Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice If a woman decides to adopt a nomadic lifestyle, what are the challenges she’ll faces?

7 replies, 7 voices Last updated by Shreya Shukla 2 years, 12 months ago
  • Woospire
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    If a woman decides to adopt a nomadic lifestyle, what are the challenges she’ll faces?
    Nomadic lifestyle in which a person is not attached to a specific area of land and keep on moving from place to place and different regions and maybe countries too. It’s an old form of lifestyle but still practiced but the times have changed, back in those times there was less pressure on each thing be it a career, jobs, etc. but now in each field, there’s competition, comparison, etc.
    When a woman wants to do something she faces a lot of challenges, whether to start a career, study abroad, live life on her own terms, travel and explore, etc. A woman now is equal to men in everything and if she wants to live a nomadic lifestyle, she will face many challenges not personally but emotionally, socially, economically, etc. To live nomadically means you will have to keep traveling and not settled in a single place. And that’s a very challenging task for a woman because to adjust to the places and people for that duration and then again to some other place.
    Challenges faced by them can be, community building – when you are not with family you miss out on many important events and family gatherings; you don’t have a fixed place or resident to stay because you keep traveling and exploring, you have to keep on traveling and planning and in doing so you miss out health and it is affected and being a women health and hygiene on normal days and also on days on menstruation should be most taken care in daily routines but is neglected because there is lack of facilities of sanitation.
    Emotionally, at some point being a woman you tend to think a lot and end up being stressed out because of no one to support or someone by your side when you decide to take up this as a lifestyle. The very challenge is when you decide to live this lifestyle and your near ones don’t support and trust you because you are a woman. Now the time has changed and many women are achieving and doing what they want to.
    There are many challenges faced by women daily but each day she passes it with struggle but with also a smile and hard work.

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    Ok so, maybe it’s not something to be published on newspaper daily but yes those girls whom you taught not to stay outside home after 9,are the one who dreams about a nomadic lifestyle or at least a solo trip… What a beautiful tragedy for our society!
    Ok so what’s this nomadic lifestyle? Basically it’s a system or a living procedure where you don’t settle anywhere permanently in other words you move constantly from place to place and embrace the unknown.
    But of course its not quite easily manageable. However it’s impossible for girls according to our conservative society, though I strongly protest this fact. If someone can manage themselves within the vast unknown, then it’s good. And if we talk about problem then it’s for both boys and girls equally, if our society leave our girls alone to enjoy and don’t became obstacles with their wolf eyes and brings on sexual harassment.
    Ok, but here we’re to talk about the female problem specially.
    So yes, there can be plenty of them.
    First, it’s the good news always being preached about being nomadic so it seems like a daydream while reality is much harsh.
    ‘Leave your job and travel solo’-seems too good to listen , but we never listened to the dark side. And that can be a huge problem .
    there’ll not be any friend and family member to have in your ups and Downs. And yes it’s not so fantastic as it seems.
    There can be health problems when you’ll need someone to serve you, which you can’t have. Sometimes you have to rely on others much, which can be a very positive as well as negative reasons too. As we are among the unknown.
    Again, there’s no surety about mobile network and it’s no need to say that how much we are dependent on mobile and internet these days. For woman, it can be more difficult as everyone of us knows about high rates of women exploitation and sexual harassment these days.
    There’s no sure of food and cooking as not every place is waiting for you with their grocery store.
    So, yes nomadic lifestyle is not so dramatic as it seems. Though it’s good to hear that women from our regular social area code are taking the initiative to make their dreams come true despite of having obstacles in their paths. Some nomadic tribes and their female are also living their lives, continuing to share culture and customs. So, lastly , yes there’s a lot of obstacles to count but as we know if we stop to count the obstacles to count, it’ll never end. So start your journey towards your dream with all precautions, do research first thoroughly, get ready for any future crisis.

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    The culture of nomadic lifestyle has been declined since past a few ages, but there are still a lot of people who follow nomadic lifestyle. Basically, nomads do not have a fixed place to live, they roam around the world for their livelihood. In today’s era the people who follow nomadic tradition know how exciting and exhausting it is to move around the world.
    According to the present situation of women, women can decide to choose a nomadic tradition if they want to but the society as usual would never support a woman roaming around the world. According to the people living in the community, women are supposed to have a family and settle down, work all their lives for them by providing 100% attention to the family she got. Hence, firstly, the society would procrastinate alot against the woman who chooses to be a nomad, secondly, the world has not been proven to be a safe place for women, if she chooses to be a nomad, the hypocratic men in our society would think of it as an opportunity to abuse women alot more than she’s already being abused. Hence, choosing a nomadic culture would be a challenging task for a woman.

