“I don’t feel any less of a woman, I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my feminity “, Angelina Jolie on getting a double mastectomy.

Breast cancer campaign day, recognized as ‘WEAR IT PINK’. Hundreds and thousands of people stood together for Breast cancer campaign across the country, be it from school, college or work place. Angelina Jolie, beautiful female celebrity in Hollywood, revealed that she has gone double mastectomy to prevent breast and ovarian cancer, on discovering 87% chances of having inherited breast cancer and 50% of Ovarian cancer.

She said, “Once I knew this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much as I could. I made a decision to have a preventative double mastectomy.” Her breast cancer risk has dropped to under 5% as a result.

While the world was in dilemma her courage overtook the circumstances. Most of us are aware about the terms and conditions put forward by Breast cancer. Redness, discomfort or swollen lymph nodes all over the breast. Nipple discharge as a mayhem. It fells like a life-and-death situation.

In life you may came across a strong, bold, beautiful and courageous woman. One who motivates and has a zeal for life no matter whatever the situation she is going through.

I had stumbled upon the stories of women who fought cancer choosing’ law of attraction’, which beautifully depicts what a strong and positive perception can withhold. Put your faith in god! He makes a miracle out of any circumstances. Holding positive and vibrant affirmations, eating healthy and exercising can improve a lot.

The power of universe is unlimited. Cancer is no exception. Focus only on the beautiful fleeting moment of life. Woman, if want, can do anything.
