
Some of us are tangerine slices, we become complacent with our current situation even if they don’t suit us. Alternatively, some of us are the heads of garlic. We are missing something from ourselves and are looking for the way to fill the vacancy. By continuing the current pattern, or “fitting in,” we are often…


I may not be beautiful, but I am intelligent I may not be attractive, but I am strong I may not be lovable, but I am loyal I may not be charming, but I speak truth I may not be the needed, but I care I may not be rich, but I have a heart…


Same like usual fine days I went for calming down my hunger at the student center. Its been a hundreds of time that I have been chilling there, but this time I figured out something I have never seen anywhere before, something quite interesting. I don’t think that all of the crowd hanging there might…


One of the biggest stars of the 90s, Manisha Koirala was the perfect example of a self-made woman. She came from Nepal, had no godfather in the industry and yet, pretty much managed to rule the 90s. The actress who was once at the top of her game in Bollywood had to go through a lot…


Yes, it changed! I still remember few months back when I was taunted, questioned and laughed at when I was into weight-training. Weight-training is not considered something a woman should do. I didn’t get all muscled up, I just toned my muscles. Just the right amount! I made sure that I had a well-defined set…


Coming out of the joint family thing, we see people heading for a settled nuclear family. At times it is good but it also comes with some drawbacks. Changing era has given us a good transformation to see when it comes to our social believes and practices. No doubt we still lack in some areas…


                                                               Let them judge You.                                        …


I bleed and I bleed But no one sees I bleed and I bleed Yes, it pains! I bleed and I bleed No, it’s not a wound I bleed and I bleed Yes, you guessed it right! I bleed and I bleed Yes, it happens every month. I bleed and I bleed Yes, I won’t…


Is it weird? Ugh, Its insane! But, what if it isn’t and makes complete sense? Ah the turmoil and confusion of a girl with a role model. Lest a fictional one! What!? (You say) A fictional role model? Yes, I say. To believe that role models should be limited to history books and television screens,…


This is for all the girls who lay hold of delinquent advantage of their benefits; this is for all the boys who take a step back even when its not needed. This is for all the women who unethically rule their powers; this is for all the men who get suppressed under false judgment. This…