Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Employment Opportunities Youth Employment Opportunities

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Amisha

    More than 70 million young people are unemployed1. 262 million youth are not in employment, education or training (NEETS) across developing countries2 and one in five young people aged 15-24 have been out of work for more than 12 months, across OECD countries3.
    High youth unemployment hampers economic growth and negatively impacts the health and well-being of young people, and their opportunity to lead productive and rewarding lives. It also has long term financial implications like funding retiree pensions and health care, which may be even more challenging than otherwise.
    Governments, business, and civil society are actively taking steps to address youth unemployment but it is clear that some policies work better than others. But which ones and why? This report collates the perspectives of national employer organizations in an effort to provide a more comparative and global picture of what is being implemented across countries. It is a joint initiative of the International Organization of Employers (IOE), Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD (BIAC), and Deloitte Global.

    Samriti Sharma
    Not Helpful

    India is one of the countries which have highest rate of youth unemployment in the world. Unemployed person is the one who is actively looking for job but is not able to find or get one. The reason for the same is few or restricted opportunities being made available to the youth of the nation today. Complexity in education system leads to more complexity in employment opportunities as with the advancement of technology the interest of less educated or those who are not well versed with latest technology is comprised with those who have comparatively superseded the people by being in touch with the new coming generations adapting more easily to the changing environment,this is one of the factors of youth employment.
    It is also one of the most important duty of the government in power to frame policies and initiate various programmes to generate decent employment for youth as they are directly the future of the nation.
    Active employment opportunities should be provided to youth of country to reduce unemployment and to also enhance the economy of the nation. Providing enough employment opportunities to people is a basic wat to develop a nation with the skills and the efforts of the new generation.
    Youth power in a country should be utilised to the fullest to reach its know potential.

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