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    Women with nomadic lifestyle will face lot of challenges during travelling to different places which is not safe for women to travel alone. And that also feels lonely because continue travelling from one place to another and not returning to home will make you miss your family members. The more you travel than it will more feel you lonely. When they are not well than their will be no one to take care of them. Emergencies will happen while travelling also and then their will be no one to take you at doctor. Family emergencies is hardest thing for women like if anyone is sick in your family and you are not physically their. Travelling to different places means their are different timezones so it will very frustrating because when you really want to talk to your family and friends due to timezones it don’t make possible to contact them. While travel to different places it become difficult to maintain health and fitness because of not having homely food and leafy vegetables only having junk food sometimes veggies but like homely food will hardly get in different countries. Missing home food of mother’s hand is the other thing which is frustrating. Women’s are so emotional due to which travelling to different places alone will make more reminds of your family and friends. Their will no routines while going to travelling different places because in home we have that routine and habits which we follow and it keeps us remind to be particular with timing and while travelling it will not remain same you lost your habits and particularity towards time. Women can also face hygiene and sanitation issue because during menstruation they have to make sure that washroom facilities should be their for women personal hygiene. To have Nomadic lifestyle for women is not so esay it has many challenges. It is upto own personal choice to adapt nomadic lifestyle or not.

    Yash Tiwari
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    A nomadic lifestyle is not like going on a vacation and taking your suitcase with you; it is a lifestyle in which a person is not attached to a specific area of land and keeps on moving from place to place and different regions and maybe countries too. It’s an old form of lifestyle but still practiced by people who are into it but the times have changed, back in those times there was less pressure on each thing be it a career, jobs, etc. life was pretty simple then. A woman who chooses to live a nomadic life will have to face many challenges. She will have to make difficult decisions and she may also have trouble making long-term commitments. She must find a balance between exploring the parts of the world that are new to her and settling down in an area where she can build a solid foundation for herself and her family.

    A common day in the life of a Nomad is not easy. Just think about the last time you went somewhere. If you traveled by plane there were security guards, border agents, and immigration. If you traveled by train or by bus there were still border agents and more forms to fill out. The point is that even if you did not travel far from home, there was always some sort of gatekeeping process to cramp your lifestyle. A lot of men don’t understand the nature of women. They love to have them by their side. This is where support comes into play. In India especially most men don’t support if she is a housewife or working professional they only want her to do the job, whatever that might be, and not interfere in their business.

    There are lots of challenges facing women in this century. These challenges are traditionally viewed and shared by most African women. A woman’s life is complex because she is a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and co-worker in many cases. As a human species, ownership of what is called “wife” has been initially given to her through the use of force. This was the time when the wife or bride could not reject her fate to be married away. Life in the desert is simpler than life where there is a lot of security and facilities. People live peacefully without any disturbances and that’s why people love to move towards the desert to lead their life peacefully. I aim to write an article from the women’s point of view. She leads a nomadic lifestyle in her way, she faces different kinds of challenges like security, food, etc.

    Manpreet Singh
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    The itinerant lifestyle is the refreshment of their dreams for some. For some, it may not be worth the challenges. Let’s look at some of your challenges as a digital nomad. Take a peek. To assist communication, we are flooded with technology. Everyone has a real-time video chat camera on their phone. The perfect phone call is made with call enhancer software like the Krisp. Despite modern technology, relationships are still difficult with physical distance. The unavoidable impact of the digital nomad lifestyle is that you can’t spend time with your pals in person. At weddings, birthdays, and more you will miss crucial events. This erodes connections. Romantic relationships are not made easier by a wandering lifestyle. Relationships long distance might succeed but can sometimes be difficult. Although the range of problems, pressures, and experiences you both meet might add tremendous anxiety, although your companion will journey with you.

    The start of a family during a nomadic lifestyle is considerably harder, if not impossible. Your familial distance could add further stress to your relationship. You’ll miss them – and they’ll miss you, even if they are supportive of your itinerant existence. If you wish to live, the additional pressure can cause a break. It tends to be tough to find a community. While you may continue to meet other travelers and locals living the nomadic lifestyle, these new acquaintances are transitory. This can be good in some instances. This can be a good method to try things and increase trust, for example, if you fight social anxiety. It doesn’t matter if you do anything embarrassing.

    These people you’re never going to see again. On the other side, when you are used to making friends for a few days and weeks, it is easy to get jaded – then say farewell forever. You will not create deeper relationships. Spend enough time in changeable social circumstances and social weariness might lead to a nomadic lifestyle. It’s simple to get tired of it. The effort to develop a real community is avoided. Long hours of slopping before a laptop and swimming in your Airbnb’s loneliness morph into sadness. Work defines the digital nomadic lifestyle. While independence from locations provides tremendous benefits, while working remotely may also make it tough.

    Shreya Shukla
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    The nomadic lifestyle is a type of lifestyle adopted by people who want to understand different cultures and travel around the world nonstop. They don’t settle in one place. In today’s World, everyone does whatever they like so it’s upon our choice and yes it’s challenging for women. Changing one place after the other is not a child’s play. She has no assurance of safety while travelling, people with bad intentions are everywhere so she needs to think about this whenever she meets someone new or before asking for any kind of help. Her health and hygiene is the next issue as we know that during her menstruation she needs hygiene and this is not possible to access at every place. Some girls have to struggle with its pain too and that makes the situation worse. She would have to struggle to get the consent of her parents because leaving a few most people will never agree and particularly because of the reason that she is a woman. Nomads have to face challenges not only externally but also internally like anxiety, loneliness, etc. They have to face many ups and downs but still, they need to shift.
    Life is tough no matter how you do, what you do, it’s hard and you need to fight at every step. It is on you whether you knock out or get knocked out. Despite these struggles, if a woman decides to do it she’ll achieve her goal.

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