Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Access to Education Technical Education Organizations That Teach Coding for Women and Girls

7 replies, 7 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Today, a number of skill development programmes have been run through the country for the youngsters, one of these skills include coding, it has been in talks since a few months and coding is now being considered as an interesting and important skills among all.
    Significantly, our society believes that technical skills like coding are made for men, but in this changing era people have been trying to make a change for women around the globe by making their daughters learn coding.
    There exists a number of organisations that help women in teaching coding in this patriarchal society. Let’s discuss a few of those organisations:
    1. Ada developers academy: Situated in washington, this academy provides 24 weeks of intensive in class instruction followed by 5 weeks of internship for free.
    2. Girls who code: Founded by Reshma Saujani in 2012, Girls Who Code is an NPO that works hard to support and increase the number of women in computer science
    3. Women who code: Women Who Code is a nonprofit organization that wants to inspire women to excel in a number of technological careers.
    They offer their members coding resources, leadership opportunities, a global supporting community and spectacular scholarships. Not only that, WWC offers a series of events, and a wide category of job offers for their members.
    4. She codes: Founded in 2013 by Ruth Polachek, she codes; is a community of women in technology, created to achieve an equal number of female and male software developers.
    Their members are either women who want to have a career shift into high-tech through the learning of software development, or current developers that want to improve their skills and have a bigger network.

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    Education is very essential we all know. And the field education is very wide. One of the field of education is TECHNICAL FIELD . Where one can learn web development and designing logo designing and many other technical knowledge. But sadly ,Very few women’s are pursuing their career in technical field. This is due to lack of awareness and due to less support from the family side and the society, because the think technical field is not for women . They should not pursue their career in this, because technical field need a very long time and patience and women’s have only a few year complete the studies. But overcoming all this backward mentality many of the organisation are helping women to develop their career in technical field they are providing online as well as offline classes of technical field to women. And one of the most beneficial , attractive and amazing program of the technical field is “CODING” there are many organisation which are providing coding classes to women and list of such organisation is below.
    1- 23 Code Street:- A UK-based coding school for women only, in order to encourage confidence, accessibility, and support in a community of female coders. For every paying student, the organization also teaches an underprivileged woman in India to code. After the course, they offer career counselling and internship opportunities with their partners. This is a online course and it’s duration is- 12 weeks and it also allow part time learning and working .

    2- :- Codebar offers free weekly coding workshops for those under-represented in the tech industry—catering primarily towards women coders and those in LGBTQ communities. Their London and Brighton events typically gather 20-30 women per week to engage in free one-on-one or one-on-two mentoring in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    3- Code First Girls :- Girls mainly holds free workshops for girls at college campuses. These classes take place for a few hours a week and last for 4-8 weeks.

    4- Ladies Learning Code :- This organization also includes Girls Learning Code, Teens Learning Code, Kids Learning Code . As the name implies, Ladies Learning Code is specifically targeted toward women coders. It’s duration is- 3 to 16 hours.

    5- Rails Girls :- As the name reflects, Rails Girls is a Ruby-on-Rails-specific coding workshop for girls. Their gatherings generally last one or two days. This is a World-Wide course.
    These organisation are doing for women welfare is very appreciative . Is stable and well the organisation should pursue such course for the welfare of women’s.

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    We can see that continuous patriarchy have already affected our girls in various ways. One of them is in education too. Girls are not considered intelligent enough to teach science or computer.most of women accept it lightly just as they accept patriarchy and if they shows interest then most of them have heard that it’s not a girls job to perform science or computer applications.
    However there’s already many organizations who are offering coding courses, specially for women online or ofline, free or paid. Some of them are-
    1. Skillrush- they’re offering an online paid course of python, web development, WordPress, visual design, digital marketing etc.
    2. 23 code street- Offering web development foundations covering html, css, java script.
    3.Railgirls- as the name suggests, they are offering rail special coding, to worlwide people, even free of cost.
    4. Girls who code- this is mainly a worldwide company who has taken an initiative to shorten the gender gap in India too, by offering free coding teaching in India.
    5. IBM – They have recently announced to take an initiative with collaboration of Indian Government to teach 2 lakh students in STEM field, has already started their journey through Andhrapradesh, Telangana, karnataka and hope to expand in other cities too.
    6.Women who code- it’s a global organization who wants to women engineers to get inspired in coding. – they provide html, java or some other coaching classes, not only to women, but also the people under LGBTQ community who are strongly ignored in our society.
    8. Girls who code- organisation like this are even offering scholarship to women to make them inspired for coding.
    There’s even more website who offers coding classes. Search google, make yourself clear about what class suits you, what matches your conditions. You can find easily an trustworthy website. Check the reviews and go for it.

