Sometimes all it takes is a QUOTE to make your day. It could empower you, strengthen you or make you feel energetic to conquer anything at the same time.
We, women are made up of blended emotions which can rise up to the level where nobody can understand what it estimates. All of us are aware about the image of women perceived in today’s society. Norms, rules and other extra vigilant things are made to prove out some or the other minutes of a woman. Nowhere in the world there is a secure place for women to live in. And if there is not , you have to create one.
There are 10 quotes represented which will empower you and chin you up for playing a integral role of woman in a society.

All of you might be aware of this quote but few of us understand. This is About to make yourself first a priority by being emotionally and mentally strong as the strength lies within. The rest all will makeout.

There is no power greater than the strength of a woman. One woman can put the whole world on fire then think what all together can do!

own emotions in the moment, as well as how well you understand your tendencies—the people and situations you handle well and those that push your buttons. Statistically speaking Women tends to have more Emotional intelligence (EQ) than Men.

The quote itself says it all. Women are the most important creature of the universe for the existence and survival of other life forms.

Afterall no one can deny a WOMEN’S INTUITION. It can bring up the hell . Women’s intution sort out be a greatest power in seeking knowledge, wealth, emotional stability and other psychological and physical evaluations.

If women is ambitious about anything, no one can stop her to achieve her goals and lead a successful life.

The generation gap says it all. Being assertive is what proves out to be the best solution to every problem.

Mark Anthony has bring out the perfect metaphor for women. Ferocious women, filled with rage do not fear any evils of society.

And again no one can bring hurdles in the path of women who admires. The real strength of a women is shown in the doom of virtue.

Because it’s not about supremacy, it’s about giving the suppressed gender equal rights!
Women are the strength of the society and she cannot be shattered by the tantrums of Vice.