Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Healthcare Reproductive Health & Rights Unplanned pregnancies and abortions are increasing every year.

7 replies, 8 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Darshini Suresh

    Sexual and reproductive are universal rights to the entire human race. In my opinion, they are indivisible part of the broader human rights and development equation. It is an important part of who women are, and their reproductive health. Every women, I repeat every women has the right to decide whether she wants to give birth to a baby. It is her choice if she doesn’t want to abort the baby after having an unplanned pregnancy and this is exactly what women’s reproductive and health rights are subjected to.
    Despite all the regulations, and rules set against these rights, yet in many areas, gender norms privilege men’s control over women and think that maintain or perpetuating unequal power relations is fine. Because of all this, violations of women’s sexual and reproductive health rights are pretty much persistent even today. Women’s going through early marriage quite often face forced sterilization and abortion due to unplanned pregnancies. This occurs because of lack of sex education. I mean who gave the right to a man even though he is married to that women to touch her without her consent? All these actions have serious led to a compromise of a women’s reproductive health and rights.
    The patriarchy concept in many families even today leads women to be a downward position. Isn’t it the 21st century? Still, why does some men still think they have full right towards a women’s body. Isn’t he scared of violating her sexual and reproductive health rights? A woman go through so many side effects when she aborts a child, and yet because of family pressure and society, she is sometimes forced to abort the child. Women are also blamed for infertility as an assault. Globally around 30 percent of women have experienced physical violence by their intimate partner leading to diseases like HIV and other reproductive related women’s problems.
    Teaching Sexual education in schools for boys and girls can for sure bring down the rate of violations of women’s reproductive and health rights. The abortion being done must be safe and from professional help only. We live in 21st century, and we got to keep developing campaign’s on such topic to spread awareness to women all around.

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    Sex is a part of human nature, exceptions included. It is necessary for the continuation of the species. But, the topic of sex is taboo. Parents and teachers do not give in-depth knowledge about sex to the students who would be curious about it.

    When one’s knowledge of sex is limited, one does not know everything about sex. Leaving aside the physical act of sex, the other aspects of sexual intercourse are unknown, which could lead to disastrous consequences.

    Unplanned pregnancies can happen in multiple ways. It could happen to a married couple who aren’t in a situation where they can raise a child. Or, it could happen to a young, unmarried couple, who are in school. The circumstances vary in both cases. As adults, the married couple’s decision would result in less problematic conditions because they are well-versed in sex education. But when it comes to the other couple, their situation would be a tad complex. Here is where the importance of needing a sex education comes into play.

    Many unplanned pregnancies in unmarried couples are the result of a lack of sex education. The most one would know about sex is the pleasures it would provide. The rest is unknown, such as safe sex, consent, and STDs. Many of the negative associations with sex could be avoided if parents and teachers treated sex as another subject to teach their children. Teaching teenagers about sex would not encourage them to have sex; rather, they would be able to practise safe sex and avoid it when necessary.

    If a young girl engages in sexual activity and becomes pregnant, she would be pressured to terminate the foetus. Unplanned pregnancies often result in abortion or giving up the baby for adoption.

    Unplanned pregnancies can also be a result of non-consensual sex or rape. In this case, what the female would choose is quite obvious. No one would be willing to carry a product of sexual assault, however cruel it may sound.

    Sex education is required to prevent unintended pregnancies in young adults who are unaware of the complexities that come with sexual intercourse. It is also up to the female to choose what she wants. The high rates of unplanned pregnancies and abortion could be reduced with a better understanding of the factors relating to sex.

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    In a country like India, where sex education or anything related to sex is considered as taboo, there can be a lot of unplanned pregnancies and abortions.

    First of all, talking about unplanned pregnancies brings us to our first topic of concern; sex education. When there is no sex education provided to teenagers and when adults too have no clue about how reproduction and pleasure are different from each other, accidents are bound to happen.

    There is no information about condoms or birth control pills anywhere except for very discreet advertisements on the television. This brings them to the only source for information; the internet. It is mostly through pornography,  that kids gain sketchy knowledge about important things like this. This can cause dangerous situations among teenagers or adults like rapes or unsafe sex that may cause STDs.