    Manpreet Singh
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    It is not a hidden fact that there is a lack of women coders in the tech world. But it doesn’t have to stay the way it is now. Nowadays, there are more coding teaching platforms than ever. It can help female coders to have a big break into the technology field. With additional skills such as coding, we can empower our women to be more independent and economically strong. This can solve many problems that women have to face. Coding is not that technically demanding job and even if a girl has a little technical background, even then she can make it big in the coding industry. Here is the list of organizations that teaches coding to girls-
    1.Hear Me Code has beginner coding classes that boast of teaching coding to 3,000+ women through 2013 and 2019. Their curriculum and learning resources are made to be as simple as possible.
    2.MotherCoders has an eight-week tech camp dealing with beginners. It focuses on helping mothers start their tech careers. They provide flexible classes including, childcare food. They will teach basic technical skills and industry knowledge.
    3. PyLadies offers courses for women who want to code in the Python community. It has courses for all levels of programming knowledge, right from beginners to seasoned experts. With PyLadies, the student has a lot of flexibility. Each course decides its own workshop topics.
    4. Skillcrush is a vast source of knowledge that isn’t just limited to female coders. They aim at empowering various kinds of people, coming from varying backgrounds, no matter what nationality or gender. It has a good number of students including people of color, LGBTQ+ people, etc.
    5. Black Girls CODE is famous for hosting multiple hackathons, that aim at giving learning expos across the globe. It is a good platform to begging your coding journey and making it big in the industry.

    Yash Tiwari
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    There are many skills that a young person can learn to compete for a good job, one of them includes coding. Learning whether it is a foreign language, how to play a musical instrument, how to cook, or even how to code is important because it gives you the opportunity later on in your life to be employable and something that employers look for especially when there is a shortage of young people who can cod. Although there is a lack of suggestion from the government to support these skills, still there are many organizations such as Women Who Code, Women Techmakers and Girl Develop It that are continuously pursuing to make women and girls learn to code. This essay will discuss these organizations and also discuss what can be done by the government to encourage young women in learning to code.
    Although there are numerous coding tutorials made for women, yet there is a massive gender gap when it comes to learning programming. Women have less interest in how technical things work and this does not match with the requirement of working in the technology sector. It is a great fact that girls have been neglected from learning the skill of coding, but the problem is getting past the social stigma. Organizations like Rails Girls have come up to provide women with the proper guidance for learning and providing them with the right environment to grow and learn.

    Ada developers academy provides free education to women and girls. While they are sponsored by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and others, you do not need to work for them. The goal is to create a community in which women can learn from one another and prepare for careers in technology. They are using technology, as well as community platforms like summer camps, outreach programs, and public speaking events, to change the face of technology in India.
    Getting into tech is easier said than done. It’s hard to find a job, to learn the skills, and to establish yourself as a woman in a male-dominated industry. She Codes was founded by Ruth Polachek to solve these problems within the tech industry. She Codes has many activities every day that teach girls how to code! If you are a woman and want to change your career into high tech, she codes offer you an opportunity to learn how to code and perhaps get accepted in a Bootcamp. If you already work in high tech but would like to improve your skills through daily practice, she codes offers you the chance to study for free.

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    We all know everything is now upgrading online and mostly in future every work will happen on the internet so I.T. sector will only keep growing and expanding and coding is considered, as a base for all of these, so they are much organization which can teach coding to women and girls, also in India NEW EDUCATION POLICY coding is considered as to make coding as a compulsory subject for secondary and colleges. we can learn coding on YouTube for free, and social media platforms also provide videos if women do not want to pay they can learn through this. In the course era, there are some universities that are offering a free course on HTML, CSS, and python. She codes is also the organization which offers free coding courses to women and then also offer the workshop and internship. Women and girls learn to code sincerely and it will help them to earn money. Code first girls it is the website which conducts workshop for girls and teaches them coding languages for free there motto is to give the women and girls the fair advantage. Girls develop it there are on a mission they no more want to see girls develop the website and also the women who know coding can sell their courses. mother coders, py ladies. These are some sites which are offering courses to learn languages. Even women learn coding any person who is in the I.T. field knows languages. In the future, there will be more demand for coders. So women can join any organization available which teaches coding and also offer internship opportunities. This organization is really doing great work by teaching coding and empowering them to be independent this shows that we are moving towards a society where fair treatment is given to everyone. one can jumpstart their career by learning and excel in the I.T. world.

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    Technology has made many things easier for people all over the world. Everything is done online through which it saves the time of people and most of them prefer online Payments, shopping and many more. Their are many men in tech field but through organizations women are getting opportunities to make their career in tech field.
    There are many organizations that teach coding for women and girls as following:
    1.Girl Develop It: GDI provide various courses like Introduction to HTML and CSS, Introduction to web concepts, Web Accessibility, Introduction to JavaScript and many more. Women and girls will find it helpful because it has various introductory courses.
    2.Mothercoders: Mothercoders website are focusing on mothers career in tech field and they take classes on weekdays which help mothers to attend all the classes. It provides courses like introduction of technology training program, overview of tech landscape, web design skills and basic of front-end with duration of 8 weeks. They will also teaches you the basics of technical skills, building website by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
    3.Railsbridge: This website conduct free workshops like JavaScript, Ruby, CSS, Rails, Frontend. It will definitely help women and girls to know about coding through attending workshops for this website.
    4.Women who code: In this website you will get tutorials, coding resources, articles, videos, events and it is free of cost for female coders.
    5.Girls in Tech: There is free membership for this website. It conduct programs like webinars, courses, bootcamps, and many other events. This website will help you learn different courses of coding through which your skills will get sharp.
    6.Hear me Code: This website teaches coding for beginners and it is free online course for women and girls. All the materials and curriculum is freely available on this website. In this course you will learn about storing information, APIs, reading data, etc. They provides with code samples and exercises.
    All this organizations teaches coding for women and girls. Through this organizations it will definitely benefit for women and girls to learn coding.

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