, to make tea. Have you ever thought that you are able to do your work properly by sitting at home, you were able to study well from home, due to which this woman, who do all work , without stopping .
    In this pandemic , we are all going through some problem, but the real problem is in front of a woman’s. Specially for working women .With her office, she now has to watch the housework as well, a man and children have to see only their official work, but a woman has to see her home and children as well and send office work with less time . We all know how much the office workers have come and increased the work, now people have to do 10 to 5 full work, in spite of them they are being forced to work overtime, think of a woman, everyone got up to work in the morning. After that, she watches her office work and then watches her housework too, finishes work in the office for the next day and gets up early in the morning . We all know that at this time, every kind of precaution is necessary for all of us. Drinking hot water does not eat food that is bad for our health, if someone is ill, then take care of it and it is all a woman does. Not only that, those women who are nurse or inspector are not discharged from their work for months and months, they cannot go home, cannot meet their children and other family member.
    In India, the National Commission for Women received over 123 complaints of domestic violence and 370 calls between March 4th to 23rd .The pandemic has already derailed careers and dried up opportunities, and it will likely make it harder for women to re-join the workforce . WHO and the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (MOWECP) has announced comic and Illustration Competition. The competition, supported by the Government of Japan, highlights the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of women and girls in Indonesia .Total, 372 artworks were received from across the country, each portraying the participants of women in COVIDE -19 SITUATION . Some of the comments :- “The inspiration behind my drawing ‘Women Head of the Household’ is my mom who is a single parent, taking the role as a mother and the head of family,” said Lidya Permata ………Sari, a fresh university graduate and the winner among the 15-24 years category. “Women’s important roles at home and in the communities is a topic that is important to me. As a female illustrator, visualizing the reality faced by women is a way to support them as they are playing a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic.”……. these are the few comments of the people in that competition .
    A woman has played a very important role in this pandemic situation . We all should realise her importance and respect her .

    Yash Tiwari
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    Women – particularly the most marginalized among us – have an essential role to play in preventing this pandemic to a great extent. They are leaders in healthcare in their homes, their communities, and the public health system; they drive impact investing decisions for early detection and response; they are decision and change-makers; they are the heart of community and household decision making.

    However, gender inequalities make it harder for girls and women to stay healthy and prepare themselves and their families for any potential outbreak. And although the majority of people who fall ill during a pandemic are women, they often have less access to healthcare, and their needs are more often overlooked in the response. The transmission and spread of the virus, and the treatment of those impacted are distinctly gendered. Women are at the forefront of developing these policies, providing care for those affected, and participating in the global response as key partners. The outcome of this outbreak and its global response will have a lasting impact on gender equality around the world.

    The disproportionate impact of the current pandemic on women across multiple sectors from health to education to livelihoods and households is neither a coincidence nor a surprise. Women suffer disproportionately in virtually every disaster. Throughout recent history, they have suffered during earthquakes, tsunamis, floods—and now this global pandemic with its devastating impacts. The capacity of women and girls to save lives, to protect communities, and to build resilience is not a random nor a new phenomenon. Women have since early human history been the caregivers. They are in charge of passing on traditional knowledge, managing household food security, bearing children and raising them until they reach independence, and identifying dangers in the community. Women’s experience is a precious resource that can and has saved millions of lives.

    In the years since the emergence of COVID-19 as a disease, women have been participating in efforts to stem the spread of the outbreak and work toward a long-term solution. Women are playing a leadership role in domestic health, and I think it’s extremely important that stories about women and their ability to take leadership roles, mobilize their communities, to deliver health services. Some women are at risk of infection because they are healthcare workers, while others are caregivers who provide support to sick family members. Still, other women have been helping get the word out about how people can avoid infection.

