Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums LGBTQ Issues & Rights Is LGBTQ becoming a trend and seen as cool ? How does it affect the younger chil

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kirti 10 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Carnage ,

    LGBTQ has seen a huge rise in the recent years , it is seen as a part of culture and
    people from LGBTQ has been promoting it’s culture openly . This shows that our society has started to accept and address them as a part of its own , this shows the progress and development of our society and it’s mentality towards other genders and people .
    But in the recent years it’s rise has shown that it is affecting younger generation as they think of it as cool or trendy they seem to get attracted towards the LGBTQ at a very young age which is actually dangerous as they are young and their mind gets diversed easily. They do not have the capacity to take appropriate decisions and end up being on the wrong side . Children should be educated and thought about LGBTQ and other community but they should not see this a culture which will help them to be a cool teenager and be unique than others .
    LGBTQ community should always be seen same as other community and be given equal preferences and opportunities. They are doing a great work in promoting their community. BUT LGBTQ should never be seen a cool culture or something that will make one unique . One will eventually figure out about its own if they really belong from LGBTQ community.

    Devishi Tandon
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    Hello there! Let’s go into whether LGBTQ+ identities are becoming a trend and considered “cool” among young people. It’s an intriguing issue with a variety of opinions.

    There has been a huge increase in the visibility and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people and their rights in recent years. This breakthrough has made it easier for people to communicate their sexual orientations and gender identities. While growing exposure and acceptance may create the appearance that being LGBTQ+ is “cool” or trendy, it’s critical to remember that the heart of LGBTQ+ identities is about authenticity, self-discovery, and living true to oneself.

    Growing acceptance of LGBTQ+ people may create a safer atmosphere for certain young people who are exploring their identities to come out and express themselves. It can make kids feel more at ease with being themselves, promoting a sense of connection and community. This has the potential to improve their mental health and overall well-being.

    However, it is critical to handle this subject with tact and discretion. Labelling LGBTQ+ identities as a “trend” diminishes the struggles and experiences of those who have battled for their rights and endured prejudice. Being LGBTQ+ is not a transitory fad or a fashion statement, but rather an essential component of one’s identity.

    Exposure to LGBTQ+ representation and dialogues, in terms of its impact on younger children, can play a critical role in forming their knowledge of multiple identities and fostering acceptance. When youngsters see positive portrayals of LGBTQ+ people and relationships, it helps to normalise and legitimise these identities, reducing prejudice and encouraging empathy.

    The TV show “Queer Eye” is a real-life example of LGBTQ+ representation having an influence. The show follows a group of LGBTQ+ people who give makeovers and guidance to people from all backgrounds. They foster acceptance, understanding, and personal progress through their connections. “Queer Eye” has struck a chord with people all across the world, illustrating the positive impact of LGBTQ+ inclusion in mainstream media.

    To summarise, while LGBTQ+ identities may appear “cool” or “trendy” as a result of increased visibility and acceptance, it is critical to remember that they are essentially about authenticity and self-expression. Younger children can benefit from exposure to LGBTQ+ representation since it builds acceptance and empathy. So let us appreciate variety and work to create a society where everyone may be their true self!

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    There are many people who are manifesting lgbtq trend. Though I’m not against it. It’s completely fine to go by your choices or wishes. Sometimes we aren’t able to recognize a person’s sexuality. How can i know whether someone I know is bisexual, straight or lesbian?

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