On 15th August 1947, she stood proud and tall
A name of her own, a home for her people
Her very own soil she could lay rest on
Achieved through much toil and turmoil
Its 19th January 2014, another one down
A beautiful twenty-one year old, salvaged and mauled on
It’s not just now, not just today
A day ago, a child by her father
A week ago, two foreigners by beasts
A year ago, damage was done to death by savages
A country to be proud of, is it not?
Did she gain Independence to freedom or Independence to rape
A brutal question but none the less real
Not a newspaper is printed in whole
Without a case of a girl they tore – flesh and heart
Another one down, we say
It’s another one down
But how much more India, how many more?
How many men lie waiting for a victim of their own
How many drafting out a plan with breaths reeking of rum
Today, it could be you
Tomorrow it could be a sister, a friend, a lover
Appealing and amending is no hard task
But the Government can only do so much
Then get it into the heads of every man in India
That woman are not toys to take, use and throw on roadsides
They are to be held with love, respected and adored
It’s a country that holds some of the most beautiful women known
Each woman is a treasure, if only you’d learn to see.