Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice When attempting to create a more harmonious society, gender is a more important factor than class or income.

10 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
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    General difference is that factor which cannot be denied by any person . We all need to live in harmony society , peaceful society , friendly society . And to live happily peacefully and in a friendly way people considered income class as a basic factor . Human has believe that if they have money we can buy anything they can buy status , they can buy respect , and can live their life happily. Current Era , class and income is the only thing which matters for human now. And the government is also focusing on reducing the class and income difference .
    But in this process the government has forgotten that this income and class difference has come now, but the general difference has been going on for centuries, a boy and a girl have always been differentiated. Even a percent has been not reduced till date. Even today there is so much discrimination in a boy and girl .Class income differential is such that it changes with time, today, who has the money and class today, we cannot say whether or not he will have that money and class tomorrow . These 2 factor changes with time . But gender difference is one that has continued to grow over time and has never diminished . One out of every 4 women says that they have never got gender equality, they have never been treated equally.
    Once the gender differences are reduced, then factors like income of class will be reduced automatically. We want peace in society, we want a friendly environment, harmonious society but how will it happen without considering to gender equality? A woman is said to be a symbol of peace in society, as much restraint as a woman has, hardly anyone has . If injustice is done to her, she does not get equal rights, then how can we think that we will be able to create a harmonious society and environment . In India has the most of the cases of gender differences . Peace will be made in the society only when the people there are happy and the people will be happy only when they get the quality and equal treatment.

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    In any basic society, there are many divisions and sub- divisions: the basis for this division my differ from region to region. In India, society used to be divided according the varna, then the jati or the occupational category for a person; within this division women were always the lesser gender. This sort of division has proved to be very unfair and problematic in recent years, because it resulted in systematic oppression of certain groups.

    While creating a more harmonious society, it should be remembered that the structure of society till now has resulted in certain people being privileged more than others. The most important factor which is usually the deciding factor in many people’s lives is incoming. In today’s consumerist and global world, one’s monetary situation and income plays a big role in our lives. Whether a person will receive a good and quality education is completely dependent on income. Education is the keystone for a harmonious and intelligent society because it broadens our perspectives and makes us ready for our lives ahead.

    Gender on the other hand is a personal choice of people, but it needs more acceptance and inclusion. Only an accepting and educated society can be inclusive. Again, education needs money, hence we see the income of a person play out again to define another important aspect of our lives. There is no doubt that an educated society is a peaceful, rational, and harmonious society, but to reach that stage, the economically underprivileged people need systematic and consistent help and support.

    Mayuravarshini Mohana
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    I strongly disagree. Gender inequality can never estrange itself from the influence of class and other societal factors. Societal problems are a convoluted mesh of class, caste, sexuality, gender etc. To only look at gender will take us nowhere. It is practical to look at how these various factors intersect to cause a particular issue.

    Child marriage for instance, cannot be eradicated through gender-centric approaches but requires a more comprehensive intervention. The pandemic has seen an increase in the number of child marriages. The reason cited is that these circumstances only permit a humble wedding ceremony, thereby cutting expenditure by a large sum. Families from economically strained sections perceive this as an opportunity to get their daughters married off, irrespective of their legal eligibility.

    A majority of wedding customs in India milk the bride’s family of money. Though highly impractical, when looked at in isolation this is certainly a gendered issue. Yet, in the case of child marriages, class plays as much a role as gender inequality. The problem can be resolved only through a coupling of gender and class based intervention. This extends to a majority of social evils such a female infanticide, dowry, trafficking and so on.

    Society is an intricate fabric where strands such as gender, class, caste, race, sexuality, physical ability etc. are knitted together. It would be impossible to achieve harmony without taking all these into consideration.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    When attempting to create a more harmonious society, gender is a more important factor than class or income.
    Being social animals of this society, we have all clearly seen how our society is slowly and gradually filling itself with all kinds of flaws. Day by day, the angst, fury and prejudice amongst hearts of people is increasing and growing uncontrollably. On one hand terrorism is finding deeper sources of nutrition for its roots and on the other hand anti-governmental riots are destroying lives of thousands of people. Poverty, discrimination and a falling economy have uprooted so many families. Though this society has multiple reasons of its failure, the biggest factor is ‘gender.’ Hence, in order to create a harmonious society, gender is a more important factor than class or income.
    Gender discrimination has reached out to all fields and made its place everywhere. In fact it is increasing as a mindset of people with time rather than decreasing. It has weakened the system of political, social and economic functioning of the world. It has been prevalent in our society from even before the ruling era. It was popular in form of the ‘purdah system’ during the Mughal rule and Rajputana. Post that, the British ruled over India for almost a good 200 years. The British left India in 1947 and changed a lot about India with their departure.
    What did not change was the discrimination against women in all spheres and it has been increasing ever since. This is now rising as a national issue and creating problems in all fields, at home, at work, in politics, in the economic field, sports, entertainment and media, etc. This issue with itself has fuelled the fire within a large number of rebels all over India and even abroad. One must finally understand that this can turn into a grave turning point in the history of India. We must take serious action and stop all the crimes against women. We must now take a step towards making India feel safe for girls and women. If this happens to be then we will have almost double the help than now, to make this society more harmonious for everyone. India needs a touch of safety and security for women to make them feel that they really are equal to men in eyes not only of the law, but also of the society. Class and income can later on be looked into. If women are looked upon rather than being looked down upon, this society will definitely become a much more harmonious society in almost no time.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

