Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Rights & Laws How to make women more aware about their rights?

18 replies, 18 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 9 months ago
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    How to make women more aware about their rights?

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    The primary answer will be education, of course. ‘Padega India tabhi to badega India’.
    But now if I’ll ask that we’ve already taken measures to educate our girl child. And fortunately a large number of children from even rural areas are attending schools , thanks to government policies. But is that so, then why after so many years still our girls are not aware of their rights?
    Let me answer it, there’s not only problem of being uneducated. The problem is what we are teaching isn’t enough.
    There’s a lot of stereotypes phenomenal, going on and on at their home, society. We all know that television take a huge part of children’s time nowadays. There’s various cartoons, animations which are not bad at all. But remember, they are telecasting a lot of channel in their tv and it takes approx 0.5 second for a child to change the channel.Some of it contains some harmful effects, ok not maybe violence but we all know that there’s stereotypical entertainment programs and advertising which indirectly imprint those same morals leading our children mind to portrait some character which can be suppressed, dominated eeasily and called a perfect woman or a perfect wife by our society.
    What I am getting at that in the same society full of stereotypes supporting women exploitation directly or indirectly, only teaching ABCD isn’t going to achieve anything about awareness of women rights.
    If we want to make it happen, we must alter our school syllabus, we need more inspiring female characters and their stories in our text book. We should first teach them about the illness of our society, why is it wrong and what we should do to stop it. With those, we should teach our students the rights we have, according to our parliament.
    And last but not the least, women self defense classes should be more likely to perform than only an awarness. Cause being physically strong will lead to be mentally strong
    And to the females, who are entering the world in various locations, they should try to be inspiration and not to hold back about their rights to break that stereotype chain. Cause we must be the one who will lead next generation to the society having gender equality.

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    There are many rights in our constitution that are made for our welfare , which provides us security. And for women’s, there are many rights which protect them from being exploited and provide protection to them. But there are many women in our India who do not know about their rights and because of which they continue to be exploited and are victims of violence.
    Some of the Basic rights of women are:-
    The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 (28 of 1961) (Amended in 1986)
    The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
    The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 (3 of 1988)
    Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
    The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013
    The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013
    These are some common right women should know. If the women of the village do not know about all these, then it becomes our responsibility to explain to them about their rights and how they can protect themselves from all these oppressions. The people of the village do not have a mobile nor do they have enough resources to know about them all. We got to know that it is our responsibility that we have to call them affair but how ? The first and easiest way is to go to those women. We should also find out who are those who are struggling with such problems like domestic violence in the village area, are being molested . Talking to women and convincing them that the government has put out the rules for their safety and they do not need to go, they need to raise their voice, they need to get courage about it. The most successful medium is an NGO ; NGO is a tool that is supported by both the police and the government, no one else can speak against it. Through the NGO we can meet a woman who wants to help others. Gathering and then helping that person, motivating her that she should raise his voice against the injustice done to her. By seeing such people together, the man would not even dare to say anything.
    Nukkad Natak is also a very good medium with the help of which we can explain to women about their rights and with the help of Nukkad Natak, we can reach out to as many people as possible. Like how they have to raise their voice against the atrocities on women, from whom they have to seek help and whether the procedure is to be followed by them. We can also ask women about their rights through advertisement, through this , we can explain to them that if you are a victim of any kind of exploitation, then call this number now . We all know nowadays how crazy people are in the movies TV life, we can make such a movie in which women are fighting for their rights, how they have to protect themselves .
    These are common ways with which we can explain to a woman about her rights and there is also hope that through these she understands our point of fighting for her rights and in this she sees that there are other women who have fight for there right she feels motivated .But all will happen only if we explain to the women that the rules of the society that they live absolutely wrong, their life will be ruined by handling all these rules, they will have to learn to live for themselves not for all these things. We have to convince them for , how they can raise their voice for themselves and for their rights and how they have to get out of all these rules and all these wrong elements.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Rights are the world to women. From our past, we have seen women fighting for their rights and have succeeded in some. This fight for freedom and liberty started from the beginning. If we see will find many famous authors such as Jane Austin, George Elliot, Charlotte Lennox, and many more who tried to persuade women through their novels of freedom and equality of women.
    Indian constitution has many such rights since the very beginning such as equality before the law. Prohibiting discrimination, making special provisions for women’s society Upliftment, etc. but are these rights well aware to all women out in the world? Are they able to avail these opportunities and bring out their personality? These questions still not clear.
    First and foremost, question is to educate and they should be well aware of their rights and how they can advance them. Albeit the government of India has launched many schemes such as beti padho beti baacho but are these schemes work well.
    To make women aware of their rights one should make posters, advertisements on Television radios, etc., make committees within the villages in which people go place to place take surveys and make strategies according to it, NGOs, legal facilities. We also find that the recent government of Indian has launched one-stop centers (OSCs) in which women will be employed according to their abilities.
    There are many International conventions conducted every year in which they promote women’s safety and their rights. In India also the rights for women came after the British government took reforms seriously in the religious sector such as abolishing Sati, child marriage, and widow remarriage. These initiatives are taken forwards by Indian thinkers such as Ishwar Chandra Vidhya Sagar, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, and many more their books, novels, and newspaper were published and through which women get to know their rights and their role in society.
    Reforms in society are Important so that weaker sections like women may get the opportunity to make the society more liveable.

