Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism Fourth Wave of Feminism

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by DISHA SAPKALE 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Woospire
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    The fourth wave of feminism began in the year 2012 and the wave of fourth feminism mainly focused on women empowerment and use of technology’s use of the internet and online tools at that time digitalization was just start and feminist people were empowering females to be independent. This wave also raised issues on sexual harassment and body shaming, rape culture these issues should be shared voiced by people on social media. Women of all countries came together to protest against the sexual harassment that was happening to women this iconic movement was shared by a lot of people on Facebook and Twitter. People need to change their views this message spread online to a lot of people across the country it was a #mee too movement. Even media also played a huge this wave people, voices and opinions were showed which was not included. this wave was very diverse because we have the benefit of online tools to work out everything. Twitter hot talks were started between feminists and anti-feminists some people were supporting some people were opposing. So the fourth wave was all about this.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Muhammad knows the first three waves of feminism: firstly, the political strife for female voting (Let’s say 1880-1920), secondly, the revival of the struggle for sexual and financial freedom inspired by the movement of civil rights (around 1965- 1980) and, thirdly, the revival of the hell of the 1980s. The Third Wave includes a number of candidates for the expansion of white women’s color fight, a new openness towards gay rights, an increase in the theory of the queer, re-evaluation of women’s choices (but certainly not in a backward-looking way), gender-positive feminism, or the expansion of academic women’s studies into other gender-defined groups.
    It is now evident, though one that combines components of earlier motion, that we are in another moment. We’re in a “fourth wave,” according to Wikipedia, connected to the return of open feminist activity in 2012. However, I would want to muddy the waters by claiming that since Y2K we have actually seen two distinct waves of feminism and are extremely different from one another. The two are mediated more or less by the internet, the fourth by blogs and chat rooms, and the fifth by social networks. It was built on both shared and extremely personal impassioned enthusiasm. The other strands of feminism, in particular, academics, which we’re keen to prove women weren’t crazy but were actually very much learned and professional had maintained up to this type of excitement (usually for venous romantic genres or silly realities). It reversed Gen X’s inclination for the cynical approach to culture and harmonized it with the atmosphere of creative cooperation that would become thousands of years ago (with a bit of faux-infantile absurdism).
    The fourth wave provided teens and young women with new confidence, encouraging them to believe their voices are important and that the networks of individuals like them understand one other. At the same time, the relationship with celebrities was a direct and likely harmful over-identification, which blurred the lines of reality and entertainment as reality TV, which Trump’s political career would do by extension. The fourth wave’s objective was to achieve a more inclusive folkloric culture, with less dramatic topics like access to abortion and the need to encourage more women to vote.

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    Fourth wave feminism takes place around 2012 it is a feminist movement that focuses on women empowerment, races , gender inequality towards women, use of internet tools, social norms. Fourth wave mainly focus is on gender equality of women in our society. This wave feminists champion for considerable representation of groups in business and politics because it will may create great impact on society. Fourth wave feminism contend for girls and women equal opportunities and equal pay, as we all know that women are not getting equal pay like men due to which it has become necessary that women and girls should get equal pay for the work. And boys and men’s need to get over from gender norms like they need to start expressing their emotions and feelings openly it is not like that men can’t express like women’s it is society gender norms that people are following and also men’s should start engaging with children’s like women’s this will maintain equality between men and women. The social media platforms, news channels, print media this all need to be utilized for raising voice against injustice which is looking for women empowerment and justice against women’s who are suffering from harassment, abuse, assault, rape and what not. The fourth wave feminism wants the groups who works together with equal goals that is ending violence against women and supporting them to follow their goals.

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