Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Female foeticide , A sin! Put this practice in dustbin!

14 replies, 15 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 1 month ago
  • Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Female foeticide is the selective abortion of female foetuses. Due to this, it was made illegal in India. It is still practised in secret. There is a deep-rooted cultural preference for the boy child which is the main reason for female foeticide in India. There was a national decline from 945 to 927 in the number of girls per thousand boys aged 0-6 between 1991 and 2001. Rural families still believe that girls are a liability. They have to pay for that dowry during marriage and they generally don’t bring any income to the family. Another important issue, responsible for the declining child sex ratio is the low position of women in society due to the long-prevailing gender prejudices. Aspects like health, nutrition education of girl child are mostly ignored.
    This can only be cured by education, proper implementation of policies and acts. Female foeticide is a sin! It should be put in the dustbin. The education of women is a powerful tool for improving their nourishment skills, making them aware of the age of marriage. It helps in knowing their self-worth, self-reliance and their empowerment. India has a long way to go in its fight against the practices of female foeticide.

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    Female Foeticide means doing abortion, after knowing their is a girl child in mother’s Womb. It is illegal in india but than also their are people who practice it. Society needs to stop doing this practice of female foeticide. Both girls and boys has rights to live, no one has rights to kill a girl child in mother womb. People who practices female foeticide gets the punishment of three years of jail with penalty of Rs 50,000. Most of the female foeticide are practice due to dowry, child marriage, women’s unemployment. Their are people in our society who torture and forcefully ask doctor to tell gender of the baby. Due to which it leads with abortion of girl child. Because some people think that having girl child is sin for them. This thinking is wrong. Society need to change their thinking towards girl child. Having baby is blessing, people should not see the gender for loving a child. They should feel happy with whatever they are blessed with, rather it can be boy or girl both should be consider as equal. People are following their norms and rituals only by being biased towards women. Society usually thinks son can earn and support their family and daughter are going to get married and goes to other family due to which they will not get support from daughter financially because of which many people wants boy through which it leads to female foeticide. But they should understand that daughter are equal like son they can also take care and support their family in their parent’s old age. In rural areas, this type of cases are more seen because the mentality is still biased towards women. Due to lack of development and education problem, most of the female foeticide is practice because they consider girl child as sin. Their should be end of gender inequality than only this kind of things will get prevent.

    Manpreet Singh
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    In an Asian Center for Human Rights, a Delhi-based human rights NGO, a world-leading women’s infanticide study, it was disclosed that the choice of a son over a child is a primary reason for women’s infanticide in many countries. In South Asia, the Dowry system that makes children ‘unbeatable economic strain’ is also contributing to infanticide amongst women. In India, it is prohibited to select or to disclose the sex of the fetus in the Indian Act on Preconception and Prenatal Díagnostic Techniques (Prohibitions to Sex Selection). It also forbids sale by persons, laboratories, and clinics not registered under the Law of “any ultrasonic machine or any other instrument capable of identifying the sex of fetuses.”
    The recent census in India, which took place in 2011, showed that Uttarakhand had a child sex rate from 908 in 2001 to 890, ten years later (the number of girls per 1,000 children). More shockingly, recent figures have been. According to a recent government poll in 132 Uttarkashi villages, none of the 216 children in the three-month villages born were girls.
    The unavoidable impact on marriage systems will be that demographic imbalance. Many men may need to delay or forego marriage in nations where marriage is practically ubiquitous because they cannot find a spouse, stated the report.

    The overall culpability for female feticides lies in Indian society. However, Indian doctors are unique and powerful. They are able to interrupt institutional violence against women by refusing to engage in the treatment of women’s feticides, a blatant infringement of the concept of charity and non-malignancy. Despite its weaknesses, the PCPNDT Act is a well-determined piece of social law strengthening medical ethics practice by giving legal incentives for Indian doctors to respect their duties. Although the PCPNDT Act recognizes and points out the serious societal problem, the fact that women’s feticide has not been considerably curbed and the unintended consequences cannot be ignored. The cumbersome ultrasound limitations preventing Indian doctors access to a vital imaging method have not resulted in the societal transformation envisaged under the PCPNDT Act. In the end, a remedy as multifaceted and complex as the basic reasons is required to finish female feticide.

    Aditi Sahu
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    Female foeticide —sometimes I question myself that why is this an issue or a topic in first place! Why do people think of girls as a burden on their shoulders? Why is there such a huge gap between two genders of human society?
    My mind hates to define this but, female foeticide is the practice of killing of an “unborn” girl child inside their mother’s womb.

    By different illegal ways or methods people try to figure out the gender of the child and if it turns out to be a female, they try to kill that child before it takes birth. Their brutal actions don’t even let the baby enter this world. Due to this ill-practice the sex ratio of several countries turn out to be very low with respect to females. Everyone wants children but no one wants the female child who will become a future mother of these children, strange but unfortunately true.

    Female foeticide is a disgusting practice that needs to be stopped immediately! Obviously times have changed and there has been significantly less cases of female foeticide due a lot of reasons like stricter laws, but even if there is one case of female foeticide in our country, then we have failed as human beings. We see people around us raising slogans such as “save girl child “, ” let them live in this world”, etc etc. But why is there such a situation in front of us? One should understand that this planet is not the residence of just males. It is high time that we realise that female foeticide is a sin, and it should definitely be put in a dustbin!

    Samriti Sharma
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    I agree with all the points that have been mentioned above, let us begin with understanding the term Female Foeticide, it is the procedure where abortion of the female foetus is done outside legal methods.The heinous practice of girl killing has been in practice since 1940s the practice of Female Foeticide was common as the patriarchal society at that particular time considered girl child as a liability and son’s are considered as assets, and so only son’s were desirable in every household. Despite the fact that it is illegal in India still it is practiced in many parts of India.
    Tere is no single factor responsible for Female Foeticide but a series of socio-cultural norms and practices that gave rise to the same in India. Patriarchy, Gender Discrimination, Girls can not continue the family lineage, the desire of a son or a boy, dowry system, safety issue are the main reasons. Today we’ll talk about the measures that have been taken by the Government of India to tackle the problem of Female Foeticide in India. Government passed Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PNDT) in 1994, which was further ammended in 2004 and changed to Pre conception and pre natal diagnostic Techniques regulation and prevention of misuse Act. These Acts were framed with the main objective to punish and prevent Pre-natal sex screening and female foeticide. With these laws there have been certain government schemes with the object of improving the position of women and also changing their position in society. Namely these schemes are Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Balika Samriddhi Yojna, CBSE Udaan Scheme, etc.
    Despite these laws and schemes the practice is still being followed in some interior parts of the nation due to which there is not only fluctuation in sex ratio of the nation as a whole but also the right to lift is being deprived to girls as they are being killed in Womb Just because of their gender. The need of the hour is to make stringent punishment provisions along with effective implementation of the laws enacted bin the country.

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