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    Women’s duties or responsibilities are never-ending whether it’s her birthday or Mother’s Day or women’s day or whether she is sick, women always keep on working without complaining or demanding. It is women who combine empathy, logic, determination, dedication and keep on doing her duties, actually there no such duties type of things but still, she does it because she’s the one who can manage everything properly.
    We have a very live and actual example of situation i.e., Covid-19, the very crucial time which everyone is facing and going through, it was a time when everyone was at home for their own sake and others too. During that time all were just resting, trying new things, exploring themselves but women were the same, doing household like every day instead her work increased and so she tends to be taking more responsibilities, from making food for everyone to keeping a check on each family members health. And working women who would work from home had double duties that are of office and home too.
    Women are all-rounder, they can manage work, home, work as a caretaker, looks after each family member’s requirement. She worked without any break and without any complaint. For e.g. During these times, there was a trend to try making a new thing each day but the mess after that was cleaned by mothers or sisters, so women’s role was more crucial during this time too.

    Manpreet Singh
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    The rоle оf wоmen’s leаdershiр in resроnding tо СОVID-19 hаs been рhenоmenаl. Right frоm рreраring fоr mоre equitаble reсоvery, they hаve рrоvided а vitаl rоle in the fight аgаinst соvid-19. Асrоss the wоrld, wоmen hаve been аt the аuthоrity оf institutiоns саrrying оut effeсtive аnd inсlusive СОVID-19 resроnses, frоm the highest levels оf deсisiоn-mаking tо frоntline serviсe delivery.
    The раndemiс hаs shоwn thаt femаle leаdershiр аnd the wide-reасhing раrtiсiраtiоn оf wоmen’s rights оrgаnizаtiоns were essentiаl tо ensure thаt the needs оf wоmen аnd оther grоuрs in need аre рriоritized in the immediаte resроnse, аs well аs in reсоvery аnd resilienсe meаsures. Nоt оnly аt the sосiаl level, but the rоle оf the wоmen hаs аlsо been very сritiсаl аt the hоusehоld level beсаuse they аre nоw shаring the burden оf the finаnсiаl side оf the hоuse аs jоbs аre getting sсаrсe. The sрreаd оf the соrоnаvirus hаs shifted the соntext fоr wоmen’s раrtiсiраtiоn аnd leаdershiр in рubliс. The dаtа hаs shоwn thаt mоre men thаn wоmen аre dying frоm соvid-19. Heаlth wоrkers whо аre рredоminаntly wоmen fасe signifiсаnt risks асrоss the wоrld. Wоmen аre аlsо соnfrоnting inсreаses in dоmestiс viоlenсe, саre duties, unemрlоyment, аnd роverty. These imрасts hаve further wоrsened the existing sосiо-eсоnоmiс inequаlities аnd highlighted the need fоr gender-resроnsive роliсies, lаws, аnd budgets. Wоmen’s раrtiсiраtiоn in the resроnse аnd reсоvery рlаns is vitаl tо ensure their needs аre met. Their раrtiсiраtiоn hаs рrоven benefiсiаl in the design, imрlementаtiоn, аnd mоnitоring оf СОVID-19-relаted lаws, роliсies, аnd budgets аt аll levels оf deсisiоn-mаking: lосаl, nаtiоnаl, regiоnаl аnd internаtiоnаl.
    Sо it саn be соnсluded thаt the wоmen раrtiсiраtiоn in the whоle соvid-19 fight hаs рrоved tо be оf greаt imроtenсe аnd their rоle hаs been а vitаl оne.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    The situation was already worst and this unprecedented situation has made it more unbearable for women’s society. The impact of the crisis was not gender-neutral. It has worsened the gender-poverty gap. According to the studies, more than 25% of the self-employment women have already lost their jobs and many more are still at the risk.
    Studies also say that more male death in covid-19 has really affected married couple and adversely affected children’s future.
    Covid-19 also increases domestic violence against women 30% of India experience physical violence. It has even increased rape cases in a rural areas after the migration of people due to lockdown. It has even increased unwanted pregnancy due to a lack of protective gear.
    But many women were playing an important role such as covid-warriors, serving food to people, delivering essential items, sweeping and cleaning roads and public places, even on the office posting (IAS, IPS, IRS, etc), and many more behind the screen.
    Albeit we have seen that many patients ill-treated them. This was a shame. They are fighting with this cruel situation neglecting their life and their family and helping others to recover well.
    We have also seen that the women were working all day and night even in unpaid jobs. Taking care of children, cooking, washing, etc this has adversely affected women’s health. . Covid-19 situation also leads to a digital divide, and girls were not able to study due to house chores.