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    While assuming a harmonious society, the first factor effecting the equality among people is gender. The society has divided people into 2 gender groups wherein they think male gender is stronger whereas female gender is weaker. These myths need to be removed from the society in order to create a harmonious society. Harmony comes from treating each other equally and respectfully.
    Income and class of a person does effect the harmony in the society too, but the one major factor that can change a conflicting society into a harmonious one is the mindset of the people that needs to be changed. Most men at all classes assume themselves as the supreme one in the family, which needs to be changed, when people would be willing to stand equal by each other, the society would show a drastic change in terms of equality and harmony.

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    While being in society means accepting the things and thoughts which are given by society itself, many factors are there which create a difference or inequality between humans, and those who create this are humans only. To be in a harmonious society and create an environment where each individual has a basic right to each factor.
    Gender is not the only factor to create a harmonious society but income and class also are some factors that are considered, we know and we also say that income and class don’t matter to be human or to anything you do, but the harsh reality is that people also consider these things. Gender disparity was always and still ongoing discrimination that is faced by many.
    Male and Females both are compared and their religions are also compared according to their work. The discrimination and inequality must be stopped then we can create an environment where there is peace and harmony. Once these differences are resolved and changed then we will be a part of the good surroundings.
    We as a society should understand and take up things in our hands and change these differences so that coming generations can live in peace and most importantly in a society that is free from the disparity between genders, class, income, emotions, and so on.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Gender this term is the primary and basic subject of society and thus society needs to acknowledge the existence of a woman as part and essential part of the society and not to ignore the opinions and respect their views. Not only this but one should realise that we need to create a safe envit for women and that can be only done with disciplining the boys of the society and making it strict if any one tries to harm the woman.
    We often forget that women are a core part of this society. We just assume that women don’t have her views and she also doesn’t need to have her views so women are often neglected. I feel due to this capability of women is suppressed and she is not given a chance to present herself. We also see how in many cases women are always given a hard time especially if the woman is living alone or is a single mother or a divorcee and people think that she has no one to rely on and they start to take advantage of the situation. So when planning we have to make sure that these things don’t take place and ensure safety and harmony . There are also many rules and regulations for ladies and mote of expectations as society has always tried to control how the way a girl should be dressed and how she should be represented so this is unfair to girls. There should also be a proper police system who should ensure that roads should be free from road Romeos and eve teasers. If these things are taken into account I ‘ m sure there will be more harmony.

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    To create a harmonious society, people should give equal respect and behavior towards everyone irrespective of gender, caste, religion whether they fall in a low-income group or high-income group but harsh reality society gives respect to the people who have high income and status which happen everywhere, but tour society needs to be kind towards the people who help, we all are interdependent on each other many things than society should understand this, we need to maintain peaceful relations with everyone is very necessary. Gender discrimination is also the measure factor that affects the harmony nobody appreciates women she does not follow the society and try live life as she wants. Male is always looked as strong and superior in everything on contrary women are looked as weaker one and responsible for every household activity. If people are educated in society there thought process broadens and they always prefer harmony over fights and discriminative behavior, if we will make our society free from discrimination of income, status and gender disparity, etc. it will very helpful for the present and future generation. And this will also uplift our country image Infront of another country. We need to stop fighting and protesting our religion. People should develop a mindset that we all are humans first and we all are extended family. Kindness costs nothing so please be kind our world is becoming greedy and selfish day by day which is not good, income cannot buy you happiness but people can give you happiness and love. Change and broaden the perspective you will start seeing good things around the surrounding, people’s income and status may not define them but their good deeds towards society and behavior will. A society which has peace and harmony everyone sharing their joys and celebrating every festival like a family.

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    To create harmonious society, most important thing is having respect for each other and treating everyone equally. Gender, class or income this things should not matter to have harmonious society. People should more have giving nature instead of expectations from others. In our society, women aren’t treat equally like men they don’t get equal opportunities, equal treatment as men than how can we will have harmony. Gender inequality, Gender discrimination, gender stereotypes between men and women plays a major role because it affect to have harmonious society. People don’t support women for their education, job opportunities, leadership and what not. In many families daughter ask to do household chores and son ask to have focus on their studies. As we all know women aren’t safe while travelling or going outside at night due to increasing cases of violence and harassment because of which women can’t go outside freely without getting scared of such people, this things shouldn’t happen with girls and women to have harmony. When girls are going outside for walk with group, people start judging her but when boys will go for walk with group, people will not say a word for them. Why? Just because of their gender people will used to start judging women. Due to which it will definitely affect to create more  harmonious society because of gender inequality towards women. To have harmony, society should celebrate all the festivals together and try to be like a family by giving little sacrifices, avoiding arguments, having respect, spreading love and try to make positive environment, treat women equal like men by doing this things it will surely help to have harmonious society. Men and women should treat each other equally like while doing household chores men should help women to make things easier for them. The more people will spread love and positivity the more it will help to create harmonious society.

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