Author: Mayuravarshini Mohana


‘Feminism’ is a word that the majority of us are familiar with. It occupies our discussions, our debates, our spats, our thoughts, our writing and our lifestyle. As pervasive as feminism is today, a lot of us remain unaware of womanism. What exactly is womanism? Well, let’s find out! Womanism Over the years a lot…


Advertisements most often advocate a fantastical pseudo reality where a single product or service can quell all your troubles, and life becomes picture-perfect. A true brain-child of capitalism, they convert our wants into needs. They even redefine and reshape the notions of social dynamics. Consider the plethora of advertisements that tell us we aren’t ‘cool’…


Feminism is often accused of reverse sexism i.e. discrimination against men and boys. But those who hurl these claims lack a fundamental understanding of the movement. They claim that it attempts to reverse the existing hierarchy and in the processes ‘oppresses’ men. Clearly, nothing can be farther from the truth. Melissa. A .Fabello in her…


‘Women don’t have what it takes’ ‘The job is too risky for you’ These are things a girl is bound to here when she expresses an interest in journalism. For a great period of time, journalism remained exclusively a man’s job. Eventually women did venture in and when they did, they faced sexist discrimination. They…


“When any real progress is made, we unlearn and learn anew what we thought we knew before” – H.D. Thoreau Learning is fundamental to human existence. Every inch of progress made right from the day we learnt to harness fire, to craft spears, to grow our own food and to build houses is owed to…


The significance of education in any society is beyond debate. It has the miraculous power to dispel ignorance and empower a person to grow holistically. In a societal setting, it promotes social progress, and is the ultimate weapon against poverty and other social evils. It is no wonder that comprehensive and healthy education is considered…