Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Divide Sexism, stereotyping, and the gender wage gap

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by 038 deepika Singh 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Gender role stereotypes and when a person is expected to act in a certain way based on society’s expectations related to their gender. Traditional gender roles go back to a time when there were clear and unequal rules about how people were expected to act based on their gender. People who were born male when expected to be strong and aggressive, naat emotional and of course to love sports. People who were born female were expected to be kind and nurturing, emotional and domestic meaning they were all supposed to be able to cook and clean. Gender role stereotypes also affect people’s understanding of who is beautiful and who is not. Additionally, stereotypes about gender police people’s emotions. Girls are not expected to show anger, and boys aren’t supposed to be empathetic, nurturing, or vulnerable.

    Statistical data shows that women on lesser than men but there’s a lot more to the story. The statistical data simply compares the median wages of men and women who work full time. It doesn’t have to be kept please out for women with different educational levels are different ages or who work in different fields. And we need that information if we want to start closing the gap. A part of the wage gap reflects that women are more concentrated in lower-paying occupations. But to fully understand the issue we need to have a look within the occupations too. Back in 2009 three economists set out to understand the wage gap by following a group of MBA graduates from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. They looked at thousands of men and women who graduated between 1990 and 2006. And their data show that men had slightly higher salaries right out of the gate. But over the years the gap widened considerably. Research suggests that the gap doesn’t stay that wide- that it shrinks as women enter the middle. The truth is that women take on a disproportionate share of child-rearing tasks. A survey found that in two-parent households, women did more than men when it came to managing kids’ schedules, taking care of them when they are sick and handling the majority of the household chores. Our society has put the burden of these responsibilities over women, even if women are working outside the home. These additional responsibilities into hertz Saman more than others.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Women’s average income has been a fraction of men’s income for decades. This thesis is based on the notion that gender stereotypes encourage sexist behavior by employers, which in turn contribute to this gender wage disparity at least partially. The means of leading women to be penalized for hiring (access) and for pay (value) stereotypes have been researched; certain stereotypes are linked to segregation of the workforce and standards that dictate that women are more responsible than men for childcare.
    Women are paid 79 cents a dollar for men—despite millions of more women being employed for the last few decades and making enormous progress in education. Too often it is presumed that this discrepancy in salaries does not demonstrate discrimination, but instead is a statistical artifact that does not adapt to conditions that could lead to inequalities in income between men and women. However, these characteristics, especially employment discrepancies between women and men, are sometimes influenced by gender prejudicialities. When a woman gets her first money, for example, her job choice is to complete her education, mentor guidance, hire companies, and broad-based labor balance standards and expectancies between employers, colleagues, and society. This decision is formed by discrimination, cultural standards, and other unchecked influences, even if it is overwhelmingly women that enter low-paying, female-dominated occupations.
    The gender wage gap is real—and impacts women all over by reducing their income and hampering work and family balance. Serious efforts to explain the difference in gender salary should not involve shifting the blame for not earning more from women. Instead, those approaches should consider where, at every phase of their education, training, and career choice, our economies offer women uneven possibilities.
    However, these parameters — especially the inequalities of employment between women and men — are altered by gender. Serious efforts to explain the difference in gender salary should not involve shifting the blame for not earning more from women. Instead, those approaches should consider where, at every phase of their education, training, and career choice, our economies offer women uneven possibilities.

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    Sexism is attitude and biased behavior towards the gender, stereotypes, for example, we can see sexist marketing of children’s toys dolls for girls, and trucks and cars for boys or their color blue for boys and pink for girls. Women are always told to cook food and wash utensils very few people have a gender-neutral kitchen, our society is so traditional don’t know how many women are suffering sexism and how much they deal with this behavior but women are started raising their voices and now are becoming more independent. It is very important to stop sexist behavior in the home stop comparing daughter to son treats them equally. gender stereotypes as we all know how much patriarchal thinking is followed by society that women have taken birth to serve family and cook food wear bangles listen what their husband these are stereotypes women should always wear decent clothes and always pretend as a soft-hearted person in front of others. But some organizations are working together to end these gender stereotypes and create a happy life for women. Gender stereotypes women follow because they have grown up seeing their elder women are following, so if women want to change, they should end following stereotypes. Gender wage gaps is the issue faced by a lot of working women they do not get equal pay as male, women a require money to be independent and to handle finances this business is sport is also and in the entertainment industry also male actor always have more fess than female, why? women deserve an equal salary because they are also putting in some effort and energy as men are doing.

