• Kirti gupta posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Emerging cases of SUICIDE among Teenagers-
    As parents in the future, have you ever thought about how you would spend time with your children and give them every kind of support they need, which you probably have not gotten? Teenage suicide is one of the biggest concerns in the world. More than 700,000 people die by suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. In India, 80 per 100,000 females commit suicide annually, while 34 per 100,000 males do the same. The age groups between 14 and 24 are the crucial ones that need not only financial but emotional support as well. Teenagers, being the most important ingredient of society, take their lives themselves. It is a question of worry and needs a lot of thinking about why such choices are made.

    There are various psychological, socio-environmental, and biological factors that contribute to it. Lack of mental and physical health due to an unhealthy diet is the first. The negative effects of not being able to handle bad situations cause hopelessness and low self-esteem, which in turn result in suicide. The society in which we live often compels us to turn our lives dark by not accepting us the way we are and evoking a feeling of alienation by discriminating on a gender, racial, etc. basis. Thus, social pressure becomes another reason for it. Personal reasons such as relationship issues, a feeling of loneliness, and sexual abuse add to it. To be the ideal kid of parents and academic pressure from families without interacting and knowing what is going on in their personal lives leads them to this harsh step of committing suicide. Girls have additional reasons for it, like dowry. In India, 20 women commit suicide every day because of harassment over dowries. These cases are not decreasing by any means but are increasing.

    There are endless solutions. By sharing what you feel with friends, family, or the people you are comfortable with, you make life easier and happier. Parents should be more interactive with their children and put themselves in their shoes. Broader public awareness that focuses on mental health and counselling will contribute positively. Let life hurt you; nothing would stop you if you believed in yourself and had the ability to accept yourself as you are.