Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums General Discussions Compromise and kill your dream in silence, just because what will people say?

21 replies, 20 voices Last updated by 038 deepika Singh 2 years, 12 months ago
  • Madhuri

    She works late at night, she hangout with guys. How can she step out of home late at night?How can she cross the limits of society? Why can’t she intrude inside mannerism and culture? She might be a slut, or definitely!
    There are lot of girls- compromising, killing their dreams, living in silence just because of the fact what will people say?
    We are not raised to be ambitious,successful and independent.We’re raised to become mothers. That’s only the place where ‘human Female’ fit in.
    It’s time to thankful to all those women that made this life possible for us, by standing ourselves.
    You are the power that is going to turn up the whole globe, Don’t let the world tell you who you should be and how.
    Don’t ever let a person bringing from standing for what you believe in!
    Look up in the sly instead of focusing on man-made things. This world is beautiful because you reside in it.
    You are what you believe in.

    Not Helpful

    Powerful message in this small article !

    Females are born stronger i have seen my mother i have seen my girl how dedicated and hardworking they are. Everyone have their freedom right whom so ever can work late or hangout with friends no matter if the person is a girl,boy,man or woman.

    We should try to be a human first. People are not judges so why they everytime judge others on behalf of their work, caste, sex or colour. This is something which must be understand and respected as an independent decions. Infact girls have their goals their ambitions too which must be supported and equally respected.

    Nice article again Ms. Madhuri. Appreciate your work and keep it up like this.

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    Girls must step out from their comfort zone in order to achieve success. Not only success, but also the entitlement and dignity of being a lady. To a layman, it may be awkward, but deep inside we all know what it feels to be a part of disdain.
    Following your passion and dream is as important as sleeping because at the end you are the product of your own choices.
    But Madhuri, as you said contradictory for playing a role of mother pointing being ambitious and successful. But being a mother is as satisfactory as the victory of attaining a goal.

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    Dr. Himanshi, i had pointed it to throw light on the obstacles and hurdles a woman cross from being a successful lady to a mother of infant. It provides a validiction to the issue of harassment faced by girl in every aspect she came across.
    I appreciate your views.

    Piyu Radadiya
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    Compromise! There are lot of girl compromising in life because of they just think what will people think. Not just girl many people compromising and kill dream in silence. But when we think that what will people think we don’t achieve what we want. If we want to get success that just work hard. People will always say on different way whatever we do.

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    In a society where women are actively encouraged to stay at home and take care of their house and family, women internalise the belief that they are not capable of standing on equal ground as men.

    Women have dreams just like any man. They dream of success and being independent but society prevents them from chasing their dreams. Women are made to believe that their duty is at home from the home itself. Parents and relatives will teach a girl how to be a proper wife and mother, how to cook and clean, and so on.

    Women are also told that having a woman at home brings financial prosperity to the family, which is completely absurd. It’s just another way for the patriarchal society to degrade and mistreat women. Married women are not given the option of pursuing their dreams and working. They would be forced to work from home, unpaid, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    For a woman, marriage is nothing short of imprisonment, in most cases. A woman’s dreams are killed the second she is tied down to a man. Many women fear what the public will say if she chooses to work as a married woman, or as a mother.

    Women, today, refuse to continue the patriarchal norms that prevent women from following their dreams, dreams their mothers and grandmothers weren’t allowed to chase.

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    Women are always considered not worthy enough compared to men. They are expected to do things that keep them subjugated and the best women according to patriarchal norms, is a woman who is not opinionated and has no dreams save for serving her husband, his family and taking care of household chores and children.

    When a girl is growing up, it’s a frequent saying for her to hear, “You shouldn’t do this or that. Nobody will want to marry you.” This line implicitly conveys that all that the girl is worth, is to be married off to please a stranger. If she has any undesirable qualities or behaviour, she must immediately change it and must always be submissive and suiting to what the husband wants.

    Everything that a little girl is supposed to do is dependent on this sole ending. She isn’t supposed to sit a certain way, talk too much or too loudly, not supposed to hang out with boys too much, must not wear revealing clothes, and must be willing to give up career goals for the family. The amount of sacrifices that a woman is supposed to make, for appeasing society, just for being a woman is uncountable.

