Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities Entertainment industry is safe or unsafe for women?

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by PALAK KASHIV 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Everyone needs entertainment in their life. And for our entertainment, many people are working in front of the screen and many people are working behind the scenes. We all have seen their smiling faces in front of the screen but has anyone seen the secret behind the screen? There is a proverb that, moon also look beautiful from the ground, But when you look closer you will see spots in it too . That same condition is happened in or entertainment industry .
    According to the survey 99% of women has experienced sexism in entertainment industry. There was an interview taken by Elizabeth Day, Liz Hoggard, Kathryn Bromwich. This they have mentioned that- “Meetings full of male executives, action stars refusing to be directed by a woman, actors expecting a kiss”
    Avantika Shetty shot to the limelight after starring in Anup Bhandari’s RangiTaranga . The actress has opened up about an unfortunate experience she had with Suresh. The actress has said that despite giving her best, she was unceremoniously ousted from the film. She has lodged a case against the producer. These few examples prove how unsafe the entertainment industry is for a woman.
    Now all of us must have heard the Pearl V Puri whole case but a girl child has been raped, but yes, we do not know whether the moment is completely wrong or right, but if it happens, it is very small and all this thing has happened inside this entertainment industry only its roots are entertainment industry. You all must have heard the case of Pratyusha Banerjee, what happened with Pratyusha Banerjee, she also committed suicide with the same entertainment industry, no one knows the reason for her death till date.
    When a new girl comes in this industry, she does not know anything about it, nor does she have any Source. So, many times she gets stuck in the wrong place, people tell her, we will provide you the lead role . Entrap her in his words, due to which the girl becomes a prostitute instead of becoming a heroine or actress.
    Hence proven, through all this argument it is proven that entertainment industry is fully unsafe for women when in women enter in entertainment industry she become the target of sexism and many other things.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Women are not safe in the entertainment industry anywhere in the world. They facing different types of challenges during their carrier. They have physical, emotional, mental torcher. They are even threatening their life. They are treated harshly. They often trap in the vicious cycle of the sexual act.
    There many cases in courts about harassment of actoress, working staff (female) etc. recently pearl V puri is under the limelight of minor girl rape. Male actors, staff, directors are making deal with the female for physical pleasure in return for their carrier. There are many cases of suicide of actresses. This environment is creating horror in the mind of the female who aspires to be an actress. There are many rear cases in which the investigation goes proper. Rich co-stars try to demolish the case by giving the bribe and sometimes these actors have good relations with politics.
    Sometimes we often come to know about pornography in Bollywood which often related to girls who are new to the industry and are molested and lured. Many women also become part of this scandal.
    This also leads to nepotism as girls who belong to the families of actors or VIPs can only approach the industry to become an actress as they don’t struggle while girls who come from the local area are trapped in this vicious cycle.
    There many small trades who lure girls from a small town about Bollywood that they have a connection which director and they will help them to become actress, in actual sense they just lure them and take these girls and sell them to sex traders. This gives rise to the illegal trading of girls.
    There are many loopholes In our society where women are not safe. How many women have to struggle?

    Yash Tiwari
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    So, when you watch your favorite movie you get an idea that the entertainment industry is a safe place for women or it’s a manly place for men because most of the people you see in front of the screen are men and very few women. But sometimes we forget that this scene is not true. Behind the screen, it’s another story. The life of the entertainer or actress is quite different from what they show us. Their world is not as happy and beautiful as we see on the screen. So, what is the reality of their lives? The entertainment industry is one the most sexist industry. Only a few women are working in top positions, they are easily replaceable. Women are objectified in every possible way. It is very rare to see a female director or scriptwriter.

    Whether it is women or men the entertainment industry treats them equally and Good for entertaining people. The entertainment industry has indeed given an equal platform to women and men to grow ‘ above all’. But beneath the glamour, it has treated them according to who can take the pain of more suffering. Business is war, money is blood, people in any industry can do anything to earn their bread. This is the most essential truth that one must comprehend before joining the entertainment industry. There are many types of people who enter this industry. They have different personalities.

