DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton contribute to the women's rights movement? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was writer, abolitionist, women’s rights activist and suffragist. During 1800s in the U.S. she was the leader of the women’s rights movement. In 1848, The first women’s rights convention was the Seneca Falls Convention she was the main strength behind this convention. And She is best known for writing the declaration of se…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Examples of patriarchy in the workplace in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Patriarchy is something that man holds more power than women in every way whether it can be in leadership, home or social advantage. Patriarchy are seen in many ways everyday but mostly it happens at workplace between men and women.
Now let us see, Example of patriarchy in the workplace as following:
1.Hiring: we all know that, In many companies…[
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Does fat shaming help people lose weight? in the forum General Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
Fat shaming means people judge, discriminate and harass overweight person. Fat shaming is something that the person will get depressed due to Fat shaming one cannot help people to lose their weight. In today’s generation, there are many people who does fat shaming which is very wrong they need to understand that one may suffer from stress, d…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Examples of Patriarchy in Everyday Life in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Patriarchy means society gives more priority of power to men than women like in family women are asked to do household chores and take care of the child whereas men will be the head of the family and hold control over women and kids. In our society everyday in someway it happens that men and women are not treated equally.
Let us see, some…[
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic How does feminism help us understand society in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Feminism is basically aims that women should have equal rights, equal opportunities and equal treatment like men and it is political, social and economic equality and movements between both the sexes. Feminism helps us to understand that how women don’t have equal rights and equal opportunities like both men and women are not treated equally in o…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic What contribution did Betty Friedan make to the movement for women's rights? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Betty Friedan was an feminist writer and activist who fights for women’s equal rights and women’s movement. Betty Friedan is known for her book called as The Feminine Mystique which was published in 1963. She has contributed in women’s movement where, she helped women’s to have right to vote in 20th century. Betty Friedan was the first preside…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic You Have the Right to Remain Fat – Virgie Tovar in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
You have the right to remain fat is a book which is written by Virgie Tovar who is an author, activist and gives lecturers on body image and fat discrimination. In today’s today’s generation, many people wants to lose weight because it has become mindset in our society that being slim makes you look beautiful, due to which people gets inf…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Why fat is truly a feminist issue in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Fat is truly a feminist issue because in our society people offend judge the person by their body shape, size and also by the skin tone. Feminism is all about serving equality for all the genders and in that activist are raising their voice against fat feminist issue and trying to make people understand that fat people should be treated equally…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic The persistent problem of the male gaze. in the forum Gender-based Violence 3 years, 6 months ago
Male gaze is like impossible to stop, we can see that male gaze appears in movies, short film’s and advertisements. The way man sees constantly that makes women uncomfortable. At college, workplace and other places women also go through from body shaming. In today’s generation there are people who say to men and women (if they are healthy) “YO…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic How did Frida Kahlo impact the feminist movement? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Frida Kahlo is known for painting like portraits, self-portraits that has the strong and positive message towards society. She was an Mexican Painter born in 1907 her works is inspired by the nature and artifacts of the Mexico and paintings of Frida Kahlo was very incredible which shows that how people are suffering from class, gender,…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Impact of feminism on society in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Feminism has positive impact on our society where the phases of feminism are seen by raising their voice against wrong and for equal rights. Through women’s suffrage movement which was the fight for the rights of women for vote due to which women got right to vote in elections which helps them to have equal rights like men. Phases of Feminism h…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic What is Bell Hooks famous for? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Bell hooks is the pen name of Gloria Jean Watkins who is an American author and social activist. The name bell hooks is taken from her maternal great-grandmother known as Bell Blair Hooks. The focus of the bell hooks writing is on gender, class, sexual identity and race. Bell hooks is known for opposition gaze. She has written many articles,…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic What are the methods through which toxic masculinity is propagated? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Toxic masculinity means men are asked to behave in a certain way which people are following from old times like men need to be strong, they can’t express their emotions, they are aggressive, etc. This all things men need to follow under the society cultural and norms pressure. The cause of the toxic masculinity is the traditional stereotypes of m…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic The patriarchy that female sportspersons face. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Patriarchy means men has the power over women and they get the priorities to have opportunities than females. We all know that female sportspersons face many problems than male because it has seen that opportunities and priority are given to male sportspersons and they overruled it towards female. In family, the head is mostly male who gives…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Is the male gaze still relevant? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Male Gaze is important topic nowadays, especially in india due to the mindset of the people like they think that if women wear short & tight clothes she will get in trouble like harassment, kidnap or rape but they don’t think that if man stop seeing like that than their will be no problem wearing short clothes, this are the main reason behind the…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Decriminalization of Section 377 IPC in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 3 years, 6 months ago
In 1861, There was the british rule of india were section 377 IPC of the indian penal code was introduced, whereas in 1533 the Buggery Act makes the sexual activities illegal. In 2018, on 6 September Supreme Court announced the decriminalization of section 377 IPC through which LGBTQ community will no more called as crime in india. There was many…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Men are better in sciences while women are better in the humanities. in the forum Women & New Roles 3 years, 6 months ago
No, It is not like that men are better in science and women are better in Humanities instead both men and women are equally better in both science and humanities. It is just that our society has set the professions or particular fields between men and women which leads to inequality. We all know that in today’s world, women are their in science w…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Fairy Tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty have women as passive characters… in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
From old times onwards till today’s generation, stories like fairy tales and sleeping beauty are very popular that parents used to tell their children. And children perspective, thinking and mindset creates from stories and thoughts they used to listen from their parents and teachers. Stories like fairy tales and sleeping beauty these s…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic Misogynistic Memes – Aggression & Sexism on Social Media in the forum Gender-based Violence 3 years, 6 months ago
In today’s world social media is separated into different section like some people support sexism & on the other side, some people teach what is sexism, many take it as a sarcasm while other take it serious. Anger, hatred, sexism….. are basically normal on social but it is serious because it is increasing day by day on social media, anybody can…[Read more]
DISHA SAPKALE replied to the topic How automation can help reduce women's workload at home? in the forum General Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
Automation is something that helps to reduce work for human. Automation helps in various ways like machinery, ovens, telephone, vehicles and many web applications or any other applications. Automation helps to reduce the workload of women in many ways like in household and office work. As we all know that, in this pandemic situation workload of…[Read more]
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