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    “Education is the key to evolve” is what i believe in, when it comes to women empowerment education has played a vital role in upgrading people’s mindset over women.
    Similarly, in order to make women aware of their rights, educating them about their rights is one important and useful mean. Women today are still discriminated in many ways, although as compared to the earlier times, women have evolved through the frightening situations they faced, but they still lag behind when it comes to equality. Many women until today believes that serving their husbands and families is their utmost priority no matter what they face while doing so, they’re wrong! They need to be uplifted from the superstitious duties they have been following since ages, only way to help them is by making laws for their well-being and getting them educated about those, through which they would be able to know that the government stands by their side when they’ll be in any kind of trouble. They need to rest aside from the fear of “what society would say” and start taking a stand for them. This is thus only possible when women get educated about their laws and rights.

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    The first and foremost important thing is to get an education and then only they will understand their rights because there are so many girls who don’t know about their rights they don’t even understand. Talking about women who are living in the village they don’t understand this they are uneducated about it. I think the government should organize awareness drives and seminars for women also we should keep the separate subjects in schools and colleges about law and rights this will help a lot. Working didn’t even know police cannot arrest them in the night unless and until they are involved in something wrong activity. Basic rights that every woman should be aware of is 1.equal remuneration act 1976, working women has the right to get equal pay, promotion job training, etc.2 protection of women from domestic violence act 2005 this act is meant to protect women from physical, verbal, sexual and economic abuse. 3. Sexual harassment at workplace act 2013 is meant to protect women from sexual harassment it doesn’t matter if it is public or private. Women can also join the organization which helps to protect them. We can make commercials related to this, also make posts related to this on social media platforms we can share .raise the discussion about this when we meet people sharing knowledge personally helps a lot. We can also keep a special section in the newspaper about this also we can keep guest special guest lectures in colleges and companies, it will help to target many women at a time. Awareness about this somewhere will help to control the violence and wrong behavior of society. Having knowledge about this is not only enough but also making use of it is equally important. Raising voice being fearless fighting for justice, by doing this it will empower many other women also.

