Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Sexism & Patriarchy Women Exploitation in Modern Society

37 replies, 35 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 3 years, 2 months ago
  • Woospire

    Modern world is no different than ancient or medieval world as far as exploitation of women is concerned. Only the nature of exploitation has changed.

    Piyu Radadiya
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    There is society is becoming very modern by passing time but this society’s many of people’s way of think and act is not as modern. In this fast growing society women are not safe .The women across the world ,struggle to live life with dignity continues. Women are facing problems in every sphere of life. Women, Irrespective of their class, caste and educational status , are not safe in modern society. There are several causes of sexual as well as moral abuse which are very often highlighted by the media in Indian modern society, and a lot of those also remain unexplored. Although, such violence against women, sexual harassment , exploitation to women is not of recent origin, its trace is found. They are victims of crime directed specifically at them, rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry-related crimes, molestation, sexual harassment, eve-teasing, etc. Women self-sacrifice, physical and mental endurance, and compassion is waxing eloquence for retrogressive drudgery. It lends rationale for under-nutrition of girls, unequal health care, inequitable access to resources, and denial of property rights all reserved for women born into a tradition that hails women’s capacity forbearance .There is many stages of women exploitation.
    Exploitation of women are various forms and different natures. It include crimes involving sexual exploitation for economic gains like prostitution & trafficking, adultery, abduction, rape, wrongful confinement, and murder etc on the one hand and crimes related to women’s property like dishonest misappropriation, criminal breach of trust, domestic violence, dowry extortion and outraging the modesty of women etc on the other. These crimes are not only injurious and immoral for the women but for the society as a whole. Every day, they cross among the fears and fraught for individuality. Despite the constitutional guarantee of equality of sexes, rampant discrimination and exploitation of women in India continues. The incidence of dowry deaths, woman sexual harassment, molestation and ill-treatment of women are on increase. It is high time now that women should get a respectable and dignified position in the Indian society. Crimes against women should be made punishable and a In the era of globalization and with revolution in means of communication and information technology, the media role has become more crucial for women empowerment in Indian modern society. In modern society changes have been taking place in everywhere in almost every field but to protect honour of women. Lack of well-planned educational, economic and social programmes from grass root level is highly responsible for such acute and pitiable scenario of the women in the world.
    Finally i want to say that “Morden world to be modern outside as well as inside.”

    Wafiya Sultana
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    We all know that this world is simply men dominated, the name is men dominated, and last the whole society is men dominating. The place for women in this men dominating society is no where. The women are called as the backbone of the society but we all know that this is just a saying like other sayings and like other things. The world stands because of women but where is the right stand for women in this world. Exploitation of women is actually a very common thing in the world. Every day don’t know how many women have been raped by the animals of the society, don’t know how many brides parents are forced for the dowry, how many of them receive sexual threats messages and calls every day, many husbands in the society whenever they are angry, they beat their wife and children so that he can make himself stress free, he can do this and why not because he is the supreme of the family, he earns money, so he can whatever he wants. According to him the role of wives are nothing, they just have to cook3 times meals, washing dishes and clothes, looking after the children. These things are simple and easy that anyone can do this. After all they don’t earn anything, so it is thin responsibility. These type s of statements are most common for men. They usually thinks in this way.
    Exploitation of women are done on a daily basis, people think and women also thinks that they are only made for the kitchen. Any person found to misbehaving with the victim at any stage of investigation must be punished by sentence. This will defiantly helps in improving the rate of reporting assaults on women. The life of a normal girl starts with sacrifice. First their parents tell them to sacrifice, then their husbands and at the end the chance of the society comes. Actually, the sacrifice of women starts from the womb. Everyone wants a Male child cause he look after them when they reach their old age and also he can earn money and one more thing. At first the sex of the embryo is determined and if the sex of the embryo is female then it will simply aborted and the saddest part in this that they women also don’t want girl child. This has been going on for centuries. The exploitation of women in the society is not only because of men but women are also equally responsible. They never raised their voice and if one of them raised her voice, then the women itself stop her. Violence against women are increasing day by day and the wine who can stop is women itself. Women are not less than men in any aspects. There is a solution of every problem. For reducing women exploitation, we should offer high level of education to girls and increase women empowerment. We should also give them opportunity in active politics & social activities They just have to realise with what power they are born with because a man can’t bear the pain of giving birth and he can’t even bear the periodic pain. So, women it’s your time think about yourself and stand with all the power you have.

