Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Female foeticide , A sin! Put this practice in dustbin!

14 replies, 15 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Darshini Suresh

    I’ll start by putting a strong statement that ‘we live in a country, where a girl is not  safe inside the womb nor outside it. A two year old boy could have had a lovely sister, a mother could have had a support system, a father would have been called Proud. ‘Before she could survive, they didn’t even let her survive , the didn’t even welcome her home just because she missed a Y chromosome?’

    For all those who don’t know, let me tell you what female foeticide is. Female foeticide is apparently the abortion of a foetus inside the womb of a pregnant woman, after knowing the sex of the baby ( girl) through ultrasound. Let me tell you that this is illegal in India now but earlier people used to practice this a lot. Why? Just because they think having a boy is an investment but whereas having a girl is an economical drain.

    Today a girl is excelling in every particular state with different Opportunities in all the possibility academics more than a boy. Dowry system though not completely gone has still shown some improvement due to public speaking of mobilisation. The evil of public foeticide is strongly ingrained in our society and permeates all classes and castes of a society. In a land, where we worship a Goddess like ‘Durga Ma’, lakhs of children are killed while they are inside the womb just because of the greed of some families of wanting a male child. Such a biased mind-sets gets me deeply thinking about our values sometimes.

    Let me today according to the recent census the growth rate of a female growth rate is slightly changing and growing and is almost touching the male growth rate. But this is only in India. Early it used to be stated that only socially backward classes used to undergo this medical treatment but recent trends have shown that it’s mostly the wealthy Indian couples who have been actually going to places like Thailand to know the gender of the foetus and abort incase of a female, since there are no laws against it to run from the ban here. From becoming a Prime Minister to touching the moon, women have excelled in the fields drastically.

    From Beti-Bachao activities which include rallies, government banners schemes, to Amir khan who did premiere of his show with the episode ‘daughter’s are precious’ of ‘Satyameva-Jayate’, all such more media coverage should be followed in order to empower women more so that it helps gaining self-dependence and can take right decisions themselves rather than getting influenced or pressurised listening to their in-laws and husbands. Through awareness we can bring about change in the perspective of a society to give equal space to female child just as a male child. Only a little change in our attitude can bring wonders by welcoming daughters in our lives and world.

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    Female foeticide is the process of finding out the sex of the foetus and undergoing abortion if it is a girl. Female infanticide is when the girl child is killed after she is born. Be it unborn or born, the minute it is known the child is a girl, the plan to kill the child is made.

    Women are at the bottom rung in the social ladder and are discriminated against widely, solely based on their gender. Men are the superior species while women are the inferior ones. The patriarchal society and its culture have made it so that women are always looked at in a different light.

    Parents prefer sons to daughters, especially in less-developed areas as they believe that sons will be able to continue the heritage and ensure financial stability in the future. Having a daughter would mean parents having to spend money as dowry and for other factors to raise her. A daughter would not bring in any benefit. This is one of the main reasons for female foeticides happening.

    Because male children are preferred and female children are killed, the population’s male-female ratio is skewed toward men, with more men than women. One would think that in developed and educated areas, female foeticide would not be seen. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

    There are laws in place to prevent female foeticide, but people still find ways to determine the sex of the foetus and abort it. Despite protective measures to reduce female foeticide, female foeticide persists in some parts of the world. It will exist as long as there is a male bias and discrimination and hatred towards women.

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    Every human being has the right to live but in India giving birth to a girl, the child is considered a sin for some classes of society because there is the belief that a son is an asset for the family and a daughter is a liability.
    Female feticide is the abortion of the girl child when she is in the womb of the mother it is against the law in India but it still happens in some rural regions of India. People give bribe the doctor and torture them to reveal the gender of the baby, there is a lot of case related to this. Girls equal to boys. girl have proven them in every field right from stepping on to being the finance minister, nowadays girls are independent and supporting their parents. It just depends on the parents how they nurture girls to make them strong. Everything would change if people would stop believing in social rituals and norms. Consequences of female feticide are Decrease in the female population, adverse effects on women’s health physically and mentally, women are abused and exploited sexually. Dowry is also a problem from which people fear they have to give huge money and other things which groom demands. The family involved in this activity should be fined some cash amount and a minimum of 2 years in jail.
    People should not fear registering the complaint if they are seeing this. They are also social organizations are made to save a girl child. Also slowly the change is happening girl childbirth ratio is rising day by day. Even after the birth is given some family does not give the equal treatment in house. Our government and media are constantly making efforts to through launching policies and making TV shows so people will change. Every parent should raise like they are not less.