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    Sexism means not treating men and women equally mostly women are not treated equally because of their gender. Many girls and women are getting affected from sexism because they don’t get equal opportunities like men. At workplace also women are not treated equally and not getting equal pay because of their gender, they always gives priority to men which is wrong women are equally deserve to get a chance to prove herself with her talent and hardwork. Because of sexism gender inequality takes place towards girls and women. Due to sexism it encourage sexual harassment, abuse, domestic violence, rape. Many of the girls and women are going through of it, why? Because the only reason is gender discrimination and gender inequality towards women. This needs to get stop for women’s safety. Transgender people are also affecting more like women because they don’t get equal respect only in our society which is wrong, the only thing is all the genders should be treated equally. In sexism gender stereotyping is also the reason due to which all the genders are not treated equally. In our society, people has divided the category for girls and boys like pink colour is for girls, boys should play with cars or trucks, girls should play with doll or kitchen set, girls should do household chores, boys should focus on studies due to these stereotypes between girls and boys it gives the growth to create gender inequality and gender discrimination between men and women. We can also see that gender wage pay plays the major role in sexism between all the genders because at workplace women are not getting equal pay for their work like men which is unacceptable. Women having equal talent and skills like men than also they are not getting priority to get an opportunity whereas men are always get a chance to have an opportunity. If women are not treated equally at workplace than what about transgender people they don’t even get a chance to get an opportunity. Society need to understand that everyone like considering all the genders should get equal rights and equal treatment in our society.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Everyone needs equal rights but sadly people still fall prey to irrelevant norms like sexism, stereotyping, and the gender wage gap. Men and women are both getting affected by these norms, they are interlinked with each other. When a woman is stereotyped as ‘emotional’, ‘weak’, in the same way, a man is stereotyped as ‘not emotional’, ‘strong’ which makes it hard for men to express their emotions and vulnerability. So when a woman gets affected due to these remarks and suffers in her life so does a man. When it comes to the gender wage gap, women suffer more than men. A woman no matter how exceptional abilities she has is required to earn less than a man and she is paid less. Sexism exists in every corner of our country. From being judged for clothes to being humiliated for physique, a woman has to face these challenges every day in her life. When a woman faces sexism as does a man, they suffer not because women rule the world and are targeting men rather they suffer because of the same gender role stereotypes that hurt and restrict women. Women are supposed to be passive and domestic so their employment options are restricted and they get unequal treatment. Men are supposed to be active, they have to be the breadwinner, carry the responsibilities of the family, and should be stoic, strong, and non-emotional. This stereotyping of males and females has caused many problems in society and will continue to be a big threat if it isn’t treated from the core. This affects everyone, it is a curse to the society and we should all work together to make this world a place that believes in equality and the empowerment of both genders uniformly while eradicating these norms.

    038 deepika Singh
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    Sexism, stereotyping and gender wage gap is one of the major issue faced my women of our country. It is all an ideology that believes that any gender most often women are inferior because of their sex. It exists in the way we speak, the words we write and the way we behave. It impacts women differently and to a greater extend than men. Sexism has been around us since childhood when boys are encouraged to act manly, be active and sporty while girls are told to act in gentle and ‘ladylike’ behaviour. It is there at the home, where women work is still limited to the household chores and looking after her family. It is there at the workplaces where they are constantly underpaid and not given much heed. It is there when men are ridiculed for earning less than their wives. It is there when women are harassed at each and every step of their lives. It is there on social media, where women heinous comments are passed on a girl whenever she posts anything. Sexism exists everywhere. It impacts both the genders, however the degree of impact for women is higher than men. It is high time we raise our voice and speak out every time anyone passes a sexist comment. Speak against it. Make them correct. Call it what it is.

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