Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities Still the society try to prove a working mother irresponsible towards her child?

9 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Sona Singh 10 months, 2 weeks ago
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    Yash Tiwari
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    Society seems to find it difficult to come to terms with working mothers who are also mothers. An occasional piece of third-person data can be cherry-picked to build a general theme which is then used to justify a societal bias or a treatment of the mother as irresponsible. For a working mother society often sees her as an irresponsible person, who sacrifices the welfare of her child for monetary interests, and this type of image is also applied to all working mothers. The employment patterns of women in India reveal that most of them are largely confined to the private sector and are desk job bound. Workforce policies do not always mirror the needs of working mothers. Being a parent is a great joy and pleasure. Undoubtedly, it is a heavy responsibility too, and for this reason, society expects the mother to be responsible.

    The motherhood role is not gendered specific. True, there are non-maternal aspects to the motherhood role and true there are maternal aspects of the fatherhood role, but the mutual responsibilities involved in the parenthood role itself are gender-neutral. Working mothers, as society views them, may face certain problems while at the workplace. The post-study working mothers are in a dilemma whether they should get back to a full-time job or be a mother. Every working mother faces distinct problems which describe her social and financial status. As a child gets more educated and grows older; she becomes an endearing member of society and can deliver valuable contributions to the world that would make him/her feel proud of being a part of it.

    A mother has a greater role than caring for the family. Through hard work and struggle, she shapes an individual who makes a difference in society. A working mother enjoys the fruits of her labor and at the same time shares responsibilities in bringing up her children with the spouse. As a mother, a woman has the responsibilities of caretaking these two equally important aspects of life simultaneously. The first few months of the child must be given proper attention for healthy development to take place. The more we talk about the responsibility of working mothers, the more we would take them away from their duties and bring out the best in them. While it is a universally accepted fact that child care as an occupation in itself has its risks, many women or at least those who have no children themselves do not like to admit that a working mother does bring with her extra responsibilities.

    anshika agarwal
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    Still the society try to prove a working mother irresponsible towards her child?
    Yes, its quite true that society try to prove a working mother irresponsible towards her child. There is a myth running in the society that men’s work is to earn and women’s work is to take care of family and children. Society wishes mother to leave her job as she conceives to take care of her child. She is being pressurised for not going on job during their pregnancy and after birth of child. If she resists then she is proven as irresponsible mother. Women try their level best to not hamper their children’s education due to her. In a research it is found that mothers are very well able to manage to handle their careers without affecting their child. Why working mother is considered as irresponsible towards her child? Why men are free from child’s responsibilities? When child is of both mother and father then why mother has all the responsibility. When she works after having a baby society blames her for every wrong thing happened to baby. If she leaves her child with babysitter she is called as bad mother. Society try all their tactics to prove mother wrong and to pressurize her to leave her job and to look after her child. Working mothers are raising their childs as more independent and nore understanding. They try to spend as much time as they can spend with their children. Society needs to understand that working mothers are also mothers and they also love their child as normal mother does. They also care for them and they want to give best to their child and that’s why they are working so hard first at their workplace and then at their home too. Society should support them and encourage them.

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    Society still blame only mother for child’s upbringing and being irresponsible towards their child. Why? Only mother’s are responsible for their child father’s is equally responsible for child it is not like that mother’s should only see towards children on their studies, ethics, activities father’s are equally responsible for this things. Working men and women both has equal office work but then also women are doing all the household work and taking care of their child from tiffin to homework and having conversation with their child about school and friends everything mother does for their child. Then also society trying to prove working Women is irresponsible for child. Why society don’t say working father’s are irresponsible towards their child because of society mentality towards women it has tradition that men are meant to earn and women to be housewife. But none of them will say both men and women are meant to earn and take care of family and home together. Mother’s are the one who know about their child everything from likes to dislikes, about their friends, school functions everything but all of this father’s don’t know because they don’t have any conversation with their child. Working mother is busy in Office but then also they remove time and see whether their child is okay or not. Then also society try to focus on mother’s flaws towards their child. In family also in-laws blame mother if child has done anything wrong. Why? Can’t they blame their own son for being irresponsible towards child. society need to stop thinking that working mother’s are irresponsible they need to understand that their is no one in the world except mother who can unconditionally love and care their child. Society should support working mother because child will get to learn from their mother how to be professional and hardworking towards work.

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    For every mother their child comes first it doesn’t important if she is working mother or homemaker, society always have their preconceived notions that women who are working they does not give them enough time and nurture love and care, society want that every girl has taken birth to take care of family,husband and children responsibility if she do anything beyond then that women is not acceptable for societal standards. Every working women have their own reasons for doing work. Society always like put their leg in other family matters,all they want how to prove women are inferior than they will always be inferior they will change there things towards them.people never ask dad to make their time , why don’t they take responsibility child care when there mother is busy.father duty should not only limit to paying the bills and taking financial responsibility but also they need equally do all things which mother does for child by doing this try to bring chalega in society thinking working women should fall in trap of societal beliefs because one day there child is going to do same with their children, in surviving today world one person income is not enough. If the both parents are working they can give better life style and fulfill wishes of their children. Also child becomes independent and smart. After certain time children gets comfortable with mother working. Whenever child gets sick mother is first person to come and look after the child. Family also supports working mother by the time it is just matter of time.lot of men says they are earning enough for family they just want their mother to take care of children responsibility but what about her hardwork to built career and her education .
    Mother and child is the most pure bound , society can never change this so working mother does not need to bother about child.

