Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Women & New Roles Men are better in sciences while women are better in the humanities.

13 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Foodie Fats 1 year, 7 months ago
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    Men are better in sciences while women are better in the humanities. What do you think?

    Darshini Suresh
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    The subject of humanities which is considered to be a soft subject which initially is stated to achieve the emotional in a woman. Males are closely indulged in science as compared to females Because it’s considered as a subject of discipline. The streams which a male or female may take up can act as a metaphor for the place where women are kept in society right now. Women are said to be people who focus on the person on what he or she can do rather than his or her materiality which makes women to understand life better way and improve the efficiency of living.

    Science on the other hand has a universal importance. Even though women also take up science, males still hole the majority as compared to females in this subject. Its would be profane if a person who researches would actually care about how their invention would affect lives on the Earth. It is also inappropriate to think about mundane variables of life such as religion or democracy when one could be making the next nuclear weapon.

    According to the recent statistics stated by the UN, women take up only about 28 percentages of the total workforce in subject which are related to science and technology, while on the other hand women are vastly out there contributing in the subjects of science and technology. This is the real reason why gender gaps are initially growing day by day with rise in economy and only men get paid more and more as compared to women.
    Giving women that equal right to pursue whatever subject they are interested might surely help in reducing the gender pay gap. This would surely lead to an efficiency in women’s security in economic terms which leads to have enhancement of workers in the scientific field. Science and technology are usually stated as FOR men in the society and this belief must be banished from people’s minds.

    Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media and popular culture. There are even fewer role models of Black women in math and science teacher makes it hard for girls to have the confidence of such subjects for their career.

    Measures should be taken to increase the enhancement in training women for making them gain confidence in streams of science and maths. There should also be an equality in the hiring of candidates in jobs related to the scientific fields. with a growth in women, the nation grows and we as citizens of this country must ensure women of our country to achieve their ambitions and goals.

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    Gender has no bearing on the subjects. A person’s interest and knowledge in a particular subject are determined by themselves. The stereotype that men excel in science while women excel in humanities is just another way to discredit women.

    Science is regarded as a difficult subject that necessitates a high level of intellect. Men are encouraged to pursue careers in science because science is seen as a subject suited to the male species as it is regarded as “superior” and has global significance. Humanities, on the other hand, are thought to be a soft subject that appeals to women, being simpler to learn and doesn’t require a high level of intellect, which is false.

    Men are less likely than women to pursue their passions because men are expected to work in the science field. A man who chooses humanities will be judged and even ridiculed. Women face a similar situation. If she chooses science, she will be constantly asked if she is certain that science is what she wants to pursue, and so on. Women are viewed as beings who excel at domestic duties, and women internalise the belief that they are not intellectually capable of pursuing careers in science.

    Now, we do see men doing courses or jobs that are commonly seen as being fit for women, like chefs, fashion designers, etc. Women go on to become CEOs, scientists, and so on.

    It is only because of the society’s system that favours men and devalues women that there are more men in science and fewer women in the humanities. A person’s intellect may be strong in science but weak in the humanities, or vice versa. When it comes to a person’s level of intelligence, gender plays no role. A person, male or female, should be free to pursue their interests without society telling them what they should do.