    Abhishek Sharma
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    “There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.” – Swami Vivekananda

    Though the status of women in India, both historically and socially, has been one of the respect and reverence, but the hard truth is that even today, they are struggling for their own identity, shouting for diffusion of their voices and fighting for their own esteem. Every day, they cross among the fears and fraught for individuality. Despite the constitutional guarantee of equality of sexes, rampant discrimination and exploitation of women in India continues. The incidence of dowry deaths, woman sexual harassment, molestation and ill-treatment of women are on increase. It is high time now that women should get a respectable and dignified position in the Indian society. Awareness in the women as well as society should be created and their equal rights should be effectively implemented. Crimes against women should be made punishable and a In the era of globalization and with revolution in means of communication and information technology, the media role has become more crucial for women empowerment in Indian modern society. In modern society changes have been taking place in everywhere in almost every field but to protect honour of women. International Women Day is celebrated, a number of women organizations have been working for women freedom and empowerment. But all of those are external in nature as mentality is the product of society and culture. In the same family, a boy gets more liberty than a girl. Moreover, there is lack of security of girls in Indian society. In Indian modern society it is very much essential to all women get educated to solve all women issues in any society and in any circumstance, in order to live with honour, Education will only give them strength and societal status. This will increase the women smooth living in modern society. Every woman has a fundamental right to be safe Protesting injustice, if a woman is able to protest herself with the right and education, then that protest her life becomes miserable. It should be remembered that the socio economic empowerment must be ensured by the nation to minimize the exploitation which can help to improve the status of women.
    Now, the world is changing and acknowledging women as a prestige of this society. I hope the world will not be a cruel place for a women anymore.

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    The world is modernising as each minute passes by. We see new technology, discoveries, etc, and yet, something that hasn’t been modernised yet is the deeply rooted patriarchal thoughts.

    One could argue that without the female, it would be difficult to keep the species alive. Females are a necessary part of the world unless males can carry life. So, why have women been treated so poorly for centuries?

    Women had it tough in the olden days. A woman was expected to be a slave to a man in a male-dominated society with deep patriarchal customs, with no voice of her own. Her abilities were limited to cooking and caring for the house and children. She would also be a target for those who consider women to be inferior. Only a few were brave enough to defy the restrictions. With time, women came together to fight for their rights. One would have thought that women would come out victorious and finally be equals to men.

    One look at modern society demonstrates that this has not occurred. Women are still regarded as inferior beings who are mocked for having a voice. It doesn’t matter what caste/class they belong to or how educated they are; as long as they are a woman, the belief that she is inferior to men is deeply ingrained. Women have become the targets of women-specific crimes, such as domestic abuse, sexual assault, dowry-related crimes, and so on.

    The struggle for establishing women as being equals to men has been going on for years. There is always an underlying fear in women about how their day will be, or how they will make it through the day without being targeted for being a woman. We hear about women-targeted crimes all the time in the news, and it tells us that no matter how far society progresses, it will never progress until women can say they feel safe.

    Men exploit women and expect them not to speak up. They must accept their fate as a result of being born female. Some people are so entrenched in the patriarchal system that nothing will change their minds. Even today, some women believe that they are destined to be used by men because they are inferior beings. Women in modern society have begun to fight back to show that times have changed and that a woman does not have to conform to society’s patriarchal ideology. Some have also been able to break free from patriarchal beliefs that bound them to fight.

    Women continue to fight for their fundamental human rights. Despite being misunderstood by many, the waves of feminism have gained momentum. One can hope for zero discrimination against women, but with the way things are now, that is a long way off. The struggle for equality in terms of gender, sex, sexuality, race, and so on is a long and difficult one. But it persists in the hope that the world will become a better place in the future.

