“O you woman!
Why do you after all submit
To who that ever hurts and hits,
Causes you only sufferings
Distresses are his offerings.
And gives you nothing
Except tongue-lashes
And choicest accusations?
What after all do you get
From him except tears?
What he gives you except pain?
Or enduring accusations
Is your only future?
Still they blame thee
Saying none understands you
What is your fault in it
If they fail to know you?
If fault is that is of the people
Who have not a sensitive heart
That is essentially needed
To understand a sweetheart.
If none has a sensitive heart
Can’t understand your kind heart.
There is a mother in each woman
A sensitive-hearted son can realise
Every woman is a sister
Sensitive brother can sympathize.
In each woman there is a wife
Could be understood by kind in-law
She is a sister-in-law as well
Could be realised by kind brother-in-law.
She is beloved too who couldn’t be
Understood by an insensitive lover.
She herself is the temple Venus
And adoring Venus is not a folly.
It is the love that is eternal.
Could you not see your folly?
Heart touching poem…you are something truely