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    If anything is connected to a child, then one person who is blamed is the Mother of that child, if a child learns something good or does something good, then at situation also society should understand that it’s because of the mother and not only blame her for bad things. Because if something is not done inappropriate way, people say it easily that your mother hasn’t taught you whether it’s a small girl or a married girl.
    Yes, society is still trying to prove that mothers are irresponsible because they work and if they are working mothers, they don’t give time to children or family. Also, society has a tendency to have a blame game in any scenario, and then mothers are held responsible for a child’s future or growth, but only the mother is responsible? No, both parents are equally responsible and liable to the child.
    It’s not that if they are working then they won’t look after a child, instead, they handle both office and family very well. They sacrifice many things and still that is not seen by society but if she works and has a child then people have that habit of talking ill about that woman and make her feel that she is irresponsible as a mother and housewife.
    The responsibility of children is of both father and mother, why are not father held irresponsible when they are working and not looking after children. It has become a practice of society to make women held responsible and the only ones who have to take care of the growth of children. If these still continues and they keep trying to prove working mother as irresponsible then nothing will change in thoughts of society.
    But in reality, mothers are much more than the only mother because they right from giving birth to a child and teaching each word and making them strong enough to face everyone, mothers are truly the artist.

    simran arora
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    Before society prevails the dominance of a working mother, there are things done within a family that set up an idea of how a woman’s life changes after having a child. It does not matter if a woman leaves her ambitions to be with her child. As a woman, I hear a lot about why I should have chosen teaching over a freelancing career or tech-savvy stuff. Often, society mentions two choices to a woman. First, a woman should either let go of her ambitions and second, she should choose a profession that fits her family time.

    The traditional thoughts mention that mothers who are working do not know how to nurture a child, especially when they belong to a corporate world. We live in a world where people agree that women should be empowered, but the paradox is they should accept that parenthood is their only responsibility.

    I have seen a woman whose husband told her that her job is to look after the kids. I have also heard them saying, ‘you stay at home all day, and you have one job to do.’ It is disheartening to listen to such things because parenthood is not the job of a woman alone. If a child needs XX and XY chromosomes to exist in the world, then the parent duty should equally be the responsibility of both.

    Being financially independent is not seen as a necessity for a woman. The problem is the lack of support offered to women. Not every woman has a supportive family who can help her to balance her personal and professional life.

    So yes, society still tries to prove that a working mother is not an efficient role model for her child. If given a little support, not only, the child can grow well, but the mother can also find her place without losing her career choices.

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    Yes, still the society try to prove a working mother irresponsible towards her child . A mother is always expected to handle the household as well as her office work alone. She never gets away support from the family side all the responsibility is posed on her shoulder only.
    If a woman is in government sector it is quite easy for her to handle household as well as office work as she has to work 10-5 only but if she is in private sector she has lot of burden of her work life as well as personal life. And she is supposed to manage that. That’s why we consider a woman is a perfect manager. She can handle everything but still the society and the family discourages her and if any mishap happen, she is considered responsible for that. We all are aware about peral V Puri case , in this there is a rumour or maybe it is true that the father of that 11 year girl has taken this step to defame, her mother . His motive is to prove the Public that , she is irresponsible ,when she is taken her daughter along with her in the Set . she he is busy with her own work and did not give any attention to her child that’s why the girl has suffered this. Which is totally wrong. After delivery women need rest for some time but that doesn’t mean she cannot join her work again. Yes , in Starting the new born child need the , but after the child 1 year old or more than it , the family member can take care of the child and if they are not capable of that or they are not living in joint family they can hire in nanny for the child .
    A woman’s work will never spoil the future of her children, even here, she inspires her children to move in the right direction. So a woman’s work is good for her child’s future . We all should support her and help her .It is not always necessary for a woman to leave her dreams for her future for her children, that child is not her alone. A man should also pay attention to his children. We should not always expect only from a woman. She also has some dreams, she also has some desires .

    Aditi Sahu
    Not Helpful

    It takes very little for our society to throw their stupid judgements around. And the ones who take worst of these judgements are of course, women. Women have been a subject of society’s irrelevant and senseless judgement from ages. One would think such things might be a thing of past now, but sadly that is not the case.

    Working mothers, the term that is used by many to refer to moms who do paid jobs, are constantly judged for not being always present with their children. They are constantly ridiculed for pursuing their passion alongside raising their children. And to top it all off, they are even labelled as “irresponsible”. This is such a backward mindset that our society is still not able to unlearn. All these unrealistic expectations from mothers are just the patriarchy’s way of not letting women live their life in the real sense. It’s about time that our society learns that such judgements on women are not gonna be helpful in any sort of way, all they’re gonna do is carry the harmful mentality of patriarchy.

    Sona Singh
    Not Helpful

    It is important to recognize that societal perceptions and judgments about working mothers can vary significantly across cultures, communities, and individuals. While some people may hold the belief that working mothers are irresponsible towards their children, it is crucial to understand that such a perspective is based on stereotypes, biases, and outdated societal expectations.
    However, it is crucial to challenge these stereotypes and recognize that being a working mother does not automatically equate to being irresponsible or neglectful. In fact, numerous studies have shown that children of working mothers can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Working mothers often serve as positive role models for their children, demonstrating independence, ambition, and the importance of balancing multiple responsibilities. It is essential for society to move towards a more inclusive and supportive mindset, recognizing and valuing the diverse choices and contributions of mothers. Creating policies and social structures that promote work-life balance, provide affordable childcare options, and challenge traditional gender roles can help combat the stigmatization and judgment faced by working mothers. Ultimately, it is essential to base judgments on individual circumstances and choices rather than holding onto outdated stereotypes.

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