Samriti Sharma
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Save Water, Save Future in the forum Water & Sanitation 2 years, 10 months ago
Water undoubtedly is one of the most precious element of the earth. And accordingly there arises a need to save water and thus save the environment as a whole. Water basically is the source of life on earth, that should be preserved. All human activities are basically dependent on water for almost all the primary activities.
Many programs and…[
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Why are Indian women expected to be 'homely'? in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
House and Family like why do we want women’s lives to be confined in these two things only. In every household in India when a girl enters her teenage she’s taught various household work just with the same intention of helping her to understand her basic duty.
Her career choices can be kept on hold but not her responsibility towards home. She is…[Read more] -
Samriti Sharma started the topic Right to non disclose the identity of victims in the forum Rights & Laws 2 years, 10 months ago
As a citizen of the nation we should be well aware with certain rules and laws that are made or enacted for our convenience. The right to non disclosure of Identity of any rape victim or victim of sexual assault also fall under the purview of such rights available to women in India.
The bitter truth is that we all live in a society which isn’t…[Read more] -
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Do people start calling themselves feminists because it’s fashionable? in the forum Feminism 2 years, 10 months ago
I believe fashionable won’t be the appropriate word it is a new form of hype, a trend to be called feminist. Without actually having the basic information about the global movement everyone today wants to be recognised as a feminist. And such people e usually end up being pseudo feminist as their philosophy stands completely in contrast to that…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma started the topic Education as a foundation of rewarding career in the forum Access to Education 2 years, 10 months ago
Education undoubtedly yes is the foundation of a better career and lifestyle. Education today is that sword which has the power to transform the lives of people especially women around us. There have been thousands of research papers, article, laws, committees which emphasize on the importance of education. Various measures have been taken to…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Can homemakers achieve financial independence? in the forum Gender Divide 2 years, 10 months ago
Financial independence is a must in today’s world, and yes homemakers can definitely achieve financial independence. In the present era of technology there are unlimited opportunities available to every person. The nature of the work is not only confined to study structure. With the advancement of technology and innovation talent today is…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic COVID-19 Pandemic and the Role of Women in the forum Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership 2 years, 10 months ago
Women’s have undoubtedly played an important role throughout Pandemic, while most of the population had to sit home during COVID-19. Women with their responsibilities and duties increased had to work tirelessly for their respective families. Working women had to manage their work with domestic work. Women’s job became vulnerable and overall…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Even in top positions, women face challenges… in the forum Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership 2 years, 10 months ago
I would like to begin by stating the Fact that Modern World has partially failed to acknowledge full potential of women in workspace specifically. It is no surprise that women across the Globe today have acquired positions of higher importance through their struggle and dedication, but here also a question arises that are they able to enjoy their…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Lack of representation of women in parliament in the forum Gender Barriers and Solutions to Leadership 2 years, 10 months ago
Lack of women representation in parliament is not a recent issue it has been in existence since the very time of independence of our nation. Since Back then in 1947 women have struggled to secure a position for themselves in social, cultural and political sphere and though comparatively women have been successful in recent years to achieve the…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Working mothers hinder their children's development. Is it true? in the forum Employment Opportunities 2 years, 10 months ago
This statement is not true, in a modern world that we live in today working women are an active example of women upliftment and development in society. Why do we only question women’s responsibility be it as a working mother or, as a working wife. Why do we want her life to be confined till home?
As far as the statement above is concerned working…[Read more] -
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Divorce needs to be normalized- effective steps to remove stigma. in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
Very rightly stated Divorce is the most prevalent stigma in India since time immemorial. Indian society are conservative in nature where Marriage as a sacrament implies a permanent and indissoluble union. It was considered a union not only for this life but for the lives to come. Among Hindus marriage is a necessary sanskar, every Hindu must marry…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic The Lack Of Sisterhood in the forum Inspirational Women 2 years, 10 months ago
Jealousy is the only word I can think of at the moment. The emotion of jealousy is experienced universally and regardless of gender. In Today’s world women Envy each other as they see themselves as competitors. The lack of sisterhood is not an overnight concept but is a psychological process which reflects in one’s behaviour, mindset and…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Our society has begun unlearning colourism. Reality or Illusion? in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
Colourism basically means and includes discrimination among people in the basis of the shade of their skin. Especially in Indian Societies this particular aspect of colourism has been faced bby almost every girl child. Their is a general perception that fair skinned people are more beautiful as well as desirable. The concept of colourism is…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Female foeticide , A sin! Put this practice in dustbin! in the forum Sexism & Patriarchy 2 years, 10 months ago
I agree with all the points that have been mentioned above, let us begin with understanding the term Female Foeticide, it is the procedure where abortion of the female foetus is done outside legal methods.The heinous practice of girl killing has been in practice since 1940s the practice of Female Foeticide was common as the patriarchal society at…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Discrimination Faced By Single Mothers In India in the forum General Discussions 2 years, 10 months ago
Today we are living in 21st century but still single mothers continue to be looked at differently in our society. First of all they are looked at with sympathy, shock or contempt. I personally here fail to understand that absence of father in Indian society disregards the legitimacy of a single mother as a parent. due to the patriarchal setup of…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma started the topic Women's Right to education as a human right in the forum Access to Education 2 years, 10 months ago
Today here we are going to discuss about the two most essential aspects which include the right to education with regard to human rights. So now to begin with, Human Rights are certain inalienable rights which are available to every human being by the very virtue of being Human. Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was a milestone document…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma started the topic Did you know about the Maternity benefit act in the forum Access to Healthcare 2 years, 10 months ago
The Maternity Benefit Act 1961 is one of the most important legislation to protect the employment of a women during the time of her maternity. This Act was framed to honour the dignity of the woman as a mother. The Act further entities the women employees to the fully pain wages during the absence from work to take care of her child.
This Act has…[
Samriti Sharma started the topic Are women speaking up against sexual assault in the forum Gender-based Violence 2 years, 10 months ago
Gender based violence in simple terms can be understood as any kind of physical, sexual or psychological harm and such acts are a violation of human rights of a person which are available to every individual by the virtue of being human. Gender violence includes many inhumane crimes which include rape, sexual assault, intimate partner violence…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma started the topic Child marriage a punishable offence? in the forum Child Marriage 2 years, 10 months ago
Any marriage which takes place between the parties where the girl is under 18 years of age and a boy is under 21 years of marriage is considered as child marriage. Despite having several laws child marriage is still actively prevalent in state of Rajasthan and Bihar in India. Talking about the legal aspect of the same, yes child marriage is a…[Read more]
Samriti Sharma replied to the topic Free online courses for housewives in India in the forum Access to Education 2 years, 11 months ago
Housewife as we speak today are also known as homemakers, in my personal opinion this is the only job which requires lot of hardwork and dedication with almost zero returns. Housewives are the women who work tirelessly out of love and affection for their family but are still not valued as they should be. In the process of making everyone happy in…[Read more]
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