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    It is a myth or traditional thought that whatever you do, whatever you choose, and however you behave defines your gender. In the past, it was observed that women were always told that choose a field in which girls are suited to that environment, and boys were supported to take up any field which has more of science or field which is corporate.
    Women are told to take up humanities as their core whether it’s studies or career, but there is no truth behind women being less capable than men and women-only can-do things which require less knowledge and skills. But we have many examples of women being engineers, doctors, scientists, etc., and we have also known men who are fashion designers, chefs, etc. So based on gender how can we say that specific gender has to go for science and humanities.
    It is assumed that women are soft and fragile and so according to their nature they should go for subjects which are somewhat like that and men have great mind so that they should do which requires more of mind’s ability. Women are in fact supported only for the domestic type of work and which is done within the home, but there are many who have changed their thinking and now support their female child to take up what they are interested in.
    So women and men both have their own specific skill as an individual not as per their gender and they can excel in any field whether its humanities, science or defense, etc. There’s no specific set of skills for women or men but they can do whatever they want to.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    We all know how people often say that boys are fit for engineering and girls are meant for jobs which mainly contain table and chair and anyways the only need to look after children so they don’t need to study so called big measures.
    But we often forget that every person has choice and talent and according to which he / she has his own right to pursue the measure.
    There is no doubt how sexism is in all the sectors and how post , education , tasks have been sexualized even after how a woman has consistently proved herself that she can’t do better than expected in every field.
    We see from culinary to defence women have been enrolled everywhere and I think that’s where it hurts this misogynistic society and they just can’t see women growing as for them women are meant to be at home. We often see how our relatives often tell us that we should choose a field so that it will be easier for us to manage both home and work .
    But they forget that we have dreams too.
    There are many incidents where women are opposed to having an interest in music , dance and acting. It is said that these fields are not meant for girls of good households.
    Even the jobs like chef .They say instead you cook at home. Then there are also airhostess posts often seen as degrading.
    It’s sad that many girls need to give up on their choice of careers due to this sexist opinion of society. Society be like you have to complete education and get married that’s it.

    simran arora
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    It is a misconception to state two subjects with gender identities. Not to mention it is a sexist statement, but the question is why people still believe this. In a layman’s language, science represents biological aptitude, while social science or humanities represents sociological aptitude. The thing such statements miss is that a human has both biological and sociological nature.

    Some cultures still believe that men’s aptitude is higher in science when compared with women, vice versa for social sciences. Choosing social science signifies how one can keep women in household activities or a subject that helps them to balance life but not save it.

    There is a choice to select subjects as per your dream or future. There could be women who perform better in science or men who could do better in social sciences. Gender should certainly not define which role would be perfect for any sex.

    The patriarchal approaches led the previous centuries as mistakenly stabled societies. Thereby, mentioning that men do better at sciences and women perform better at social sciences has no logic. There is the thing about the majority, and it will take years to reduce this gap, and such statements are of no help!

    Manpreet Singh
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    We have many gender-based stereotypes in place such as girls actually more polite or hard-working than boys, and that boys more aggressive and stronger than girls? Gender stereotypes are sources of significant gender-related problems that are leading to the gender divide. It affects the educational attainment of students later in their life. Gender stereotypes bring about unjustified representations of various groups of people. By stereotypical definition, we may incline parents and teachers to treat their daughters and sons differently. This has seriously affected the educational options presented before the boys and girls at building years of their education. As a result, the stereotypes have regarded the only handful of fields that are available to the students.
    Our teachers are equally responsible for this. Teachers at schools encourage male students to lean towards science more. It is done by praising their correctly conducted physical experiments. Whereas female students are more motivated to analyze and pursue arts and humanities. Similarly, parents at home who keep their daughters away from such roles, which can help them ignite interest in science. Males are also shunned for activities such as playing with dolls or how to bake cakes. The result of this is that the initially inaccurate gender stereotypes may become the source of a real difference in the functioning and capabilities of females and males, which is sized according to a specific domain of human activity. Unless we bring about some changes, these Gender stereotypes will continue to vary expectancies with regard to social behavior and educational achievement of both females and males.
    Now is the right time that we question these gender stereotypes which are basically limiting the options for girls and we are wasting our pool of talent. Time and again, we have proven that gender-related jobs are a thing of the past and both males and females can pursue any job so long as they have the required acumen for it.