    Because of lack of financial stability women were not having proper diet and medication. As our nation needs to prioritize to build future back strong our government has to launch the scheme. In support of women. Re-skill women, this will give social and economic strength. This year’s international women’s day theme was ‘ women in leadership’ so achieving leadership. We need to provide initiative through which we can fill the gap of disequilibrium in the society

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    In the covid period maybe we all have got some free time except women she has to go through the slot and they have to work 24×7.right from Making morning tea and to dinner, also house help it got more difficult, they also have to sanitize everything. Also, there was a lot of t cases of domestic violence and harassment was happening to women. They were doing their office and also managing housework. I think men should also help the women in house help, women will also feel supported. even some are frontline warriors they can’t meet their family for a long time, and single women face a slot of financial difficulty during lockdown there saving got used and the situation is still is not control, companies are removing women as first priority. Pregnant women during delivery of the baby and going for has to take care a lot and there was also news some women had a miscarriage. Some women got free time to follow their passion like cooking, dancing, and painting, singing. Women who had planned their dream wedding were not possible every woman had their own struggle in a pandemic. No matter how tired they are they always never show in front of others, they fight all in silence. I hope government creates new opportunities for women.

    Mayuravarshini Mohana
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    The pandemic is a testing time for global leadership and disaster management. While heads of several countries still grapple with the issue, women continue to make dynamic contributions towards controlling the crisis at global, national and local levels. At this juncture we see the world finally noticing the true potential of women as leaders. A study by Garikipati and Kambhampati found that countries led by women exhibited better Covid management and produced systemically better outcomes. These include countries like Denmark, Iceland, Finland, New Zealand, Slovakia and Germany where women are head of state. Wittenberg-Cox, CEO of 20-first, a consultancy service on global gender balance, notices a common thread of trust, tech, love and decisiveness among women leaders during Covid management. Their authenticity and inclusive approach worked magic in reining in the Covid mayhem.

    Apart from the administrative sector, the pandemic also saw women take charge at the grassroots. The tireless contribution of workers like aagewans and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) has been recognised globally. They have played a crucial role in propagating awareness and controlling the spread of the virus at the rural level.

    While focus largely remains on healthcare and sanitation, many women professionals and entrepreneurs have taken affirmative action in addressing concomitant issues that arise out of a global crisis as the pandemic. Sharon Mathew, an environmental lawyer, found people losing access to healthcare and other resources owing to a lack of awareness of legal rights. A colleague’s landlord had lost his life since a hospital wouldn’t provide timely treatment without a positive RC-PTR report. The landlord was unaware of his essential right to medical assistance. So she started COVIDRights, a website where people can reach out to lawyers for pro-bono advice. Over the course of time, the website has helped assist people with a wide range of pandemic-sprung legal issues such as compelled payment of tuition fee.

    The pandemic has clearly proved that the active involvement of women will catalyse holistic betterment of societies. Mckinsey Global Institute’s economic modelling shows that achieving women’s equality could add trillions of dollars to global growth, even in countries with fewer resources. It could also drastically improve quality of living on a global level. When women are at the helm, there is a striking increase in policy making, and advancement of overall growth and social equality. That said, at present only 7% of world leaders are women.

    The pre-pandemic era exposed a blatant gender gap which has only widened further during the pandemic. Despite the proven proactive leadership of women, the glass ceiling is only thickening. The prevalent patriarchal dogmas and stereotypes make it harder for women to access the upper echelons of administration. In fact, the pandemic has only reversed the progress made by feminist struggles. The rise in violence against women and loss of economic power, education and autonomy, portends the regression of our society to stringent patriarchy.

    To reinvigorate the course of feminist progress, initiatives are being taken to advance gender equality. Countries like New Zealand, Slovakia and Germany stand testimony to the mammoth potential of women, and the world has finally taken note of it. In this light, the Global Gender Equality Forum scheduled for 30 June to 2 July (2021), Paris will potentially be a landmark event towards furthering gender equality. With joint constructive steps and affirmative action, a gender equal future is not far from our grasp.

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