    The Internet is also a place, where the information provided can be false. For a youngster, it is hard to distinguish between true and false information. Thus, it is important for sex education to be provided in schools, no matter how awkward it is for the teachers or kids because there is nothing awkward about teaching safe practices for having sex.

    Our next issue being abortions; it is a Universal right for women to have control over their bodies and to make decisions regarding it. So, when they have an unplanned pregnancy it is their decision alone whether or not to keep the baby. Unplanned pregnancies are of course result of lack of knowledge about safe sex. The number of deaths through unsafe abortion are also at a peak high. This is because there are less doctors and usually abortions are done by young girls, in secret.

    Unplanned pregnancies and abortions actually cause a lot of deaths and triggers numerous religious communities. So, to keep them at a minimum, it is necessary for the country to establish an education system, where sex education is included and is not considered as taboo.

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    Talking about sex in a country like India is considered to be a taboo, wherein every person in the country should know about the life creating process called “sex”, it’s pros and cons, talking about it is considered to be a shame.
    The major cause of unplanned pregnancies is the lack of sex education among the people. Most people among the country do not know about sex and the worst part is that they don’t want to know about it.
    Sex education teaches you the usage of contraceptive methods while having sex which could prevent pregnancy, sex education is a must and should be taught to every human being upon this planet.
    Moreover, talking about pregnancy, most women in the country do not plan their pregnancy, it is generally forced upon by the society. After marriage, a woman is forced to have a child even if she doesn’t want to have one. Unplanned pregnancy constitute a total of 45% of total pregnancies among the women. It is noted that most of these women do not plan their pregnancies, and get pregnant without their own choice.
    Unplanned pregnancies are also considered to be a risky factor for a woman’s maternal health and can also cause perinatal depression in woman, stress,and lower level of psychological well-being and life satisfaction.
    Abortion is a process that is led mostly because of the unplanned pregnancies in women, people tend to abort the child in case of unwanted pregnancy. People who go through are proposed with 3 choices;
    1. Raise the child
    2. Abortion
    3. Adoption of the child
    It’s better to learn about sex before having one which could prevent unwanted pregnancy to a large extent.

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    This is the truth rate of abortion is increasing every year , along with unplanned pregnancy. According to the survey 61% unplanned pregnancies ended to abortion. It was estimated that 56 million abortion has taken place globally every year between 2010 to 2014.
    This is observed that man try to implement his own decision over women and the family also support him considering that it is the right of man whether he want to keep a baby or not. BUT they all are totally wrong ,it is only and only decision of a woman whether she want to keep the child or not and this is legally implemented. The reason of unplanned pregnancy is – having sex is now a days common in youth and due to lack of knowledge and their silliness many time they avoid the protective major they should take care which lead to unplanned pregnancy . Since a girl get pregnant in very small age family advice her to have abortion as the Boy and his family don’t even accept her and due to the prestige and status in the society did take this step .
    Many time couple take the protective measures but still they face pregnancy which is in 100 and 1 case . So they decide to have abortion since they are not ready for the child at that moment. Many women who are suffering from any health issue avoid pregnancy but if in case She get pregnant , she can chooses abortion. As she don’t want to destroy the life of the unborn child. Many times if a woman get pregnant but health issue doesn’t allow her to continue pregnancy like in many case the baby stop growing so the doctor itself advised her to have abortion. Unplanned pregnancy may occur when the couple does not want child or they do not want more child as they are happy with one or two child.
    The another reason for unplanned pregnancy and abortion is many couples are not that much financially stable and unaware about the protective measures they should take care during sex to avoid pregnancy . So, they decide to abort their child since they are not able to give the baby a better life and focus on his development .

