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12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by ANJUMM 1 year, 7 months ago
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    Working mothers hinder their children’s development. Is it true?

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    No, not at all. Working mothers do not hinder their children’s development. 99% of the working women are truly caring about their children’s health and education. The remaining 1% make us talk here on this topic.
    If women are expected to stay home and take care of their children’s development what is the profit of developing her girl child ? If she is also expected to do the same for the next generation why is she sent to education?
    I strongly believe that working women are never a hindrance to their children’s development.

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    Ok, let me first clear about it, we are talking about a mother’s love which is appreciated as above all the relationships. It’s said and of course true that maybe you can leave your mother, but she is not gonna leave you until her last breath. And I feel it’s true for each and every mother whether she is biological or not, working or housewife.
    It’s because our social discrimination against mothers, that we expect her to be with only her child and leave every dream, any work, any further journey, basically lose her inner self for upbringing of her child. Even most of us, don’t even come forward to help them and if a mother start to progress in their lives, we declare her ‘selfish’, ‘ultra-modern’ etc.
    Yes it’s true that a baby needs her mother most but can’t it’s needs will be less if other members of family also spend in him?
    But, no. We’re not going to have her back, we’re going to pinch her lifetime because we indirectly believe in such principles that if I could not do, then you must not.
    If you ask me, it’s not at all affect child’s upbringing. Even better. He/she will come to see a woman who is not only make a home alive but also live for herself. Yes, sometimes maybe the pressure will be too hard. But our children should know how to support their family and that will come from inside them. They will see that not only their father is rushing out but also their mother too because they both are living their life. A child born should never be a milestone to stop. They’ll be less pressurized because they’ll know that nobody’s dreams are getting broken for them. They’ll learn that in today’s society , not only Superman but wonder Woman is also truth.
    Last but not the least, a baby needs mother just as a mother is a human being and human needs their dreams to survive a better life. So, nobody should ever forgo any of these. It’s not four walls who make a home, it’s a family supporting each other will make a perfect home. May there’ll be less time but quality time.

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    Parents are the first teachers in a child’s life and play a vital role in shaping their lives. Mothers are as compared to fathers more responsible for nurturing kids and growing them, mostly because fathers are working and they hardly get time in a day. But is only a mother responsible for a child’s development?
    The answer is clearly no, in fact, children by looking at their mother’s sacrifices, and how they manage each thing at home and outside easily, can learn from them. Working mothers are mostly made to listen that ‘you are least concerned about your child, you don’t pay attention to your kids, you should stop working because mothers responsibility is to take care of child and family.
    But working mothers don’t hinder in development of their child, because if she works, still manages job and personal life, looks after child’s every little need, also gives that quality time and efforts to family. Many women work so that they can help their partners in some way or the other and some of them work so that both father and mother can raise a child in the best possible way.
    We only see this in a negative way but there are positive things to look upon, like Valuing time – this teaches a child that time is indispensable and makes understand the value of time; it also makes children independent in a way while looking at working parents they learn to make decisions for themselves; it also helps to understand how to manage stress and manage work life and home life.
    So there are many things which child can learn from working mothers. In the words of Michelle Obama, “For me, being a mother made me a better professional, because coming home every night to my girls reminded me of what I was working for. And being professional made me a better mother because by pursuing my dreams, I was modeling for my girls how to pursue their dreams.”

    Not Helpful

    No, Mother’s are one who always take care of their children unconditionally. Their first priority is always their children they all the time keep in mind that their children are fine is they are doing good etc. Than how will mother hinder for their children development. Many of the women’s are working but they take care and teach them ethics working Women doesn’t affect on child development. By seeing their working mother children will get inspiration that how to maintain balance between professional and personal life and hard work towards their work. Mother’s come back from office they ask their children they see all the work that taught in school and ask them how was your day and teaches them what’s wrong and right. But mother’s are not only responsible for children development father also should see towards their children studies, and talk to them if they have any kind of stress. If both parents are working than. why? Always society point out women for their children development their should be equal responsibility for both the parents. If women is working so that doesn’t mean children development is affecting but it taught children to be confident and independent. Women do all the household chores and see after children of their tiffin, to send them school then they leave for their work it nothing to hinder with children development. Mother’s does all the work and also gives time for family, childrens but they don’t get their own time. Family should also support her to be independent because they are not only doing for herself but also for better future of their children. When mother and father both together will share responsibilities of home and children than it will be great for their family and might society thinking will hopefully change towards mother’s. Their should be equality and understanding between both them so that no will point on their development of their children.

    Not Helpful

    According to me, it’s a big no, mom is the one who is responsible for the child’s growth and success, she is the first teacher, a working mother who knowingly will never ever like to hinder child development, she works for their child’s secure future. Yes, working mother not give as much time as mothers who don’t go to work, but they never forget to keep a check on their child. this thought is very wrong, the working mother should never stay in guilt that they are hindering child’s growth, people always like to point out working mothers ask them to live the work for a child but women should always listen to herself because in future their child is also going to do the same thing, why only women are always questioned by society for children’s development father is equally responsible for this. Father is always running short of time for their child, it is necessary that father should make time for kids, the kids are always seen complaining that they never get to chance to spend time with father because they are always busy in office work, but very few children complain about mother, a mother always look after child education, their hobbies and any problem they are facing, we can observe that very few children say their mother is not caring. Father duty is not only to pay the bills. For every parent, their child comes first for them. Smile on their face matter the most for parents. Every mother and father earn to fulfill every wish of the child and they don’t want their child to face any financial difficulty. Children manners are a reflection of their parent’s behaviour with them and people around them parent should make sure child inculcates good habit and manners .also parents are the inspiration for their child if both parents are working it inspires a child’s to become independent like them.