    A decade ago, women were willing to do so, because they internalized that it was a woman’s duty to be sacrificial, that it makes her a hero. The patriarchal ideals ingrained in their minds since childhood makes them think the same way as men. Women = subservient. There are still women who disregard and pull down other women because they do not conform to the patriarchal ideology. Since they are used to killing their dreams, they feel the need to not let others pursue theirs.

    In the name of peace, it is only women who are told to compromise. It seems unknown to many that it requires two to come to a compromise.

    Society’s extreme interest in other people’s affairs has made it so that no one will make a decision, even if it only concerns them, without thinking what society will think.

    But recently, there has been a shift in thinking due to feminism. Women now realise that it is not their duty alone to raise a child, and thus there is absolutely no need for her to give up her job to do so. She has control over her own emotions, thoughts and actions, and nobody has the right to take it away from her. The sooner people realise this, breaking down the system of patriarchy that’s been oppressing women for ages will be so much easier.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    There are lot of women who have been compromising at every point of life. I still remember when I was forced to take addmission in my hometown when I was alloted to better University outside the city but I was practically forced using their illness and I was afraid that if something happens everyone would have blamed me but now I feel that it would be a lot better if I would have listened to my heart instead of compromising because living here is practically emotional torture. Aside from my current field I had lot dreams and field which I wanted to venture but as you all know girls can do this and all was constantly bombarded on me. When I took two years of gap for to crack an entrance I am often siad that if you have Haven’t wasted those years you could have been in third year and now everything is late and it will lead to problems and your marriage will be late but my points is why do I need to marry because I am already happy and for me marriage is not a necessity and I would rather marry late that to be marrying early to a wrong person.

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    As we see in our day to day life Comprising our dreams has become our daily life task so due to it many people /childrens are doing it in silence by hook or by kook because every family has its own reason to make our children like doctor, scientist, teacher but this is happen in the middle class family because there parents will never think that there children can make there career in dancing, singing or acting as a passion because according to there thinking it is very vulgar thing to them so children do complete there dreams but in silence. In these field mostly childrens are interested but due to restrictions and don’t get support from family so it became difficult to achieve there goals. It becomes very hard to kill there dreams because of few reason and not even share with anyone. There are also children like they never gossip or never have a conversation with the normal people because they know there own path indirectly they are also achieving their dream in silence this silence thing make them passionate about the dream that in results what would be the reality. Sometimes there is no option left to compromise there dreams because of society thinking but it has to chance to support such people to help them to fulfill there dreams. After gaining the position they will be proud to them but this is about the normal life of the people. Middle class, low class, high class they can achieve something in there life struggling with many obstacles but do you ever think what about the Transgender how would they kill there dreams and work for there life and achieve the things in silence. Hence reality is very hard to accept by the work so people kill there dream in silence just because what people think!!

    Manpreet Singh
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    This is the most painful thing that is present in our society that women have to abridge their choices just because of the fact that they have to keep the social norms in check. India and our constitution which boast of making the right to privacy and personal choices as a fundamental right is a meaningless letter in a practical situation. No matter what but women have to cross thousands of checklists in order to take any step in their life. Be it their career choices, marriage, dressing sense, etiquettes, etc.
    What is the most shameful thing about this whole situation is that no concrete steps are being taken to tackle this problem by our politicians. There is a clear lack of political will in this case as the politicians cannot afford to lose their voter base by questioning this deep-rooted patriarchal setup. We are so used to this whole setup that men fear that they might lose some kind of privilege over women if they are bought at par with them in a matter of rights. They are so obsessed with the notion that women are their property and they can control them in whatever manner they like. This whole power shift that is required to improve the whole situation is the biggest stumbling block.
    The situation can also be improved by making women more independent and making them less dependant on the patriarchal setup. They are afraid to raise their voices because they are so dependant on them. Once they are made independent, they will be able to protect their rights. They must be made educated. Also, the men need to be taught that most of the behavior that has been made normal needs to be changed.

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