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    Female foeticide is a process of terminating female foetuses in womb just because of the selfish greed of male child, with no second thoughts, indian society has lost all the respect in my eyes when it comes to respecting women and treating them as humans.
    Disrespecting women, not letting them choose careers, blaming them for the violence they face, maybe is not enough for these people who’ve found another way to torcher women, killing the child in mother’s womb itself just because it’s a girl, this is how a mere unborn child is treated in our country.
    Studies show that around 4.6 crore girl child have been foeticide just because of preference of a son.
    This is a sin to the country, no country can truly develop it doesn’t respect it’s women, why do people often forget that it the women because of whom, they’re able to see, hear, feel, because it was a woman who gave birth to them facing miserable pain that no one other than a mother could even imagine, that pain was enough for her to survive, the pain of other miseries is not what she deserves, She is the creator of the world, she doesn’t deserves to be killed before being born.

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    Female foeticide in India has a head spanning history. Killing your child, just because she will not be a boy, she can’t accomplish those dreams which you wanted to fulfill, she has to be in boundaries which you and your society’s crazy mentality justified! How much cruel can you be.
    Ok wait, of course this is not the only cause.
    Poverty, the dowry system, births to unmarried women, deformed infants, famine, lack of support services and maternal illnesses such as postpartum depression are among the causes too.
    But the suggested reasons for high birth sex ratio include regional female foeticide regardless of income or poverty because of patrilineal culture,smaller family size and selective stopping of family size once a male is born. Although infanticide has been criminalised in India, it remains an under-reported crime due to the lack of reliable data.
    As a result, unfavorable sex- ratio comes out, which makes a Demographic crisis will result as a rise in sexual violence and child abuse as well as wife-sharing.
    Whether we shoutout to women empowerment or gender equality, we are not even safe before birth! Government must take strict measures to stop these as well as women should save herself too. There’s many NGOS who are helping such mother’s. If we want to save our women, there’s no other way than saving ourselves. Help each other , save girl children, ban those practice , end gender discrimination.

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    Women are sadly not equal in this country; it is shown even before birth. After finding out the sex of the baby and if by any chance it is a girl child, abortion is undergone in certain areas. It is illegal but is unfortunately very prevalent even today. It is not to be confused with female infanticide which is the killing of the girl child after giving birth found mostly in Asian countries.
    Women are often considered a pain even before birth. People prefer boy children because they feel that they will be easier to take care of. Boys were also usually considered to be the sole successor of all the family’s property but there is no reason why a girl can’t do this as well. Even after birth, the child is often neglected because she isn’t a boy.
    This results in misogyny, because they feel women can’t do things that men can although it shows that they can and they do even better in situations.
    The population of men is bigger than the population of women because of female infanticide and foeticide. Women have to abort their child because of family pressure which often leads to depression.
    But today, many are getting more educated on this topic. Many are speaking out and although it still occurs, it is less prevalent than before.
    I want to live in a world where young girls and women aren’t considered to be weak or inferior in any way. We deserve our rights. We deserve equality.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Since today after a lot of advancement and modernization females are considered a bad omen. Oh is that girl child abort her. If she will bear it is lead to poverty. These are some of the pinching sentences used by people. Why girls are always discriminated against? Why such hatred? The question is just why?
    On the one hand, people are worshipping female deities and on the other, they are brutally killed without thinking. In India, there are more than one million female foeticide and these cases are increasing the gap and differencing between sex ratios. It is not a new practice but it is deep-rooted in society they consider having a girl child means a drain of wealth and lead to social burden.
    Even after strict laws against this heinous crime, some people are practicing them. Despite the number of campaigns and slogans, people are still fond of having sons.
    The main reason for this evil cause is lack of education. This heinous crime usually occurs in those states who are backward and are illiterate, having the low status of women, small family norms, and misuse of diagnostic machines.
    The government of India has launched many schemes regarding this evil such as Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddhi Yojana, and many more.
    This situation is more prevalent as women are not included in the decision-making process and they are not able to raise their voice against unjust norms.
    According to the UNDP gender inequality index India has slipped down and some to the 140th rank among 156 countries. It feels some time shame when we see other countries such as Bangladesh whose position is above India.
    Generally, women are considered the weaker sex and they need security. This leads to the decline of moral and ethical standards when doctors revoke their Hippocratic oath while doing female foeticide.
    Though our constitution provides the right to life to every individual still why women are not allowed to live in this world they killed before even arriving in this world.

