Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism You Have the Right to Remain Fat – Virgie Tovar

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by 038 deepika Singh 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
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    You have a right to remain fat is basically a book written by feminist author Virgie Tovar. This book is available online sites one buys it its really a good self-help book with nice ratings, Virgie Tovar always wanted her body to be when she was in her teenage so she kept on being diet when she was very young by dieting and she has constant guilt, one day she decided to give up let have the freedom to believe in her body again. From that time, she is helping everyone to deal with the same, she is a positive writer, in the book she has shared every bit of an anti-fat bias in the book she is trying to give motivation by saying you are not a problem but there is a big problem with the mindset of the society. After reading the book you will be enlightened, happy, and inspired. How can dieting and fatphobia be a big problem for them, she really wants to tell the truth to the world. She says one needs to unlearn the phobia of fat. Embrace the body you have been blessed with. She has share chunks of her life about how people used to bully what made her change her thought this, in today everyone wants to look thin and have the perfect body to achieve this goal they are depriving a lot of things and dieting. It is being jobbed for a woman to look thin and beautiful, one has the right to remain fat if anyone is insecure about their body needs really read her book.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Virgie Tovar grew raised as a large girl and considered her physique to be repaired. But she was over it after two decades of diet and continual shame – and gave herself the liberty to trust her own body. She has helped others to do the same since then. Tovar is eager for a world where organisms are appreciated equally, food is devoid of moral judgment and respectful of life. In short and honest terms, she explores unlearning fatphobia, demolishes sexist ideas of fashion, and rejects the greatest lie of diet culture: these fat people need to wait before they get their best life started. The author has no interest in identifying or endorsing any sort of moderation, provided that the food and exercising for one purpose and cultural despotism for the other can be balanced. Their radical position is that emphasizing health & diet is only code for thin food and that diet culture consists of the marriage of the multi-billion-dollar diet sector (including exercise applications, over-the-counter diet pills, prescription drugs for appetite suppression, bariatric surgery, sports, and gymnastical rollers) to normalize weight control and fateful bigotry in social and cultural atmospheres. Whether or whether Tovar convinces all readers, it offers psychological consolation for people who have been rendered worthless because of their physical size and/or shape to ignore diet and exercise. Tovar tells out how boys and men seek to penalize women for failure to meet the standards as a standard in society. To prevent the exile of obese people, ladies should comply and obsess about their bodies because their work is simply attractive and slender. Nothing more can be desired for them, and once they have achieved this unachievable objective, life is so much easier. While this idea is clearly a banana, this is precisely the logic of our thinly obsessed society, which is brainwashing women and keeps white men in power—and control of women’s bodies.

    Not Helpful

    You have the right to remain fat is a book which is written by Virgie Tovar who is an author, activist and gives lecturers on body image and fat discrimination. In today’s today’s generation, many people wants to lose weight because it has become mindset in our society that being slim makes you look beautiful, due to which people gets influenced from “fatphobia” means social stigma of obesity, the word fatphobia and how it influenced Virgie Tovar has mentioned in her book. Due to Fat discrimination people usually gets scared and tensed about their weight because of which they get worry about their future rejection. Virgie Tovar also had experienced through the diets at very small age to lose weight but someday she thought to giveup and be comfortable in the way you love yourself due to which she started helping others to believe and deal with the way they are, by giving positive message and thoughts. People should must read this book to change their mindset towards fat people and also it is available on many online websites due to which you will easily get it with so many reviews of recommendation to read this book because of their thoughts towards body image. The book gives the positive message towards society to change their mindset and stop making discrimination against fat people their is nothing wrong if the person wants to remain fat it’s their choice. People who really want motivation and positivity about their body image should must read this book.

    Shreya Shukla
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    Yes, Every woman has the right to remain fat. This is an awesome book written by Virgie Tovar. If a girl has no problem with her physical appearance or physique then no one else should have it. A woman is gorgeous therefore her curves should not be an issue.
    We all are aware of the fact that girls are judged on many factors and physique is one of them. The most used sentence for them is “Oh my God, who’ll marry her? She is so fat! How is she going to deliver after marriage?” etc?. In today’s world, which is changing every day our patriarchal mentality is still the same. People don’t even realise what someone feels or go through when body-shaming is done. It lowers self-confidence to such an extent that a woman starts doubting her looks, stops choosing western dresses because she thinks it might make her look terrible and stresses herself all the time. She avoids meeting people because of the fear that she’ll be calculated. It is harassment not physical but mental. It is unacceptable!. I know that being fit is crucial for a healthy and happy life but no one should be pressurized by awful remarks. According to me, “Beauty is not what you see, it’s what you feel through the actions or behaviour of an individual”. It doesn’t matter whether a woman is slim, thick, dark, light, short, tall, what matters is her soul.
    I think that women are the most beautiful creatures in this world and hence it hardly matters of what size they are. A women’s inner strength, attitude and the way she carries herself is simply what she needs to look impressive and not her physique. I would conclude with one of my favourite quotes by Nora Ephron-
    “Above all be the heroine of your own Life”

    Afshan Iqbal
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    You Have the Right to Remain Fat is a book written by Virgie Tovar. In this book, Tovar eviscerates diet culture. She wrote about her own life and how she overcame the stigma of an ideal body image. She was fat and tried to diet but during the process, she realized that she is more than her body. Ever since then she is helping others to be confident in their own body. She wrote about fatphobia and the anti-fat squad. Tovar is very good at explaining some basic concepts for those who may be new to them, such as bootstrapping and gaslighting, and then builds information on these concepts as the book goes on. Tovar intersperses information about fat discrimination and body image with her own personal experiences which really helps to illustrate the concepts. Throughout the book, Tovar discusses topics such as body shame, fatphobia, and diet culture, which are the main culprits behind the lies we tell ourselves that as women, and especially as fat women, our bodies are somehow wrong. Tovar argues that unrealistic existing beauty standards are built on this foundation and have been undermining women’s self-trust and control over their own lives. Fatphobia affects us all and Virgie Tovar’s You Have the Right to Remain Fat is an accessible place for anyone to start learning how to fight against it.

    038 deepika Singh
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    “Growing up as a fat girl, Virgie Tovar believed that her body was something to be fixed. But after two decades of dieting and constant guilt, she was over it―and gave herself the freedom to trust her own body again. Ever since, she’s been helping others to do the same. Tovar is hungry for a world where bodies are valued equally, food is free from moral judgment, and you can jiggle through life with respect. In concise and candid language, she delves into unlearning fat phobia, dismantling sexist notions of fashion, and how to reject diet culture’s greatest lie: that fat people need to wait before beginning their best lives.” Everyone has a perception of their bodies but it is not them but the society that shape these perceptions and views, which are almost entirely perpetuated through the media. Today if you search the word ‘beauty’, you will end up with a sea of fair-skinned, thin, young women as if good looks does not come in any other form. Since we all are living in a generation where social media plays a pivotal role in our lives, it is almost impossible not to fall victim to the models and celebrities promoting a certain body type. We need to understand and propagate the idea that these beauty standards are unrealistic and unachievable. We are imperfect and hence, we are beautiful.

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