Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender-based Violence Discussing Gender-based violence in its neglected and unviewed dimensions.

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Piyali Mondal 1 year, 7 months ago
  • Aditya Raj

    When it comes to gender based violence, limiting ourselves only to crimes against women is common, which is backed by our patriachal mindsets.In patriarchal limits, one considers women as weak and men as strong. This inherent bias is very common and is the result of patriachal structure that governs our society. Not to disagree women have been victim of it but not less are the men and other genders. Why is that no one talks about them when it comes to violence?

    For instance, if we consider the case of sexual assault, it refers to any sexual behaviour that occurs in absence of explicit consent.
    Rape laws in India, guided by IPC Section 374 defines rape as ” A man is said to commit rape …”. This phrase itself is not gender neutral. This advocates the thought that men can’t be raped.

    But is that consent meant only for women??
    Why is there a difference in meaning of “NO” for men and women. Just because men are stong??
    I think it is equally uncomfortable for men, when he is pursued by women, he is not interested in.

    The biggest problem is the idea that “Men can’t say no”. Reason being his sexual orientation would be questioned and he would be mocked by others for his masculinity.This is due to patrichal mentality people possess. This prevents men to understand the “importance of body” because if body of men is not treated with equal dignity and respect, how can one expect them to respect body of other human. And this amplifies crimes against women.

    LGBTQ community also face violence but are neglected when it comes to discussion of gender based violence. They not only face sexual assualts but also psychological pressure and domination by men and women. Also they are the victims of internalised sexism and internalised homophobia.

    Jai vipra, think tank for civil society in delhi, demanded for gender neutral rape laws, and that were opposed by human right activists and feminists.

    If 1 in 3 women have faced sexual assualt, one cannot neglect that 1 in 4 men too have faced it.

    But the thing is, if feminism talks for equality for all, then one cannot be ignorant for inclusiveness of all the genders. I agree that women face violence, but it is not advisable to neglect the other side.

    Thus, patriarchy should be read not as form of male domination rather that of human subjugation as it benifits none, neither Men, nor women and nor the queer community. And any such structural dominance should be questioned.

    Piyali Mondal
    Not Helpful

    Gender-based violence (GBV) remains a significant social problem that affects millions of women and girls globally. GBV can take several forms, including intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, child marriage, and honor killings. Despite increasing efforts to reduce GBV, its impact continues to persist in communities worldwide, and this has been attributed to the neglected and unviewed dimensions of the phenomenon.

    One of the neglected dimensions of GBV is the economic perspective. Women and girls who experience violence often face financial barriers that hinder their ability to escape exploitative situations. For instance, women who are victims of intimate partner violence may not have access to economic resources or lack the necessary survivable skills to support themselves and their children. This can trap them in abusive relationships and limit their options for seeking help and legal redress.

    Another unexplored dimension of GBV is the health implications of violence. Women who experience GBV are at increased risk of physical and mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These health issues may manifest later in life and affect their quality of life and overall well-being.

    The societal and cultural context of GBV is another under-explored dimension. In many communities, cultural practices, social norms, and gender stereotypes perpetuate violence against women and girls. These practices are often normalized and legitimized, making challenging GBV complex and difficult.

    Furthermore, the intersectional dimension of GBV is also often overlooked. This refers to the multiple identities that women and girls have that intersect with GBV (e.g., race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexuality, age). Women who are members of marginalized groups experience GBV differently from those who are not. For instance, women with disabilities have higher rates of GBV, while women of color often face intersecting forms of violence, such as sexual harassment and racial discrimination.

    In conclusion, GBV is a multifaceted issue that requires a holistic and coordinated approach to address its neglected and unviewed dimensions. Strategies aimed at addressing GBV must include developing programs that integrate economic empowerment, health care responses, socio-cultural context, and intersectionality. By taking a comprehensive approach, we can reduce GBV’s prevalence and impact and create safer, more equitable communities for all.

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