PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic What is Bell Hooks famous for? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 4 months ago
Gloria Jean Watkins was her real name but she became known and famous by her pen name is bell hooks, bell hook was an activist, and a scholar who examined race, gender, and class, she also studied black women’s and things related, she also formed a support group for the black people which she named as sisters of yam after some years she also u…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic What contribution did Betty Friedan make to the movement for women's rights? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Betty Freidan is the journalist, author and obviously an activist, one of the important face of feminist, she was one of the early leaders of movement women’s right they, she is the co-founder of the National Organization for women, she is recognized as best selling author for her book feminine mystique which was a voice for millions of A…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic How to Support Trans Person Experiencing Body Dysphoria in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 3 years, 6 months ago
Dysphoria is the sense of unhappiness, feeling sad, stress anxiety well dysphoria is not a mental health issue but it cannot take care of this feeling it may take a toll mental health of the person, signs of this are emotional breakdown, loss of appetite, sleeping issues, so transgender go through these a lot because they are always humiliated by…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Examples of patriarchy in religion in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Patriarchal notions are followed in religion I would say in every religion it is followed, which limits women to be part of religious rituals, for example we have seen when women are on menstruation they are not allowed to go to temples, because and this norm is been followed from years now this is the teaching of patriarchy. Women cannot be the…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton contribute to the women's rights movement? in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Elizabeth cady is one of the known and famous women who have fought in the early women rights movement and she began in the year 1805, she is known for her efforts in the declaration of sentiments for Seneca falls she began this movement in the USA, Elizabeth cady Stanton throughout her life working for upgrading the status of women and providing…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Examples of patriarchy in the workplace in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Patriarchy is basically referring to a social system where male holds the power and they kind of dominate in the role of leadership and authority, social privilege and right of property, in this system women, are shown as the weaker sex, there is not one country in the world that have absolute equality in gender. so, examples of patriarchy at the…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Does fat shaming help people lose weight? in the forum General Discussions 3 years, 6 months ago
I totally disagree with the thought that fat-shaming helps people to lose weight. Fat shaming is very harmful to health. It is very thought who think they have lose weight from fat-shaming they are doing torturing their body, losing fat is healthy for the body but you have to decide what is the reason behind losing fat you don’t have because s…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Story of Malala Yousafzai in the forum Women & New Roles 3 years, 6 months ago
Malala Yousuf Zai
Well, I think all women in this world need to listen to their struggles, their firmness of purpose and eagerness to get educated also to give education right to every woman in this world.
“When the whole world silence, even the one voice becomes powerful,” Malala said in her biography. Every woman, the girl has her own fight and…[Read more] -
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Why fat is truly a feminist issue in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Honestly earlier never knew that fat is also a feminist issue, so basically feminism is raising your voice against inequality in society, patriarchy teaches that women cannot look fat, being fat is considered a big problem in society, so people who are fat have an experience that they have treated in a very different way. They are always judged by…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic You Have the Right to Remain Fat – Virgie Tovar in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
You have a right to remain fat is basically a book written by feminist author Virgie Tovar. This book is available online sites one buys it its really a good self-help book with nice ratings, Virgie Tovar always wanted her body to be when she was in her teenage so she kept on being diet when she was very young by dieting and she has constant…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic What are the methods through which toxic masculinity is propagated? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
Masculinity means is one of the attributes of man, in simple showing manhood with pride in the society it becomes toxic when there is no need of showing masculinity for just sake of being able to birth as man, people have very wrong stereotypes of man, man is strong, they can dominate the society, they are the support system of the family, a real…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Nonbinary Women : What Does It Mean? in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 3 years, 6 months ago
Nonbinary can mean different things to different people, non-binary is basically a person who is not exclusively a male or female, if someone opens up to you about what gender is you should ask what is meaning of non-binary is for some people, they experience their gender as a male and female. Very few people come out as non-binary. Nonbinary…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Is the male gaze still relevant? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
The male gaze refers to the ways of portraying and gazing at the women that permits men for sexualizing and diminishing the women, we know biologically we feel attracted towards the opposite sex, male gaze tries to change the natural urge and turns the women into a passive item and treating them as an object. So, the term male gaze gains…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Gloria Steinem on the role of women of color in the suffrage movement in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Gloria Steinem is an American feminist from five decades she was a second-wave feminist, she contributed a lot to the role of women of color in the suffrage movement. The suffrage movements were basically a decades-long fight for getting women’s voting rights in the united states of America. Gloria Steinem has always raised their voice for black w…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Impact of feminism on society in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Feminism is one of the historic movements for getting liberty and equal rights for every human being. Feminism has a positive impact on society. feminism put a light on gender status and get the right values and they got women voting right election. They raise questions against the patriarchy and beliefs which are forced on women to follow. they…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Fairy Tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty have women as passive characters… in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 3 years, 6 months ago
I have grown by listen and watching all the beautiful fairy tales stories, they have very beautifully presented the story of Cinderella, Rapunzel and snow-white many more such princesses, when you are a child your brain is functioned to believes what are you see you tend to believe its real for instance it is shown that women are very beautiful…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Cyberfeminism and networked feminism in the forum Feminism 3 years, 6 months ago
Cyberfeminism is a feminist ideology that can be seen in cyberspace or we can say internet cyberfeminism this approach started after the waves first few waves of feminism, but cyberfeminism had seen the positive impact a lot of people get connected their thoughts and views made the feminist community stronger and more liberal. Cyberfeminism…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Decriminalization of Section 377 IPC in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 3 years, 6 months ago
The decriminalization of section 377 was a very thoughtful step was taken by the Indian judiciary system. Indian penal code that was drafted in the mid-nineteenth century imposes certain restrictions on the LGBTQ community, the section 377 earlier stated that is an unnatural offense it criminalizes says whoever voluntary has carnal intercourse…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic The status of menstrual leave policy in India in the forum Employment Opportunities 3 years, 6 months ago
Menstrual leave is the leave which is taken by the women when they are on periods which is paid or can be unpaid it depends on person to person, all women menstruate once a month. During first four days of week women faces immense pain cramp nausea, cramps, and body ache she is not able to focus anything but still, they have to come for work…[Read more]
PALAK KASHIV replied to the topic Does our country have an effective system in place to address teenage pregnancies? in the forum Reproductive Health & Rights 3 years, 6 months ago
We require a more effective system to address teenage pregnancy government and private hospitals need to take some effective steps regarding this. the teenage pregnancy can be very complicated and not easy, even a girl has the pressure how will everybody react and how would she manage everything, mostly teenage pregnancy is unplanned. Even if a…[Read more]
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