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    Every year on March 8th Women’s Day is celebrated with great vigour by men and women alike, to appreciate the women in their lives and the work they do. But it should be noticed that as soon as the day is over, they return to their daily old lives that continue to exploit women. It is unknown to most people that they do this because it comes to them so naturally. When a woman speaks about feminism, it is always questioned by men, with claims that we have already achieved the peak of equality and that women’s demands now are merely fake and for attention. They have even mansplained the difference between real feminism and pseudo-feminism to prove their point through the male gaze.

    Yes, the women of this generation have it easier than they did in medieval times because at least they’re not burned alive for being ‘witches’ because they express actual opinions and feelings. But this does not mean that the oppression ended. Although the world has become more liberal and accepting of equal rights for men and women, exploitation is still prevalent. It can be as small as women doing unpaid labour as housewives, being paid less for doing the same job as a man and not being respected for the choices they make about their clothes, sexuality, or the partner they choose or as imperative as women being victims of endless hate-crimes like sexual assaults, kidnappings, and murders owing to misogyny. Either way, the fact that this is a male-dominated world is undeniable. As the division and discrimination based on caste, religion, or race upsurge day-by-day in this hateful world, women are the ones on the receiving end of all the violence resulting from it.

    Women were seen as fragile and docile creatures that could be easily manipulated and controlled. Now that they are fighting back the endless patriarchy our mothers and grandmothers were put through, men feel that their manliness and feeling of superiority is threatened, which is the main reason men resort to anger and violence when women speak up against inequality.

    Domestic violence jokes made by men usually paint the women in the family as the perpetrator when behind closed doors, the men exploit them and try to prove their power over them.

    When men claim that feminism is irrelevant and unnecessary in today’s world where women have it easier than they did centuries ago, it is essential to ask them if they would be willing to drink muddy water if the stones were removed and the water was still passed through filter paper. It is still better than drinking muddy water, is it not? And when they respond that it is still not safe water, it brings us to our point that no matter how many centuries passed, and it is much better than it was in the past for women, the world is still not safe enough, and thus we need feminism.

    It is high time, everyone calls themselves feminists and we fight the patriarchy together.

    anshika agarwal
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    We are living in a men dominant society. Womens are still not free to do whatever they want. They are being treated badly by the men. They are sexually harassed. In the modern society women are exploited emotionally, physically and sexually. Women are called selfish when they choose career over family. Patriarchy society wishes women to hide their thoughts and desires in a veil.
    When the men earns livelihood for the family and women take cares of the family, society consider it a happy family. But when a women earns livelihood for the family and men takes care of child and family at home, society considers it an evil. A man never wants to eat a bite of food which is earned by his wife. He feels disrespected. Why acid is thrown on women? Just because they had raised their voice and didn’t done the thing that men expects.
    Women are always exploited in the past and as well as the present world also. When a woman marry either she wishes to or not to have a physical relationship with her partner but her wish is never considered. She is being treated as a property by man. And after marriage he got a license to rape her. Why society wants women to wear a mangalsutra and have red sindoor on their forehead? Is this not a exploitation?
    Women are supposed to keep their mouth shut infront of everyone. Men can take out of someone else’s anger on women. After marriage they treat a women like a maid or a servant.
    Women who are becoming a feminist and raising voice towards this patriarchy society are being harassed. This society can’t digest that women have a control on this society.

    Not Helpful

    Many feel that women are treated better than before. While that might be right to an extent, people do not treat women well even today.

    Many women find it hard to live here because they are scared for their lives. This should not be the case. The cases of rape, domestic violence are sexual harassment are increasing by the day. Many women are scared that it might be them next.

    Women face misogyny. People are often hard to women and do not allow them to do things that men do. Often if they like sports, people think they are doing it for male attention, When that’s not the case. They are also mocked for their “girly” interests so as you can see, women can never win.

    Women are told to overcome exploitation by protecting themselves. It can help but why don’t we change the sexist attitudes of men first? So that this doesn’t happen in the first place. Many people, including women have backward attitudes about rape and believe it’s the victim’s fault which should stop.