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    Female foeticide refers to getting rid of the female fetus by surgical termination. It is a crime against women as it debars them to take birth, through various medical techniques it is used to determine the sex of the child and once this is known, they terminate the child inside the womb if it’s a girl.
    The patriarchal structure of society in India and people’s preferences towards a male child is the major reason behind female foeticide. People in society think and go with the assumption that if they have a male child, it will carry forward generations, so they want a son over a daughter, grandson over granddaughter. Sometimes women themselves surrender to the illegal and immoral practice of getting their female foetus aborted due to family and social pressure.
    As per the provisions of the Pre Natal-Diagnostics Techniques (PNDT) Act, it is a crime for the couples who request for abortion of the female fetus as well as for the doctors who perform it. The technique is mainly used to investigate pre-natal complications, but instead, it is misused for abortions of female fetuses in India. In some rural areas where people cannot go for sex-determination tests, female foeticide degenerates into female infanticide wherein a girl child is killed after birth by unimaginably horrible methods – she is strangulated, poisoned, dumped in garbage bins, drowned, burnt alive, or starved to death. Generally, in urban areas too, things are not different on the ground. The desire for a male child is common across households irrespective of their socio-economic conditions.
    Female foeticide is nothing but the misuse of pre-natal technology which was invented to detect abnormality in the unborn child before it could actually take birth. We need to empower girls in every sense of the term – educational, social, economic, and political so that Indian families learn to practice no discrimination whether it’s a girl or boy.

    Vivek Adatia
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    The birth of a child is probably one of the happiest moments in the life of any person. But sadly, for some persons the word ‘child’ can only refer to a baby boy. For them, a female child is no more than a biological trash and thus they commit the horrendous crime of female foeticide.
    It’s been recorded that more 100,000 abortions are performed in India solely because the fetus is a female. It’s strange that these people are not charged with murder, after all female foeticide can also be termed as ‘taking a life’.

    It’s unsettling to see how, throughout our history female life has had no worth in the eyes of society; be it the practice of Sati, Dudhpiti or female foeticide. What’s even more unsettling is that these people who commit female foeticide has no regrets or remorse for it whatsoever. They feel as if a burden has been unladen off them. It’s unfathomable how these insensitive people can even be called as humans! They are so drunk in male ego that they eventually suffer from the fever of extending their family lineage.

    And it’s not only that unborn girl child that loses her life, it’s also the mother who loses her own flesh and blood, quite literally. And it’s not only that, she loses her potential companion and her best friend. No matter how hard she cries, her sentiments and dreams are all drowned in those same tears. The physical pain is still bearable but the emotional and psychological scars that she wins are etched on her soul for her entire life.

    These people who commit this horrible crime are so drunk on patriarchy, they lose the common sense that their priceless male heir cannot carry their lineage alone. For that he too would one day need a woman. They forget that without a female they cannot survive even a single day. Our government too has been incompetent as usual in containing this crime as these criminals roam freely, without any fear, albeit with pride. Well they forget that the One above witnesses everything and they shall ultimately pay the price.

    Dharani Sri
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    In the changeable world, only one thing has not changed till now. That is the female infanticide. Female foeticide is the abortion of the baby in the womb of the mother after knowing the sex of the baby (girl). How drastic is this to hear right?
    Not only in India, in many other countries the parents think that having a baby boy will lift their life and having a baby girl will drastically lead to economic drain. Because of this they kill the baby even before she breathes and feel the fresh air of the atmosphere.
    Now, girls are as worth as the boys. They also marked in every field from cleaning vessels to flying in the space. The worst thing is that people worship goddess but they kill the girl baby in the mother`s womb because she is a girl. The other reason is because they want a baby boy, so if they find that the baby is a girl, they will abort it or kill them after the birth. Most of them forget that they came to the world by a woman.
    The government has also banned to expose the sex of the fetus. Because of this, many parents go to Thailand where it is legal. there they can able to know their baby`s sex. If it a baby girl, they will abort it.
    To stop this female foeticide, we have to create more awareness among people. And we should try to change the mindset of the parents who are willing to abort their baby girl. We should try each way possible. The change will come only if we change our mindset.

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