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15 replies, 16 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 11 months ago
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    woman has the sole decision in requesting an abortion. What is your opinion?

    Darshini Suresh
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    You will find women from all stages of life who got pregnant and then had to get it aborted. You will always have at least one person in your knows who went through an abortion. And if you don’t know, then it probably just because a woman rarely tells out if she went through an abortion. There always has a misunderstanding that women who seek for an abortion are stated as terms like confused or fragile or a person is morally conflicted. This is one of the patronising beliefs todays which should be banished put by people’s minds.

    According to a survey this year, there were almost 15.6 million abortions that took place in India. Out of these 15.6 million abortions, 74 percent of them did it thought unsafe abortion and this only because of all the legal stress a woman has to go through for abortion as she got pregnant by mistake or through sexual abuse and to get hidden from the dark eyes of what society would think about her.

    In India if women want an abortion during the first trimester, it is compulsory according to the law that she gets the consent of any one medical professional and for doing the same in the second trimester she needs consent of two medical practitioners. Women in India find it too hard to face abortion unlike other countries especially when she is unmarried and gets pregnant. This is because of the social pressure. Sometimes the law also tells to get the permission of her husbands for aborting the child. Isn’t this called suppressing a women right to make decisions for herself?

    I totally agree with the point that abortion should he solely a woman’s choice only because she has the right to do so. Most of some women are usually confidential enough to make such strong abortion decisions. As a pragmatic county. We must have belief and the trust in a woman’s decisions about going through ban abortion or not just how we trust them in other aspects of life.

    There should be an effort put up by the country to build and being about awareness on educating women and the community on aspects like sexual and reproductive health and their rights towards it and how to access safe abortion with Utmost care. I end up by saying that if a woman chose to abort, it should be a sole decision and she should be able to access this abortion procedure on request at any point within legal limits.

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    A woman’s body is her business, yet a woman can’t make decisions regarding her body without having to encounter multiple opinions on what she should do.

    Abortion is considered to be taboo. Some see it as an evil done to an unborn child, while others see it as a matter of health. Carrying a baby to full term, and aborting a foetus both have consequences on a woman, which can be physical or psychological. It is a woman’s choice to decide which one she’d rather face.

    Abortions can be performed for a variety of reasons, including the mother’s or the foetus’s health, or because the woman was impregnated under deplorable conditions (rape). Women may seek abortion because they are young (students), single, or for other reasons. The reasons vary, but the goal is to avoid having a child. It may appear cruel to some, but one must consider the situation of the person who is forced to make a difficult decision.

    Some fear abortion due to the risk factor. In the past, abortions were not done in a safe environment, which would result in the death of women. While the procedure is safer now, there are still factors to be considered. Abortion is usually less risky during the first trimester. The second trimester is riskier, and one would need to carefully consider all the pros and cons before making a decision. Ultimately, the experts can only advise the one wanting an abortion. The decision remains with the woman.

    Married or unmarried, the responsibility that comes with a child is not easy. Married couples might decide to have an abortion due to multiple reasons – early pregnancy, unplanned, not financially secure, etc. An unmarried person would also choose to abort if she is not willing to be a mother soon, or if her situation cannot afford to raise a child. A rape victim would never consent to carry a rapist’s child. An abortion would also be recommended if carrying a child would risk the mother’s life, or if the foetus is not developing healthily.

    Abortion is illegal in some places, and women have a difficult time navigating this, limiting their options. Having a legal way to abort would alleviate some of the stress in the situation.

    Whatever the reason is for considering abortion, only the woman will understand what she is going through. Abortion is a difficult decision that must be carefully considered. A woman knows what is best for her, and others must grant her control over her body.

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    Men all over the world have a belief that they have the right to a woman’s body and what she chooses to do with it. Be it regarding abortions, consensual sex, or even the clothes she chooses to wear. Letting women have autonomy over their own choices has been a difficult thing for men to do since the beginning of time, and if women step out of that glass bottle that they’re put in, they are called various names that shame them for what they do; bitch, slut, feminazi, etc. Although the gravity of the reactions from the society against women, for their choices, vary from country to country, they’re all essentially the same patriarchal hand-me-down rules.

    In India, backward-thinking families force women to have abortions if the baby is found to be female, and to prevent this discrimination, most hospitals have banned knowing the gender of the baby before birth. This further leads to female infanticide, which is another problem altogether. The point is, abortion due to the foetus being female is usually the men in the family’s decision, so as to be free from the burden of dowry and extra spendings that a growing girl requires. And it is congratulated and is not deemed wrong by anyone.