    People do not realize it, but they are often enabling these instances. Not correcting your child when they’re in the wrong, not checking out suspicious behavior from them or their friends. When you allow your friend to make sexist or rape/domestic violence jokes without correcting them, you are enabling them.

    People also don’t take women who want basic respect seriously. They are often mocked even while asking for help and speaking up. This should stop.
    If only we could change the mindsets of people everywhere, could we get people to respect women. We can only hope that people respect us in the future.

    Sudesna Maji
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    Women seen as the weaker creature has always been exploited for all the time and for all the wrong reasons, they are oppressed, harassed and exploited in every place around the world. from the very era of violence, humiliation on the women, all over the world, they have struggled to live their life to their fullest, they are being been suppressed from men, the patriarchal component of society,
    men have always been the prominent and strong part of the society and superior over anything prevailing and women have been looked down always and neglected in every possible way, they are considered a burden in the family, economically depleting the family resources, many kill the girl child, preventing them from being born, discriminating them from the boy in every sphere of life from the very birth, the birth of girl child has seen great grief and problem in a family, they are trafficked and forced to undergo violence in forms of marriage, rape, prostitution, etc.
    they are exploited in their home, workplace, and family, outsiders, everyone. they are suppressed by the boss, coworkers for being weak and not capable to do work, sexual abuse on them, many times it is executed by close relatives, they are thought to not being able to produce anything creative in terms of money, they are only seen as objects of sexual ecstasy and only used for that purpose, they are being slowed down constantly, the women who have been productive are subjected to verbal abuse and said to lose their feminity and their vigor which leads to depressing activities in women and not letting them strive.
    enforced laws and campaigns have helped a lot but a lot of work is still needed to be done, it is based on cultural and ethical beliefs, on an end note, this is an age old gender based violence that needs to be eradicated, which is protested and still experienced by women all over the world.

    kriti sharma
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    Women Exploitation in Modern Society
    Exploitation is a broad spectrum of continuous process which can annihilate a person utterly and completely from inside Out. Exploitation does not have one face i.e., the face we all know and see the tangible physical face but it can also be mental emotional and intangible to the naked eye. And this intangible exploitation can come from the places where we least expect it from.
    It was mother’s day yesterday and what I realised at the end of the day was that the sour thought that we all love posting pictures and wishing Happy mothers day to the women in our life, just that and nothing else for the whole day and the rest of the following year. As I heard my mother saying yesterday ‘nothing changes. It’s just another day for me there is nothing special about it. It is the day for you to celebrate and feel good about yourself but I am the one who still goes into the kitchen for 365 days a year’. And this ladies and gentlemen was the thought that stuck with me.
    Isn’t this exploitation this ruse of celebrating mother’s day by waking up in the morning which we did yesterday and our mothers doing the exact same thing which she will do tomorrow. Where is the change, where is the better us, the better society, the better tomorrow that this day was supposed to stand for. We not exploited the women and the mothers but we exploited the day that stood for them and changed it into some kind of social spectacle for everybody to post about.
    These days are useless and should be forgotten to time if we do not know what they stand for. Where are the feminist when they are comfortable in there own AC room and their mothers are cooking for them in a small kitchen without even a fan. Where does the feminism go? I wish I knew the answer. This is the exploitation we should be wary of. Because this has seeped into our code and has shaped us to who We are today and we participate in it and accept it on a daily basis.
    And this makes this intangible exploitation so dangerous that it happens in our own backyard and we refuse to recognise it at all costs.
    Hence we need to educate ourselves first about exploitation before taking it to the other gender where we are doing this to other women. How can we stop it and how can we change it?. We also need to go back to our roots when women stood for one another with one another and fought for these days to be written in history as mother’s day or Women’s day. We need to bring the sentiment back to the mainstream, look from where we went wrong. Where did we start taking on all this exploitation even from our own gender. And then we need to at all costs.
    And maybe then and only then we can start to be worthy of the day that we celebrate all women but until then we are just a cog in the exploitation machine for women.

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