Same like usual fine days I went for calming down my hunger at the student center. Its been a hundreds of time that I have been chilling there, but this time I figured out something I have never seen anywhere before, something quite interesting. I don’t think that all of the crowd hanging there might have seen that. While passing by as my eyes rolled by the loo area I saw three doors, one for male another for female and the third one labeled as transgender.
We all know that our country was known for its manners and is a nice portrait of strict rules when it comes to and individual and society relationships. Since history our country has been very conservative in nature. Gradually we started adopting the western culture and many new sorts of ideas and practices came up. Many were first opposed but then, with time things went along. Here what I am talking is related to the ‘transgender’, yes those entitled as ‘khusre’ in our lay man language. I have heard that the moment they are born, they are taken by their community people and are destined to live a lifestyle being followed for past years. Even today they lead a separate world of their own, because somehow we treat them as non-humans. When we catch that word ‘kinaar’, believe it or not, we always have a different kind of feel for that person. May be some of us don’t go through it but at some corner an unusual thing does come up. But why, why aren’t we trying to accept this reality? Why can’t we rise above the stereotype and go with the nature law? A person is not a kinaar by choice. It’s his/her luck and by god.
We have seen them in trains, asking for money. They show up whenever there is an occasion, like a marriage or a birth-ceremony. Usually they come up when something good or of profound happiness occur somewhere, they reach, they celebrate and after some collection they leave. It is said that they are very lucky and their blessings and words are really worth and prosperous, so we should not make them go sad. There is a short story, ‘ once upon a time lord Krishana while saving the people instructed them all to get out of the way addressing them as all the men and women, at that time these excluded ones by society people, came up with the complaint that why are they not considered as normal humans? To which lord Krishana gave them a boon that, you will be fortunate for all generations and your each word will be favored.’ That is why our elders never let them leave unsatisfied and unhappy.
If we see practically its not in anyone’s hand that the coming child will be a girl or a boy, so how come one can choose to be a transgender? Even though one is so why to make them feel as if they are cursed? They are also like us, like casual humans, like normal people with feelings. They should also be given the same opportunities that we all get. Their sex shouldn’t make us see them as someone abnormal, its bad. Everyone here is a creation of god, so why to utter ill about it, rather we must respect them and should help them to go on a suitable and easy life ahead.