Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Justice Debate : Gender Equality or Gender Justice?

22 replies, 21 voices Last updated by Manpreet Singh 3 years, 5 months ago
  • Woospire

    ‘Gender Equality’ & ‘Gender Justice’ are commonly used together and treated as similar terms. But, despite of this common use, both connotes different meaning and also highlight special role of gender in society. We welcome your views on these two terms in a way to highlight role of women in society and to understand discrimination faced by women in day to day life.

    Proposal A

    ‘Gender Equality’ is misguided terms which attempts to make two different beings equal. Women and Men are different and have different role in the society. Therefore, it would be wise to use the term ‘Gender Justice’ rather than ‘Gender Eqality’.

    Proposal B

    Till we don’t achieve ‘Gender Equality’, it would be difficult to get right place for women in society. The term ‘Gender Justice’ often used to restrict role of women to home with division of functions based on discriminatory traditions. Therefore, ‘Gender Equality’ is more desirable.

    Not Helpful

    Though we are in 70th year of Independence,still there is gender equality specially against Women of India. Its really sad were we worship women as Shakti,the atrocities are committed agaisnt her in all sections of life.She is being looked down as commodity or as a slave, she is not robbed of her dignity and pride outside her house but she also faces ill-treatment and other atrocities within the four walls of her house. Though at work place women are equal against men in office, But mens work are highly appreciated than women. In modern times many women are coming out to work but has to shoulder the double responsibility; one she has to work where she is employed and secondly she also has to do all the house hold works, moreover, she is last to be considered and first to be fired as she is considered to be less productive than her counterpart. Her general status in the family and in the society has been low and unrecognized. When ever there is violence against women, if the girl is teased, rape Why all always people first blame we girls, ladie that the cloths which we were it provoke them to do these disgusting things. Were there is no power justice to women even now.

    Not Helpful

    Gender justice- this is a topic we all have been listening to for quite a long time. What i see now is that today’s generation and the youth are very into this thing but it takes some time to convince the elderly people who have been following the hollow rituals. This step is emerging positively but what i feel now is that many somehow takes advantage of this ‘give equality’ tag. We cann’t always comment the males as wrong, i feel many women makes this tag line as a shield to overcome the siations where they are wrong, so people should keep this in mind and do what is right only.

    Not Helpful

    ‘GENDER JUSTICE: a significant right’

    “It’s not about equality, it’s about SUPREMACY”
    In my opinion Gender Justice play a major role,basic right granted to every human female to live in dignity and freedom without any fear,which wittingly can be seen practiced.It promotes the equal share of work between men and women living under a same roof, social, economic and political. Men- considered to be a dominant head of family, taking every credit of work which he owns barely recognize the value of women. Because in the society where we regard ‘heterosexual’ for different and ‘homosexuals’ as same,and talk about their equality, their justice, do we really fulfill the respect, dignity and freedom demanded by women? No, because from ancient times they are entitled to do household chores and bring up the family! But this is high time now and women are filled with fury and rage! Not only women’s, men are also concentrated with higher demands placed by society in economical and political issues.Gender justice provides the greater freedom to all, equally.

    Not Helpful

    It is gender justice that is important. The real meaning of gender equality lies in gender justice only. Making two different things equal may not be justice done.

    Piyu Radadiya
    Not Helpful

    Gender equality is human rights.women and men not treated equally.In every work field there have gender gap.Gender equality mean not making difference between women and men.Gender justice denotes that all people having same all gender treated with equality.

    Darshini Suresh
    Not Helpful

    Usually both these sound similar so they are even taken as similar contexts. Gender equality is giving equal right to woman as men in every field with changing perspectives. But gender justice is creating equal freedom to all, it being fredom of speech, movement etc.Gender justice leads is the root to gender equality according to me.

    Gayatri Somvanshi
    Not Helpful

    Indeed gender equality is still not had been attained in India. Even Today girls are not educated as boys. They gave to choose their professions carefully abd then decide to go for education that too with lot of conditions. Going out for trip is simple thing which is often banned for women. Women are opposed to do jobs especially after marriage. They are expected to only cook three meals. Even in workplaces they are goven less pay than male employees for the same work. Seeing this its sure that there is huge disparity from simple thing to great things between men and women

    Not Helpful

    In this contemporary era where equality for all genders is a very important aspect of the society, we still lack gender equality in this modern society.
    I strongly believe that gender equality is much more important than gender justice.
    Treating women as equal as men is the basic right of all human lineages but until today it has to be fought for. Gender equality is attained when people of all genders are given equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities whereas gender justice is defined as systematic redistribution of power, opportunities according to one’s judged ability and power. Gender justice does restrict the roles of women in various aspects by which they’re still often considered restrained. The world needs to be treated equally more than it needs to be restricted of judged by its weekness. Half of the problems faced by the genders would be solved only if everyone around the world starts treating each other equally. Women today are excelling in almost all the fields but they often are not provided with the dignity they deserve. The society denies to accept women as strong as men, which is where gender equality needs to stand. When people around the world would start to accept all genders as one, that’s where the change will begin and to bring this change we need to attain gender equality without which gender justice may never be able to define itself in the way it should be defined.

    Manpreet Singh
    Not Helpful

    No doubt that gender justice and gender equality are some of the most confusing terms right now. Even if we ignore the confusion surrounding it, they both are something very essential for the proper equal representation of women in society. If there will be no gender justice then we can’t expect any kind of gender equality in the system. a balanced approach should be adopted regarding gender equality and gender justice to take full advantage of these terms. The basic aim of gender justice and gender equality is to provide a head start for women in the society where they have been historically and traditionally treated sub-par as compared to their male counterparts and as a result of this long discrimination they are not able to enjoy equal rights in the society that have been granted by our Indian constitution.
    Now one can argue that the roles of men and women cannot be interchanged and in a true sense, we can never achieve gender equality in our society. But still, that doesn’t mean that we must remove our focus from the inequalities faced by women in a day to day life is justifiable. Be it is unequal wages and working hours, negligible Maternity benefits, a very low opportunity for education and jobs, facing evils like a dowry and home torture.
    The deep-rooted patriarchal setup of our Indian society has made the situation so worse that much problematic behavior against women has been made normalized. Things like eve-teasing, sexual harassment, rape, etc are to some extent being justified cycling historical and social roles of the gender. Now removing these evils would not be called removing the barrier between the role of genders in the society which many fear. Through proper use of gender justice and gender equality, they are only trying to remove the problematic things and behavior against women from society. To give them equal rights and opportunities in those fields where gender roles are not so important. Gender justice and gender equality are not about going against nature or taking any Revolutionary step, it is about removing the historical injustice and inequalities that women have faced and continue to face in our society. A balanced approach to gender justice and gender equality would not harm anybody.

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