    At the same time, when it is a woman’s decision to abort a baby; because she isn’t ready to have a baby, for health reasons, for financial reasons or the sex was nonconsensual or premarital, either way, the woman’s decision is condemned, and the act is claimed to be ‘murder.’ This often puts the woman is a tight spot, because even if it is her own body that she’s dealing with, everybody’s opinion must be taken into hand in order to be accepted by the society.

    A woman’s body is not a public playground where anyone can choose to say what should be done with it. The conditioned woman succumbs to the society’s treatment of her as property, who cannot make a decision for herself, and goes along for the fear of isolation and exile. This is because abortion is considered evil and taboo. Hilariously, woman making her own decision is also considered taboo, as a ‘good’ woman must always be subservient and obedient to what her husband and his family want her to do.

    This kind of taboo against abortion is all somewhat owing to a historical way of thinking. It is assumed by illiterate, or rather, ignorant people that the baby is formed as soon as it’s known that the person is pregnant. So they consider abortion as equal to killing a child, when this is not the case. As of now, a person can abort if the foetus is under 24 weeks. And the fetus only starts to feel pain by 27 weeks. So, the argument that the foetus feels pain when it’s being aborted is a far-fetched lie used by those who are still not willing to give women autonomy over their own bodies.

    If transitioning is banned, there won’t be a decrease in the number of transitions, but only an increase in the the number of unsafe transitions. Similarly, banning abortions, like so many people are protesting for, will not put a stop to abortions. It will only create an environment for riskier abortions, in conditions that are subpar and unsafe, with hesitant doctors fearing their lives because what they’re doing is illegal, and high chance of death for the person going through it.

    If someone tries to regulate a woman’s body and decisions, it is appropriate to ask them to carry the person’s baby themselves if it is possible, because the emotional and physical exhaustion before and after birth is no joke and if they don’t mind all that mental labour, offer to do it. And if that makes them uncomfortable, it is best to ask them to shut up if there is nothing smart for them to say. Since a woman knows her body and what it needs best, it is essential to respect her choices about it like you respect any other person’s choices, because it is a bit demeaning to assume that a woman can’t think either.

    And if you’re so against abortions, just don’t have one. 🙂

    Gayatri Somvanshi
    Not Helpful

    MTP i.e. medical termination of pregnancy also called as abortion against woman’s will is definitely not a good thing or even not letting woman abort the child and forcing a woman to bear the child too is not good thing.
    MTP is mostly suggested only when there can be problem with the child and when the pregnancy can threaten lives of both mother and the child .MTP can also be requested when the pregnancy is because of rape and victim dont want yhe child
    And also unwanted pregnancies .
    When requesting an abortion main and most important aspect is consent of woman.
    There have always been two cases under this topic and the core purpose is to let people understand that consent of women is key in this topic .
    The very first case is when a woman is dissed and not allowed to abort the child. They are expected to bear children, keeping aside their career,choices etc.
    We all know all the events of pregnancy will be faced by the woman herself and her body. If she is not ready then why is she forced to maintain pregnancy? In many cases just for boys, women are forced to bear the child.
    Now lets see the other side where a woman is forced to abort the child. We have all known that in majority cases woman is forced to request abortion because of the gender of child.This promotes nothing but increasing number of female foeticide. Next scenario is where men want to fulfill their so-called lusts and don’t want to use condoms but …. But…. They are also not ready for children. This results in women taking birth control pills which harm their body . Often such cases are seen between unmarried couples.
    Thus in both the scenarios woman has to always compromise and our society just don’t care whether she is ready or not.

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    When a woman is pregnant. she goes through millions of emotion and by that time a good relationship would have formed between her and that unborn child. For a woman, her child is everything .He has many dreams for his upcoming child and makes many expectations from that child. But when she is forced to abort her child , that time is very painful for her. All her dreams end with this child .And all this just for the satisfaction of the family.
    It should only be the decision of the women whether to have that child or not. Because that child is a part of his own body .So till the time of birth, that woman has the right to her child. No one has the right to force her to abort her baby. Many times it happens that the woman herself want to abort that child but there is always a valid reason behind that may be she might not be ready for that child , or might be She is un- married and is not ready to face the society , or She may be carrying a rapist child , which reminds her of that painful time all the time . She does not harm her child without reason. But in the way of cases , a woman has to drop the child without her permission and the doctor hides it too. And most of the cases the reason behind abortion is a girl child . Family don’t want a girl child and for their satisfaction , they also kills that little life. But gave them this right to take all this decision . How they don’t think about mother , her feelings .In India in 74% abortion cases family forced . According to law even woman has to sign that paper that she want to about her child .
    It is the right of a woman whether she wants to keep her child or not .And we should encourage all those women who raised their voice against this injustice and they are going against their family and society and saving that little life . Women should fight for their rights, not abort her baby.

