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  • Aditya Sawant
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    Child marriage is a deeply entrenched social issue that continues to afflict communities around the world, including India. Despite legal provisions and efforts to combat this practice, child marriages persist in various parts of the country, posing severe consequences for the well-being and development of young girls. This forum seeks to shed light on the issue of child marriages in India and emphasizes the need for immediate action to protect the rights and future of these vulnerable children.

    Root Causes and Impacts:
    Multiple factors contribute to the prevalence of child marriages in India. Poverty, lack of education, gender inequality, and traditional norms are often cited as the underlying causes. Girls from impoverished backgrounds are more likely to be forced into early marriages as families consider it a means of financial stability. Moreover, deep-rooted gender discrimination perpetuates the notion that girls are a burden and marriage is their sole purpose, denying them opportunities for education and personal growth.

    The consequences of child marriages are far-reaching and detrimental. These young girls are deprived of their childhood, education, and health rights. Early marriage often leads to early pregnancies, jeopardizing both the physical and mental well-being of these girls. They face increased vulnerability to domestic violence, sexual abuse, and limited economic prospects. Additionally, child brides are more likely to experience intergenerational cycles of poverty as they struggle to break free from this harmful tradition.

    Legal Framework and Initiatives:
    India has made significant progress in combating child marriages through legislation. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (2006) prohibits the marriage of girls under 18 and boys under 21. However, the effective implementation and enforcement of these laws remain major challenges. Concerted efforts are required to raise awareness among communities, empower girls through education, and strengthen the judicial system to ensure that perpetrators of child marriages are held accountable.

    Call for Action:
    To effectively tackle the issue of child marriages, a multi-faceted approach is crucial. Firstly, education and awareness campaigns should be intensified to challenge prevailing social norms and attitudes that perpetuate child marriages. Communities, religious leaders, and educational institutions must collaborate to promote gender equality and emphasize the importance of education for both boys and girls.

    Secondly, access to quality education and vocational training should be prioritized, providing girls with the tools and opportunities to build better futures for themselves. Empowering girls with education not only equips them with knowledge but also enhances their self-confidence and decision-making abilities, enabling them to make informed choices about their lives.

    Furthermore, comprehensive support systems must be established to protect and rehabilitate child brides. This includes safe spaces, counseling services, and access to healthcare, along with legal aid for survivors of child marriages.

    Child marriages continue to undermine the rights and potential of countless young girls in India. Eradicating this practice requires sustained efforts at the individual, community, and national levels. By promoting gender equality, enhancing educational opportunities, and implementing robust legal frameworks, we can create a society where every child has the chance to live a healthy, fulfilling life. Together, let us work towards a future where child marriages are confined to history books, not the present.

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Aditya Sawant

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Active 11 months ago