    The entertainment industry is not safe for women. But the main problem is how to solve this problem and what are other reasons for this peculiar situation of girls. Many actresses in the entertainment industry have been trapped in the wrong place, as there is no one to stop them or restrain them from doing anything. Their lives have become miserable due to this profession. In Bollywood, whenever there is a new actress, she faces the problem of getting opportunities. Today the cinema has become male-oriented. When a new actress comes to this industry, it takes a lot of time for her to get an independent role. Only if someone has his mother’s help or father’s help in that particular field then they can survive.

    The entertainment industry is not a safe place for women to work in. Within the cutthroat world of show business, it seems like actresses and female celebrities are prone to being, cheated on by their male counterparts and even sexual harassment by their bosses, coworkers, and their assistants. The sad truth is that these reported cases of misbehavior are only the tip of the iceberg.

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    If we talk generally about women’s safety and protection then there are almost every field or place where women are unsafe. If its office then also women are not safe because of some cases of the male boss asking for physical favors to get a promotion or some kind of work to be done. So, in each field or industry, she has to be careful about her safety.
    The entertainment industry is the most glamorous and glittery industry and the reality is far different from what we see in movies or shows. It’s not easy for both male and female actors to get into that industry because to get into this industry is like crossing an ocean where you have no resources and no connections. Many females who want to enter the entertainment industry have to do so much and they do it also because they want to work in that industry.
    It isn’t safe for both actually, but for women’s it is very unsafe because from auditions to become a lead in a movie they have to please everyone in that industry. Many of them don’t behave rightly or don’t respect what they are in reality. And if you have no connections or fame then they will treat them very distinguished from known actors. We also know that some actors also have suicided and this happens because of pressures of work, no one to consult when they are going through bad times, and if a case arises of financial issue, it is not discussed because they feel it would make them appear as bad actor or not that capable.
    What we see is just to make people entertained but in reality, it is not an easy and enjoyable thing to do. So, the entertainment industry is unsafe for women but for men also sometimes.

    Manpreet Singh
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    While there has been a lot of progress in the entertainment field, it has opened many more sectors for females to work. the employment opportunities in terms of actress, director, technical, beauticians, dress designer, etc are any, but has this boom in the entertainment industry really all good? We cannot deny that females working in the entertainment industry have started to earn handsomely as compared to the past, but blemishes like the #metoo movement represent the harsh reality of the entertainment industry. The movement has shown that behind the all glitter world of the entertainment industry, there lies the secret dark world, which we do not see often.
    The main problem that lies with the entertainment industry is the exploit culture. The newcomers that come into the industry from far-off places are often trapped into this exploitation, in return for a big break. They soon find themselves trapped in the never-ending quagmire of exploitation, and they have to comply with the immoral demands of people in the industry. The #metoo movement has shown that even well-established artists are not spared from the exploitation. Another problem that fuels incidents like these are the lack of support group for the females who have been exploited. They cannot turn back to their parents for help as most of them will disown them if they come to know about it. This empowers the exploiters in the industry because they are in a bargaining position.
    Then there is the drug problem in the entertainment industry. Most female aspiring artists fell prey to the drug world in order to survive in the industry. Time and again we are reminded about these problems through the news.
    The proper solution for these problems is to have a proper complaint redressal platform for these exploited artists. They have to be assured that their career will not be spoiled if they take any step against their predators. The mental health issues that they face also needs to be attended to.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Entertainment industry is safe or unsafe for women?
    Like various other unsafe workspaces for women in our society, I think the entertainment industry is largely unsafe for women. In fact, it is unsafe mostly for new people to the industry, also called beginners or struggling actors. Like we all know, a number of cases are reported every day of women being raped, abducted, molested, etc. in their workplaces. We also know how some people in workplaces trade promotion or better job opportunities with women for their bodies. The same way, a number of cases have also reportedly been filed, stating women in the entertainment industry been misbehaved with, or molested, or raped along with advertisement or movie offers in exchange of access to their bodies. It is absolutely unethical and wrong to think that one has entitlement to any random woman’s body if one is giving her a job offer in return. This movement called Me Too Movement began in 2017 with a number of women opening about their experiences of molestation, abuse or rapes and shared their stories online with the hashtag #MeToo along with the names of the men who had sexually abused them and belonged to the entertainment industry. This movement rose to the peak in 2018 in India, when the Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta spoke up against Nana Patekar for abusing her sexually in the past. A number of perpetrators were identified through this movement as more and more famous personalities or celebrities starting being a part of it. A lot of stars like Tanushree Dutta, Amyra Dastur, Kubbra Sait, Aahana Kumra, Kangana Ranaut, Jasmin Bhasin, etc. opened up about their past experiences. Nana Patekar, Alok Nath, Kailash Kher, Anu Malik, Sajid Khan with others were the ones that were exposed in this movement. It is a clear from the evidences including this movement how unsafe it actually is for women in our industry. I believe there must be a number of other women who did not open up about their incidents in order to save their image or career, because it is a very insecure career for women as they lose it any moment without even knowing. We must cleanse all such areas of our society and make it a safe place for women otherwise we will all reach our doom with this parasite of perversion in people’s minds.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    No, till now girls are really not safe in the entertainment industry, be it anywhere in the world. We all have so many classic and famous cases of Parveen Babi, Silk, Divya Kumari and Pratyusha Banerjee in front of us who had been held as prey by these hungry wolves of the entertainment industry. We see how women are stuck into this whirlpool of despair all their life.
    We see how heroines are not given equal pay and respect for their work. We see how actresses experience sexism and are always not treated fairly and often are victims of casting couch and scandalous things.
    You also see how people are just okay with the lives of young girls and male them do all the unspeakable things if they want to get a role and teenage girls mostly don’t know and are not rational and end up stuck in these rackets. Some people are so shameless that they even get these girls involved in drug rackets , prostitution, himan trafficking and so on. Even though change is there, it’s still really difficult for women to set a strong foothold in Industry. The movements like me too had helped women to raise their voices and we really got to know real faces of the actors like Alok nath. This is really something which made women feel strong and secure.Though in spite of this there are shows which still hire these kinds of people. They are just disrespectful to the actresses and not to forget that how the media too is always after actresses invading their personal life . Their every single move is monitored and there are countless rumours around them. People also always see actresses , models and singers , dancers as lowly people and thus life for celebrities is always difficult. Let’s not even forget how they are always body shamed and insulted making people vary to pursue their dreams in this industry.