    Manpreet Singh
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    A new survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 36 countries revealed the absence of contraception for fear of side effects, health concerns, and miscalculation of the chance of childhood that two-thirds of women sexually active prefer to postpone or limit childhood. This has led to the unintentionality of one in four pregnancies. Although unintentional pregnancies do not necessarily correspond to unwanted births, they can lead to a wide range of health hazards, including starvation, disease, abuse, neglect, including death, for mums and children.
    For every reason in their final visit to a health facility, only 3 percent of women wishing to delay or limit child care received contraceptive counseling. Screening all women for concerns regarding family planning might help prevent the widespread unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions in many Asian nations. It is estimated that about 2 million unwanted and more than 600 000 unsafe abortions occur each year in India alone. The cycle will continue without appropriate counseling, increased service quality, the expansion of efficient and acceptable contraception choices, and respect for the rights of all women and girls. Capital equity is also a major issue. Finding effective contraceptive services will allow more people to overcome legal, political, social, cultural, and structural restrictions. First, to identify women who have concerns about their way of contraception and seek to change their methods, secondly, to give high-quality stigma-free counseling, discrimination, or coercion on these women to ensure respect for their reproductive wishes and preserve their sexual health. In order to provide excellent family-centered advice, the abilities of Doctors, Sisters, and Sisters through education and professional training are also crucial.
    Safe contraception and abortion services are crucial for women’s reproductive rights in addressing fertility management and reducing unwanted pregnancies. Prevention of pregnancy is prevented first of all by access to contraception. As no method gives 100% protection, however, abortion facilities are essential to ensure that women who fall pregnant are able to end their pregnancy.

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    An unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy means having pregnancy when you don’t want child for a period of time. Most of the unplanned pregnancies happens due to not using Contraception correctly. In United states, 42% of unplanned pregnancies lead with abortions, 92% of abortions is caused due to unplanned pregnancies. To stop unplanned pregnancies you should use effective Contraception or emergency Contraception. Due to unplanned pregnancies cases of abortions are increasing day by day because of not having reproductive life plan and not taking proper Contraception to avoid pregancy. Women with Unplanned pregnancies may also effect the risk of baby’s low weight, premature baby due to which baby will faces with poor physical and mental health. Maternal health is very important for women but due to unplanned pregnancy it may affects their maternal health which may lead to reproductive health problems. Because of unplanned pregnancy women and child will go through with consequences like medical complications, child’s Infact mortality, prenatal care, Behavioural risks in pregnancy, child’s poor health and development. Women may also get suffer from perinatal depression, stress due to unplanned pregnancy. Mostly unwanted pregnancy deliver premature child having low birth weight. Their are many Contraception methods like combined pills, condoms, Contraceptive injections, diaphragms, Contraceptive patch, caps, vaginal ring, Contraceptive implant which will help women to avoid pregnancy but they should take it correctly and consistently, otherwise it may lead to unplanned pregnancies. Many women with unwanted pregnancy gets stressed about parenting for child and it result with abortions or adoption of child. Their are women who are not prepared for pregnancy but due to having unwanted pregnancy they goes through with many mental and physical problems because their mind is not prepare for such unwanted pregnancy this is the also reason for increasing cases of abortions. Their should be awareness about Contraception methods which will help in decreasing of abortions cases due to unplanned pregnancy.

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    Unplanned pregnancies happen with many women’s situations when you are not expecting or not ready for baby responsibility. Having a baby is a big decision in anybody’s life. Women should make sure they are using their protection and contraception properly. Because unplanned pregnancies lead to financial problems because of proper treatment and monthly checkups. Pregnant women need to keep their health even it affects on our career and if the baby has grown women 3 months under the womb you are not allowed to do an abortion it is illegal. so sometimes we keep ignoring that we need immediately consult a gynecologist tell them everything from which date we are not getting or get pregnancy test kits. Sometimes our partner is not ready to take responsibility they may don’t show their emotions but somewhere they feel stress in mind. And getting pregnant at a young age you somewhere that fun to travel places and do what things you won’t achieve your goals first. Create stable life for yourself. Even if you get to know it is unplanned pregnancy then don’t stress away understand that it is not good for your baby to take deep breaths. If you are worried about the expenses then save them wherever it is possible. Try to have a conversation with a closed circle explain to them things have gone wrong. Make sure this mistake never happens again.

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