    Not Helpful

    Yes, I do agree. Abortion is only concerned with a woman. It is her body and it is her choice whether she wants to proceed with having a child or not.
    We have to note that if abortions aren’t legal, that doesn’t mean the process of aborting stops. People will find ways to illegally abort the child causing harm to the mother.
    I don’t see why men should be involved in this. Yes, the man is the father and he can have opinions but at the end of the day it’s the woman who is going through this, both mentally, physically and emotionally.
    What we fail to realize is that the woman going through an abortion will be having a tough time. We should not increase their worries but support them.
    What a person does with their body is never anyone’s business.

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    Yes, the decision of having a child or not is completely upon women. No one have the right to tell a woman if she should have a baby or not. Getting a child aborted should be a decision of the mother, society should not interfere into her choice of whether or not to have a baby. For a chance, the father of the child could possibly suggest upon this matter but the decision solely depends upon the mother of the child.
    It’s her body, she’s the one who knows whether she could handle the pain of giving birth to a child or not.
    And as per today’s generation most women are working and have a career, having a baby could possibly come into the way of their career because babies need their mothers the most and postpartum complications could also effect her ability to work.
    Hence, it should be the sole decision of a mother to give birth to a baby or to abort that.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Since abortion is one of the important aspects, that has control over women’s reproduction rights, hurdles to abortion can threaten women’s way to attain equality. The major discussion should rest on the following conditions-
    1) That women want control over their reproductive capacity, and
    2) that women want privacy and access to the rights of abortion and availability of abortion to women generally. In the landmark decision of the US Supreme Court called Roe v. Wade, it was held that abortions can only be done if the doctors feel the need due to medical complications. they choose the decision for them. As a result of this, it has left 4/5ths of the US without abortion rights. The fallacy of the decision lies in the fact that Roe never asked for the availability of abortion services. As a result, all interested women were left at the mercy of the system which was not adequate. It also did not give them the entitlement to an abortion which is based on her sole understanding. The liberal solution of Law might provide new rights, but these rights are of no use because they cannot address the old attitudes that are firmly rooted in the society. The problem is grave because the right to abortion can be traced under the constitutional right. It is an important decision and women should have a full saying in the matter. She should decide whether to start a family or not, or she has the right biological conditions for the same. The decision should not be rest solely on the doctors as they cannot truly understand the personal needs. Sure three can be laws to regulate them, but the sole factor should be women themselves. This can solve other problems too such as teenage pregnancies and the bad situation of some underage rape victims. We should come up with something comprehensive to solve this.

    Yash Tiwari
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    The abortion issue is very emotive in society. A lot of people have strong opinions on it, often based not on facts but feelings and prejudice. Nowadays, Abortion is no longer considered a Taboo Topic. It is a serious decision of a woman which she has to make by herself. There is no point in blaming her for choosing to abort her child. A woman, due to her nature of being a mother, has the sole decision in requesting an abortion. In today’s world, a woman in that situation would do anything for the safety of her unborn child. In some parts of the world (mostly high-income countries), abortions are performed during the early stages of pregnancy, principally at the request of the pregnant individual. Forcing a woman to have an abortion is equivalent to giving her freedom most negatively. It is also a loss of freedom for that unborn child. The government can force her to abort her child, but can never recover what they take away.

    As per my view, women should have their consent in abortion. Making her feel guilty will lead to an increase in abortion rates. In countries like China where such procedures are banned, people resort to taking pills to abort their child which may sometimes lead to the death of women as well as the child. While Abortion is used as a contraceptive method, women from lower strata of society tend to resort to abortion for controlling offspring. Sometimes the families force women to get an abortion because of some stupid reasons. Often they do it in money and family problems. Some even try to say that men don’t want a baby girl or vice versa. It’s all about short-living happiness. It doesn’t even cross their mind that she will have to live with this guilt for her whole life. They are just having fun, while the mother is left to kill her child.

    Child abortion is solely the right of a woman whether she wants to keep her child or not. And we should encourage all those women who raised their voices against this injustice and are going against their families and society. Women should fight for their rights, not abort her baby. As long as a child is in the womb, it’s still a part of the woman’s body, and she should have full control over what happens to that child. Abortion is the woman’s choice because when she becomes pregnant, she makes sacrifices such as putting her education on hold, losing wages from work, and undergoing various physical changes.

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