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    Entertainment industry is not safe for women because it has late night shoots at different places and have to work with different peoples . By having late night shoots they has to travel alone and it is not safe for women because there are some men who misbehave with women and in news channel we can see that how women are facing physical harassment while travelling at workplace. Sometimes while shooting, actress feel uncomfortable with co-actor because they don’t respect her or due to misbehavior with actress. But due to having contract of particular show she has to work with that co-star by feeling unsafe. Entertainment industry is full of headlines in news channels. Working in entertainment industry will doesn’t give you any kind of privacy. Because there are so many reporters covering different pages on social media that they manage to capture all the activities of actress who work in entertainment industry. In news channel we can see that how women aren’t safe in entertainment industry because of not getting safety and security while travelling. Their are female actress who suicide because of depression or mental health. Due to gender discrimination women gets rejected for particular role because of getting so much rejection they affect their mental health. Sometimes their are shooting location where women don’t get proper facility of Washroom because of which if women is suffering from menstrual problem they don’t get proper facilities for menstrual hygiene. Due to which they will face health problems and we know that menstrual hygiene is so important because of not having menstrual hygiene many women has death by getting infection due to which it is not safe for women by not getting proper facilities while shooting to different places. There are women who are getting forced to show her body at some shoots without knowing that she is comfortable or not. Entertainment industry is unsafe for women because of getting disrespect and not treating them equally.

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    Entertainment industry is unsafe for women, we may not see this because from outside it all glamour, lamplight ,money and fame but in real scenario it is very different for the women to make position in industry when new girls go for audition they don’t know much how people cast them they are told to do very wrong things which is very awkward for them like they are told to sleep with director do something to impress director in sexually appealing way by doing this they will get cast in movies and we can see director has power they can make and break life of any actress so to maintain good relations with industry big people they have to do this, even there parties consist of drugs, alcohol and make out, so when women steps she is very different as person but is not easy come out for that bubble still there lot of changes has brought, but not many people support this changes some women have live in fear because their secretes can get leaked in media and we know how much Indian audience is attach with entertainment industry actresses and actors. If the actress simultaneously flops then it becomes very difficult for them to maintain their lavish lifestyle. In the Sushant sing Rajput murder case, we have how many people’s reality checks happen and how many people were living in depression or anxiety they were suffering through it. Their many types of people who come into this industry but survive only a few and having a good network is very important in this industry.

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