Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums General Discussions Impact of technology on women’s lives in India

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
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    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Certainly technology has made a great difference in women’s life and it has been of great help to women. We see life has become a lot easier for women because of recent technology. Let’s talk about how technology has changed life at domestic level. We all know how women are always expected to do household chores . Even though women are not doing jobs but still we all know how women are expected to manage both the things. So appliances like vacuum cleaners , washing machines and even ovens have made work easier and helped women to save time. We see there are even appliances like roti makers evolved now.
    Next is on a professional level how smartphones have helped women to contact a lot of people and how women can earn through it just by sitting at home. We also see how blogging , businesses are growing and how reselling , online classes have helped women to do work and earn even by sitting at home. We also know how through blogging women and content writing women are rocking in their world. Not only this but we all know how women have become more aware through phones and exposed illicit behaviours. So certainly technology has really made great revolution in women’s lives.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Mobile phones and the Internet are helping women take control of their lives and make a difference in how they live. The most popular service is mobile banking, which has become crucial for poor women to send money home to families, make small purchases, and carry out other tasks that were once difficult because they had to go to markets controlled by men or needed a man’s permission. The coming of mobile made a huge difference in terms of how women were viewed in villages. It was difficult for men to stop women from going outside their houses as they were having handsets,” said Lata, who is an engineer with the Telecommunications department of the same district.

    At the time women’s lives were revolutionized through different services and initiatives which enabled women to have greater connectivity. For example, in many ways, mobile phones have changed the lives of women by providing them opportunities to interact socially on a much larger scale. Today, with the advent of telemedicine in India, doctors can reach out to remote villages to reach out to million of women suffering from health issues.

    History indicates that for most of the time, women were not allowed to work and earn for their families. But in the last few years, a lot of changes have happened in that environment. A lot of women enter into the workforce, they make money to run their household since their husbands are not working or they can’t get a job, they become entrepreneurs and own businesses. Technology has changed the lives of women for the past few years. Earlier women are not seen on spot and they used to stay at home even though they were educated and because of technology now we can see women working online, blogging, and supporting family too. Technology is a broad concept that has made life simpler. The status of women in India has improved with the advent of technology. Women are not only using tech for staying connected but are also making good money out of it.

    In the age of the globalized, the development of digital technologies, and the expansion of internet access the fate of women’s lives all over the world has become linked together. Their work in the home and outside depends on one another and requires a larger study of connectivity between movements and the roles of mobile phone technology that is affecting their lives. Girls and women gain a tremendous amount of knowledge from consuming information online, but as Veena Das puts it it is ‘women who are shaped by the limits of increasing feminization of hunger’ (2006). It is important then to think about how women can not just consume content online but also produce their content.

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    There used to be an age without technology, no phones, no internet, no laptops and very few means of technologies around the globe. With the evolving world, evolved technology. Starting from the times with no technology, we’ve now grown into species where everyone got a portable means of internet in their hands 24/7. This evolvement of technological world has not only helped us decrease the communication gap but also, has helped a lot of women in empowering their community, to reach each other easily and effectively to share their thoughts and protest against the discrimination faced by them.
    Technology has helped women in many terms, be it reducing the communication gap or fighting for their freedom.
    Earlier, there used to be a lot of women who used to face violence inside their homes and were not able to voice against it, men used to beat women inside the house and the helpless lady was not even able to reach their family or police for help. With the upgradation of technology, one call to the police or some family member, one can voice against the violence faced by them.
    Education is another aspect a women is benefited from the upgradation of technology. Many women who were not having education facilities near their houses, can now reach to whatever they want to study in seconds just with the use of this technology.
    Technology has bought many changes in the lives of women, helped a lot of women connect with each other to bring a change they were not able to bring alone, even there exists a lot of NGO’s who help women empower themselves. A few touches can do alot to the society.

    Not Helpful

    Technology has made such a great impact on women lives by giving them source of learning new things, exploring, getting connected with their parents and their are many women who changed their professional life by using technology in a proper way. Because of technology women are more active about recent news or anything which is trending due to having mobile phones. At old times their used to be one normal cell mobile phone in family and that to remains with male member of the family. In today’s generation women are also having smartphones due to which they used learn new things like cooking, getting knowledge about something, doing online shopping and what not. And they can also contact with their parents, relatives. Due to technology their are automatic machines like washing machine, floor cleaning and many more things that really help working Women to do all the household chores faster. In this COVID-19 pandemic situation many girls and women has learn lot of things online like doing different course, doing internship, attending webinar of mental health, maternal health or fitness because of technology women are getting to know more about their rights and if women who is not educated due to certain reasons they are also learning online and utilizing this pandemic situation. And we can also see that before in youtube their were lots of men were doing vlogging and now their are lot women than men who has youtube channel and many of them are doing vlogging. Technology has really help women who can’t get support of their family for education by using smartphones they start youtube channel, small business or learning online through which they get online job opportunities. Because of technology many women can also learn self-defense by seeing videos from youtube it will help them to protect herself from people who does misbehave with women.