    anshika agarwal
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    Working mothers don’t hinder their children’s development. As the mother conceives she started leaving her full time job to part time or not working which fails them in their personal development. She is being pressurised for not going on job during their pregnancy and after birth of child. Women try their level best to not hamper their children’s development and education due to her. In a research it is found that mothers are very well able to manage to handle their careers without affecting their children’s development. All policies that says women to choose whether they want to go back to their work or not should be encouraged and respected. Sometimes long working hours and tough jobs can hamper children’s development as working mother is not able to properly manage house, child as well as work responsibilities all together and due to which society starts commenting on mother and she felt she is a bad mother due to which sometimes mother’s even leave their jobs. Why responsibility of children’s development comes on mother’s shoulder only? Why mother’s are only responsible for child’s low marks?
    However it’s the ability to make choices that women should work or not it’s her personal choice. Society shouldn’t pressurised women regarding the development of their children.

    Shubhangini Shaktawat
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    Working mothers hinder their children’s development. Is it true?
    In the hustle and bustle of this rapidly evolving world, literally everyone needs to be employed in order to earn a living for themselves and keep at pace with the changing times. In almost every household in developed cities, one can find that women work, going against the rules and stereotypes laid by the society and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. In, fact this way India will changed into a much more developed nation which is something we require at the moment. There are a lot of women who work and have children too. I do not think working mothers hinder their children’s development. It is not true.
    As a child, my mother went to work too. It depends on one’s opinion and the way one looks at things. I always thought my mother was a superhero who could manage not only work, but also household work along with two little children. We have thousands of such super women who not only take care of their children, but also work in workspaces like in offices, institutions or even at the field and manage their households simultaneously. Isn’t it absolutely heroic?
    In my opinion, working mothers are a huge source inspiration for the youth and coming generations. Their children are the lucky ones who can get to see their work and routine closely. If each and every one of us picks up principles from lives of such multitasking women and adds it up to one’s own life, we will all become satisfied and content with oneself in it’s true sense and meaning. Not everyone gets to be happy and even lesser people feel accomplished in life. Who can be more accomplished than these women who know how to live life at its best capacity?
    Our society seriously needs to accept the fact that women are doing an amazing job out there and breaking any and every foolish stereotype that could come in their way and prevent them from giving life and independence their best shot. It must stop blaming women for random issues. Today they say working mothers hinder their children’s development. Tomorrow they’ll blame women for terrorist attacks, tsunamis and bad outcome of crops due to pests. Working mothers are doing nothing other than setting an example for the entire world and contributing towards the development and advancement of the society that really requires it. So let’s thank all the working mothers out there and congratulate them on their courage and patience rather than blaming them and dragging them down.
    A woman myself,
    Shubhangini Shaktawat

    Shumaila Siddiqui
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    No it is false, The more educated women the more your child’s development is secure and promising. Women tend to show care and love in every relation they are linked with, and it is the case of her child how can she hinder her child developments. Women are born with a talent of multitasking, and they can do it with ease. So there is no doubt about the time management she puts to make a schedule for the child and her work to maintain a proper balance.
    Although sometimes there may be a time when she is being messed up with all the things, eventually child is neglected. But that doesn’t mean she is restricting herself from her child responsibility. A working woman is smarter, educated and very active on every platform, and she knows how to deal with her child in every department. She makes sure that she looks after her child food, education, their behavior and the scheduling of their day-to-day activities.
    People have audacity to say that working women doesn’t have potential for the upbringing of the child without looking at some amazing examples that how a woman especially working women are perfectly running their house along with the work and with the children. And if we look at a larger aspect, the children of the working woman is more sensible and practical towards the life, they have a bright and open-minded thinking that being a working woman is normal. Also, they tend to understand the sacrifices and hard work their mother is putting for their sake and development
    In my point of view it’s a great thing to have a working mother around you because it gives you another kind of confidence and pride among your peers to showcase them that your mother is a talented human and not just a housewife. Though there’s no offense in being a housewife, but there is a special power and spark around the working woman’s surrounding, It would be a lovely move for a society’s betterment and to make it normal. People should be more appreciative of the efforts a working woman puts in for their child’s development. A Child should also be respectful towards their mother for all the efforts, sacrifices, choices and the hard work she has done until here and trying so very hard to be an outstanding mother.

    Samriti Sharma
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    This statement is not true, in a modern world that we live in today working women are an active example of women upliftment and development in society. Why do we only question women’s responsibility be it as a working mother or, as a working wife. Why do we want her life to be confined till home?
    As far as the statement above is concerned working mothers do not hinder the development of their child but rather promote it. A educated women who is well aware of the world outside is capable enough to guide her child accordingly. The power of education with regard to working mothers is such that women alone are in position to decide for the future of their children. From best career choices to being able to understand various problems or aspects of a modern world working mothers are no less than a blessing for their children today. It is very important to keep pace with the changing times and working mothers today are trying their level best to guide their children.
    Motherhood is one such job we can say, who performs her duties towards her child and family out of unconditional love and affection always. A mother never compromises the development of her child with her work irrespective of the fact that she’s a working mother or a homemaker. Efforts of a working women should be given equal importance and such women should be encouraged, motivated as it would lead to the good of the society as a whole.

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