Kirti's profile was updated 1 year, 7 months ago
Kirti replied to the topic Child marriage and emotional state of individuals involved in the forum Child Marriage 1 year, 7 months ago
What is the typical age difference between child bride and her groom?
Kirti replied to the topic Should housewives be paid? in the forum Employment Opportunities 1 year, 7 months ago
A housewife is a most hardworking person. Since a woman provides a shape to the emotional and educational well being of the children. A woman playing a role of house wife should be paid as she’s the strongest foundation of the house who supports her husband and children. Without the work of a homekeeper, other family members would not be free to…[Read more]
Kirti replied to the topic Is LGBTQ becoming a trend and seen as cool ? How does it affect the younger chil in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 1 year, 7 months ago
There are many people who are manifesting lgbtq trend. Though I’m not against it. It’s completely fine to go by your choices or wishes. Sometimes we aren’t able to recognize a person’s sexuality. How can i know whether someone I know is bisexual, straight or lesbian?
Kirti replied to the topic same sex marriage in the forum LGBTQ Issues & Rights 1 year, 7 months ago
Same sex marriages are often good as people have freedom to choose their partner beyond the gender. But don’t you think same gender or same sex marriage will lead to polygamy?