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    “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for
    -Hillary Clinton.
    Knowledge is power, and knowing something can make you more educated about that things or in that area of topic. Women’s are fragile as well as rebellious, soft as well as hard, it all depends on the situation around them to act accordingly
    It is very crucial for each woman and girl to know their rights and it all can start by creating awareness, making them know what are their rights and which rights are to practice when they want to. There are some legal rights for women in India like; Right to free legal aid, file a complaint at any time, right to a safe workplace, right to privacy, right to zero FIR, etc. There are acts also, Maternity benefit act (2017), Dowry prohibition act (1961), Protection of women from domestic violence (2005), Child marriage act prohibition (2006).
    So, if we look at laws and rights for women, there are many, it’s about being aware of them and education regarding that rights. It can start when a young age too, like it, should be included in studies so that not only girls but also boys also know from the early age itself. It can be made aware through demonstrations or seminars or workshops. As many ways should be taken into consideration to make women aware of their rights.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Аwаreness аnd knоwledge саn helр wоmen get their rights аnd use them effeсtively аgаinst injustiсe hаррening аgаinst them in sосiety. Withоut аwаreness аbоut their rights, neither the gоvernment nоr the effeсtive рrоmulgаtiоn оf lаws will рrоteсt their rights. Sо it is imроrtаnt thаt they mаy be mаde mоre аwаre оf their rights. It саn be dоne in the fоllоwing wаys-
    Eduсаtiоn is оne оf the strоngest tооls thаt hаs helрed in mаny revоlutiоns in the раst wоrld оver. It is оne оf the greаtest weароns аgаinst the dаrkness оf suррressiоn. With the knоwledge аbоut essentiаl rights suсh аs the dоwry рrоhibitiоn асt, сriminаl rights, hereditаry rights, etс, wоmen саn be mаde mоre deрendent.
    Rаise yоur vоiсe the situаtiоn fоr wоmen is still shосking аs аt leаst 30% оf wоmen exрerienсe viоlenсe in their lifetime. They wоrk lоnger hоurs аnd аre раid less. Less thаn 40% раrliаmentаriаns wоrldwide аre wоmen. Оne need tо mаke sоme nоise аbоut this seriоus issues аnd it саn be dоne thrоugh соnversаtiоns thrоugh sосiаl mediа оr in рersоn аsking questiоns tо the рeорle in роwer. Shаre lосаl events with yоur friends, саll оthers оut when they mаke insensitive оr ill-infоrmed соmments, аnd helр аmрlify the vоiсes оf wоmen оn the frоnt lines.
    Rаise mоre NGО’s wоrld оver wоmen аre соming tоgether in mоvements tо рush fоr greаter equаlity. But their mоvements аnd оrgаnisаtiоns lасk funding whiсh restriсts their аbility tо mаke роsitive сhаnges in wоmen’s lives. Funding is сruсiаl tо асhieving the gоаl оf gender equаlity аnd wоmen аnd girls’s rights. Right nоw yоu саn dоuble yоur dоnаtiоn tо the eсо-feminist mоvement in Ugаndа whо аre resisting lаnd grаbs. Аll mоney rаised thrоugh Reсlаiming Stоlen Livelihооds will be dоubled by the UK gоvernment until 28th Mаy.
    Sосiаl Mediа the gоvernment shоuld tаke аn initiаtive tо rаise mоre аwаreness thоugh sосiаl mediа. They саn run free саmраign fоr thаt. Given the digitаl рenetrаtiоn thаt we hаve these dаys, it will be аn effeсtive tооl.

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    Every women should aware about their rights and be self prepared will help women to get their rights and use them effectively. Awareness and education will make esay women to know their rights and laws which protected them. Education will give strength to women to fight for their rights. At many times women don’t report crime they feel shame because of not been aware of legal rights. Women should know all the rights provided by the Constitution. There are laws in india that women has power to fight against violence, abuse, Harassment, tortured, etc. By being aware of them is the first step towards fighting against any injustice. Problems still there in india, where women are still beaten, tortured, harassed, abuse because of dowry. The taboo of divorce in Indian society has resulted in women enduring the abuse instead of confronting it. Domestic violence includes not only physical violence but also emotional and sexual. Women are facing through domestic violence they had rights to file complaint against them and pay money. If they have child then custody should be given to her and compensation for injuries. Women should be aware about their rights then only they will able to fight with there problems.

    anshika agarwal
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    Every woman should have the freedom to make her own choices and to put her desire. For that she must know her right. But in India, there are more than 50% women who still don’t know their rights. Women’s movements are the only way to change this.
    We can make them more aware about their rights by some methods. Firstly we can raise our voice. At the time of conversation with our friends we can try to make them more aware about their rights. We have to make some noise about the issues faced by women in her everyday life. Having conversations through social media to support women is possibly the best way. Today, there are many platforms available online to raise a voice. Secondly attend marches and protests. Demonstrating in public will be helpful for many. Thirdly women can volunteer with women’s rights organisation to learn more about their rights. Make some commitments and try to fulfil them.Women should donate to women’s right organisation. So that the organisation don’t lack in funding. Women should support each other as a unit. Indvidually it will not be proven effective. So work in group.Women can share their experiences and observations with each other to make other women aware. They must read and learnt their basic rights.
    It will take time and effort. So, contribute your best. Be a changer. We will succeed in having gender equality. Everything takes time.

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