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    Not true, it is not true that women are better at humanities and men are better at sciences. Although, yes, our society has divided professions for men and women and have stolen their right to choose what they like, i think this divide has created a superstition that women can do better at humanities whereas men could go towards science.
    In today’s world, I’ve crossed paths with a lot of boys who have been choosing Humanities and are excelling with their choice of subjects also, I’ve come-by women who’ve been practicing sciences with a keen interest and success. Hence, it would be unfair to label any subject to any gender.
    Steve jobs is one example of men who’re successful even after studying humanities. He is the co-founder of world’s leading company, APPLE. A man from a humanities background touching skies lifted the bar of great divide between humanities to women and sciences to men. He proved the world that no subject could come in the way of success.
    Kalpana Chawla, we all know her as the first indian woman to go into the space, belonged to a science background where she learned all about science.
    There exists a number of exemplary men and women who’ve broken the myth about gender divide between subjects. Subjects have nothing to go with the gender, everyone has their own interests and it would be better if they would learn what they’re actually interested in without being interrupted by the superstitions created by the society.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Gender stereotypes say, sociologists, hover as a shadow over the lives of women and men. For example, isn’t it the case that there are more female nurses than the male? Yes, because girls tend to be better behaved than boys and more receptive to advise from teachers. Such carefully observed differences in behavior lead to differences in choices such as occupations. Feminists say girls are as good as boys in mathematics, same with science. But I see a different picture. Girls are polite and hard-working, so they submit their work neatly on time. Most boys wait for the last-minute rush and then submit what they can get away with. That is what I have observed, anyway.

    Feminists argue that the existence of these stereotypes is the main reason why more men study in STEM fields than women. To most people, the answer seems obvious: of course males would be more numerous in science and engineering programs with more men than women. Both genders are culturally conditioned for this – but there’s no way to prove who is right except by looking at reality. The truth, based on lots of research, is that the stereotypes are true. Girls are, indeed, better behaved than boys in school and on average they get better grades. They are also more attentive to teachers and more willing to do what it takes to succeed in the classroom. And they’re better at reading human emotions.

    It is not that men do not have any creativity but they may be biased in doing the work since they are fond of sciences. Males are somehow also more confident in doing things than females. Even though women also take up science, males still hold the majority as compared to females in this subject. Even with the several types of research that have been conducted, it hasn’t been proven until now that women are better in the sciences. Research giving indisputable evidence shows that men are better in this subject matter than women but not to the point to argue that men are superior to women. Women have distinct ways of contributing to research and inventing products.

    Science has universal importance. In a society that advances daily, the role and importance of science are enhanced daily. It has been said that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. Now, let’s consider the situation with science. Let’s say I’m a physicist and I’m working on a dark matter detector. In my search to find more information about this dark matter, I stumble upon an article talking about how women are underrepresented in science. It may be an interesting news article from the perspective of a person who works in a lab and has nothing to do with their research, but it doesn’t improve the performance of the detector’s results. Women make up half the world’s population but in science, they are still a minority. Even though it can be said that men and women want equal rights, in areas such as physics and mathematics women are still less significant than men.

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    No, It is not like that men are better in science and women are better in Humanities instead both men and women are equally better in both science and humanities. It is just that our society has set the professions or particular fields between men and women which leads to inequality. We all know that in today’s world, women are their in science with great success like in mission mangal their was many women in that space mission which proofs that it is nothing like men are only better in science. Both men and women need the equal opportunities in science and humanities because women are paid less than men and don’t get equal opportunities like men. There are more women in Humanities due to not getting support from family to follow their goals. Many people has thinking that women should choose only humanities like arts, literature, language, etc. But they need to understand that both men and women should get chance to choose their career option of their own choice instead of creating specific fields according to gender which is wrong. There are also men in today’s world who wants to perceive their career in humanities because of the thinking and mindset that men are better in science and women are better in humanities this thing is just norms and mindset that people are following from old times. Both men and women are equal and better in humanities and science. According to generation, there are women who being more interested in science than humanities. The only thing is we need to stop making assumptions about who is better in what. Gender gap, gender stereotypes, gender discrimination and gender inequality also plays the major role that men and women don’t get equal opportunities especially towards women. Society should start thinking equally towards women and support her instead of making comparison with men. We need to encourage and give equal opportunity for women to be in science like in humanities. So that, the thinking of men is better in science and women are better in humanities will get change in our society.

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