    Not Helpful

    Technology has played important role in evolving women, many impactful changes in women’s life and career are seen in recent year’s women, and they are started being alert and they are being confident and are learning to interact with the world, one of the boons of technology is the internet, it is really a blessing for women. we can see how women are making videos if something wrongs happen with them they are sharing on social media account and even women seeing this mobile in everyone they are also trying to do business by selling products from apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and youtube. We can see a lot of women are sharing their cooking skills, dancing and singing, art and fashion related videos on social media platforms, it is all being because of technology. Even women are running short businesses online and dealing with customers around the world. Technology is always there helping to women they have bank accounts detail in their inbox and messages. Technology is only growing and evolving in recent decades .women are educating themselves and are learning everything they want because earlier they have to go to classes we all know many girls have restrictions by family. But thanks to technology it had made possible to keep people dream alive and it also kind of changing societal beliefs and protocol. But women have to make sure they don’t share their passwords and keep learning more about technological changes that are happening around them. It is on people how they make use of technology.

    Manpreet Singh
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    The truth is that women remain in custody for years. The mobile revolution is considered to be a danger to the overarching patriarchal control by a device that has access outside its local community. However, with more access for women in rural India, a range of services and programs that allows women to enhance their connectivity and learn how to use the internet are beginning to benefit from the digital revolution. Women may develop and act upon their own ideas with technology and the Internet.
    With more than 140 million Internet users India is the second-largest online market. That so, the gulf between male and female mobile device users remains, as only 33% of women use mobile telephones compared to 67% of males. India has dropped 21 places in the World Economic Forum, which ranks 108th out of 144 nations, released in its Global Gender Equality report. This gap produces a multi-faceted development challenge. For one thing, the paucity of women users for male users produces an environment that is much less accommodating to women in a strongly gendered online environment. What should be noticed is that it is not enough for women to obtain access to technology by mobile devices and consume information online. For meaningful development or even identity development, passive absorption of knowledge is not adequate. Women must discover how not just online material is consumed, but their own knowledge is also produced. This would lead to space, the digital environment, and more significant technological interactions, therefore generating the potential for upward economic mobility, adding to online content, and creating own knowledge.
    We find that even if patriarchal systems in rural India have considerable resistance, women will find their way to the technology and Internet and can leverage it enormously to improve their economic position. This will not only give them autonomy much-needed, it will also help to raise their GDP in India because it will lead to much more than one hundred years of economic growth. Rural women are a big market share that can no longer be avoided by services providers and it is a possibility that must be exploited to alter your lives via meaningful interaction with technology.

    038 deepika Singh
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    Just as technology facilitates us with various functions in our daily lives, it also plays a great role in impacting the status of gender equality in our society. Nowadays several women are raising issues regarding gender equality on various social media platforms and this has only been made possible with the help of technology. Women residing in rural areas who are unable to raise their voices by joining protests are coming out through social media, speaking up against the injustices done to them and joining hands with other women virtually. They are able to connect with a large mass of people online, and convey their thoughts and opinions in all parts of the world. They are able to form a big movement online, allowing women to expose the abused faces by them and raise funds for the same. Technology have proved to be an effective tool to raise awareness about gender equality.

    However, not everyone has access to it. There are a large number of women who do not own a simple smartphone. They do not have the necessary digital literacy, have less understanding of technology and have no presence on social media platforms. Lack of education, affordability and prevalence of socio- cultural norms are the key factors restriction women’s online presence. In fact, the availability of technology has it pros and cons too. When on one hand it can do wonders in reaching out to millions without having to put much efforts, on the other hand it can pose a lot of threats on women. They become an easy target for men with their online presence. Women’s ability to employ technology and social media proficiently—and protect themselves from targeted online attacks and propaganda—is a critical building block for peace and gender equality.

    Shreya Shukla
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    Technology is something that makes our lives simple and comfortable. Technology is changing and innovating every year. It has impacted everyone’s life greatly. Women have many works opportunities and a chance to prove themselves. House makers can keep working from home with ease through technology.
    Washing Machines, ovens have made daily household chores easier and more fun. Nowadays women get more me-time because of these appliances.
    It has been a crucial part of providing education to uneducated women, who still wanted to do something in life, who wanted to learn. Today, social media platforms are being used is also a work of technology that has made it possible for us to let everyone know if we are treated badly or we need help.
    Twitter is one of the most used applications for these purposes.
    But like every coin has its two sides similarly technology also has its pros and cons. If used unwisely then we have to face consequences. Especially for women, things get miserable as our society never supports a woman rather it blames her. So she should be more careful while using online technologies.

    Samriti Sharma
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    Technology as a concept has been evolving throughout human history. Recent developments in technology have undoubtedly facilitated almost every aspect of our lives be it personal or professional. Particularly if we talk about role of technology in India with regard to women it has both negative as well as positive side like the two sides of the same coin. Women if specifically talked about have been provided a platform to acknowledge themselves independently, technology has offered us this opportunity today that we as women can speak fo what we feel is right, an option has been provided to us in a manner to stand out. The advent of technology has made our life’s comfortable and simple. It is because of technology only that women today are engaging in tertiary sectors because the work environment is made convenient with new technologies. Technology has directly and indirectly helped us to be in touch with the world around us which today is actively involving women too. Technology is not confined to a particular sector, we have the use of technology in almost every sector be it social, political, cultural or economic. And the most significant feature about the same is that it is available to all without any discremination on the basis of sex specifically.keeping pace with technology helps us to keep pace with the changing times, which directly contributes to the awareness of many socio-economic issues for women. Technology today has become an inseparable part of lives which has influenced many women to speak up against the odds and the wrongs suffered consequently encouraging them.

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