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9 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Yash Tiwari 3 years, 8 months ago
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    Working mothers hinder their children’s development. What is your opinion?

    Darshini Suresh
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    I would first like to put a statement by saying that parents are a child’s first teacher. As a mother being a parent plays a vital role in shaping a character of a child’s personality. In today’s lives, where both women are also working there are a lot of positive as well as negative impacts on a child. Today there is certainly more money to spend on their child for parents but less engagement with their child. In the initial ages of the child, if a mother earns more and doesn’t want to leave the growth of her job then the father, should help in raising the child while the mother is working, since the responsibility lies between both the mother and father.

    Today due to this trend of both the parents father as well as mother going to work has many positive Impacts on the child such as if both parents would work which would obviously bring more income to the family and will be able to contribute more for their child. Children since they would not have their parents around will also will be able to focus on external things and learn how to balance between work life and social life like their mothers do. From childhood itself, they will tend to have a sense of responsibility in them, which would make the child independent in future. The child will know how to value time.

    They also have some negative impacts which include psychological effects such as sometimes when both the parents are out at work which includes the mom, it leaves them to hire a nanny or to admit their kids I day care Facilities. This sometimes may reduce quality of attention and values which would have been incorporated more if a mother would personally be able to guide the child in the early ages. As a parent the mother needs to although make sure she spends 1 and half hour of the total 24 hours with her child, otherwise they may tend to turn restless and would have a hard time to manage their mood swings. This may also lead them to get aggressive or stubborn in future. There is also limited bond with parents in the initial stages for the child who may affect him or her mentally.

    A mother as a woman can and surely should even work after having a child but not at the cost of her child not getting the qualify of living with personality decrease. I’d a father of the child is able to take a leave for the initial months, then he shoulder. Both the father and mother should make sure they balance their work time mad home time for baby Efficiently in such a way that it doesn’t cause any kind of personality imbalance to the child. This is also important since it helps to know which hobbies the child is keen on and what are his or her subject of intersection.

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    It is not necessary to emphasise the significance of a parent’s role in a child’s life. Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children. It is quite common for fathers to work while mothers stay at home to care for the child. Some mothers decide to return to work. Is it possible that a mother who chooses her career is neglecting her child?

    There are some advantages to having both parents work. Their way of life would be high-quality, it would teach their children the importance of time and how to value it, they would teach them to be independent, and so on. They would be able to better provide for their children if their income increased.

    However, there are some drawbacks. Whether the good outweighs the bad is determined by the dynamics and circumstances of each family. Working long hours and being stressed can have an impact on the quality and quantity of interactions parents have with their children.

    It has been reported that children whose mothers began working when they were three months old developed behavioural issues later in life. Children with part-time mothers had fewer behavioural issues. Sometimes a mother’s relationship with her child deteriorates to the point where the mother does not know her child as well as she could. Or, she could be close with her children, the distance making the heart fonder, as it is said.

    But some studies found that a mother’s employment doesn’t impact a child’s cognitive and language skills as they are developed by individual traits and environment.

    Women have the right to choose what they want, whether it is to abandon their careers to devote their full attention to motherhood or to pursue a career path that will allow them to provide the best possible care for their children. Raising a child, regardless of their choice, is a difficult task. If both parents work, the family must strike a balance in order to spend quality time together and maintain a positive dynamic. It is an unspoken truth that children require their parents as they grow up. Even if the father is the breadwinner in the family, he will make every effort to spend time with his child. A mother working will not hinder a child’s development if they take measures to be present in their children’s lives as a mother.

    Being a working parent who must be separated from their child would be difficult for both the parent and the child. Each family is unique, and how the mother’s employment status affects the family will vary depending on the situation. It could result in either benefits or drawbacks. What is more important is how they balance work and motherhood. It is not acceptable to neglect one’s child for the sake of one’s job.

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    Mother always try to sharp there child skills and more importantly generally send there child for babysitting or with maid in that also they make sure there child has good habits . They work for there child to get better future they work for there child carrier , Most of the main things child learn from their parents like habits , talking way , words , actions …. The very end day of a person everything he/she do is what they learn from their parents .
    The positive thing is that while growing child see that his/her mom & dad doing job to give a good life to him/her , while seeing this hard working everyday the child learns this type of things that he/she will do same hard work for their family.
    The child growth is very sensitive part of their & parents life , make things simple for child , make time table , studying time , manners , less use of phone & more book reading.

