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Afshan Iqbal
Not Helpful

Patriarchy is bad and feminism is good. Of course. Let’s see why!

Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. It’s about acknowledging both the genders equally, none more or less than the other. It’s about assuring that girls and women get the same opportunities that boys and men get in their lives. It’s about learning, unlearning, and relearning the basic concept associated with women’s equality. It’s not about hating men. It’s not about women’s superiority. Feminism is about accepting and empowering women to stand up for their rights and not about ridiculing other genders or hating other genders. Feminism is about accepting and empowering women to stand up for their rights and not about ridiculing other genders or hating other genders. This is what feminism is about. It is a movement that empowers women and gives them a voice to stand up for themselves.

Whereas Patriarchy is a system of society in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. It is simply a disease that is persisting in our society and no matter how much we try we won’t be able to curb it until and unless it is healed from the roots. It is present among us in so many ways like a family being identified by a male and not a female and the concept that a man is supposed to work outside and be a breadwinner for the family while a woman should work inside and take care of the household. When it comes to the workplace, sometimes there are traces of women falling prey to misogyny. When men witness women doing better than them, they hardly accept a woman’s leadership and as a result, she is required to work in a tactful environment where her opinions do not matter as much. So definitely we need to curb patriarchy so that it doesn’t affect women anymore which is why we need to support feminism and encourage it. As a society, we have to learn, unlearn and relearn a number of things in order to make a better world for all genders.