Our Country, Is always know for its rich values, customs, and traditions. And when we here about it we feel immensely very proud of our Nation. But in the same tradition were our, Many Indian Goddess are worshipped like Laxmi, Parvati in a divine positive way. In that Country, Why A Baby Girl is killed…
Tag: girl child
Female Feticide is a crime against humanity… We all are talking about Women empowerment these days but the fact remains that female fetus is being killed… It’s no empowerment! God has not yet made the lines on my hand, And you have announced the judgment of my stand. Please, Dad! Don’t have me killed, I,…
For pot-bellied uncles staring shamelessly For lechers ogling, whistling by the roadside For exploiting girls and killing ruthlessly For chauvinistic men forcing female foeticide, Now, no more clumsy lame excuses. For game-seeking loafers and perverts at bus-stands For all powerful molesters who got to get away For masochistic husbands wielding an upper hand For “she…