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    As we all know in this modern era , every 2nd women of India is working at this moment when she married and have children age faces a great responsibility even many women leave her job for the welfare and shake of the society . But those who does not leave work ,they have many responsibilities, have to focus on work as well as see her child . In such a situation, many women Hires a maid . Many times women are unable to concentrate at home due to work in the office , because of which they are always worried about raising their child . Apart from the work and raising children, there is a lot of pressure on her , the family members call them. The society says that leaving such a small child , she is working . A woman has to give time to both , her child and her work. She hope that her husband understands her and helps her. Many times this happens, many times they do not accompany their wife . A man supported then it is right, but if it does not happen, then the woman is always worried about the future of the child. If the man is with the woman, then the woman also feels that yes the child is in a safe hands, the future of the children will be good. And why not a woman is worried, in today’s society we have seen how badly children are being treated and how the children are deteriorating. Now-a-days children get trapped in the hands of wrong people due to social media. A women is always worried about all these things .That is why a woman always try to give her children high education and good values and focus on their development . Nowadays we all know that any other sources of education have come, apart from school and tuition. With the help of these sources , she would be able to focus on her children’s studies as well as her work. Also, she can get update of her children’s education from anywhere.
    Children are very careless about money, they feel that they come from anywhere they don’t value them . And many children have the perception that women are off to do housework and men to earn money and they keep this rule in force and never let their future wife work and neither The next generation is ahead of him. But when a woman works, the children also have the right beliefs, they move in the right direction. A working woman always teaches her children that they should always become independent and should not do any work with dependence on anyone else. Seeing their mother working in this way, they also got an inspiration and help her mother, they should focus on her studies, nor should there be any useless thing. Seeing your mother working, there is a maturity in the children, good value goes. We have to see how lazy the children have become these days. They do not like to work.
    A woman’s work will never spoil the future of her children, even here, she inspires her children to move in the right direction. So a woman’s work is good for her child’s future . We all should support her and help her .It is not always necessary for a woman to leave her dreams for her future for her children, that child is not her alone. A man should also pay attention to his children. We should not always expect only from a woman. She also has some dreams, she also has some desires .

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    Many people say that a working woman can’t raise their children nicely, to raise children women need to look out for them 24/7 until they grow up! This is a typical statement of most households when it comes to raising children. Women have to abandon their jobs in order to raise their children, is it fair? Raising children needs both the parents’ supervision, a child is a mirror of his/her parents, that doesn’t mean that only mother has to sacrifice upon her dreams in order to raise a good child, a mother can work and still raise a child. Infact, in a house of a working mother, the children learns the meaning of equality among men and women that everyone has the right to do whatever they want. A house where both the spouses work are considered to raise a better child, with less dependency upon others rather a child with a constant babysit routine. A mother is not the only one responsible for the child’s development. The government or any other job today provides maternity leaves to their female employees when they’re going to give birth, after that they do join the services back again leaving their children with their grandparents or in the crèche for a period of time till they’re capable of handling themselves. Although with a woman working, children are often tend to learn equality and independency amongst themselves which do make them better humans. So working mother doesn’t effect their child’s development.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Every woman on earth is working but only some of them are getting paid.
    Working mothers don’t hinder their child’s development. Currently, the world is viewed in economic terms. It is the choice of a woman as an individual how she decides to pursue her life. However, bringing up a child is a huge responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Taking care of a child is not only the responsibility of a mother but also the father. Women, by nature, have been assigned some biological responsibilities which she can perform if she wishes to. In my opinion, working women inspire their children to work hard and deal with problems independently. It teaches them that they should neither compromise on their dreams nor ignore family responsibilities. Having both parents working ensure the family a financially comfortable and secure life. Being financially independent is a trait that a person should a choir to survive in this time and age. However, parents should not compromise on their duties towards their child. State responsibility to give their time to their children. They should be to manage time well by dividing household chores among themselves and respecting and recognising each other’s work. Working outside does not mean that a mother doesn’t love her child. Parents should also make their children understand the importance of having a job. A survey shows that maternal employment has a positive effect on children’s cognitive development.
    Unfortunately, we live in a world where money is seen as the epitome of success. As working women are valued, homemakers deserve that respect too. They work equally hard for their children and family. They are “working women” too. They have dedicated their lives to the children which should not be taken for granted. Children should be taught to respect their mothers irrespective of the fact that they are earning or not.

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    Parents play a vital role in the development of the child. Working Women pay equal attention to the child as women staying at home, some women go for work to the secure future of the child, and some because they love serving the society but that doesn’t define they are hampering the child growth, a mother has always been their whenever child requires, it’s just society thinking that working women pay less attention to their child growth, obviously, the child always want to their mother to be with them eventually child adjust and understand. It’s not important how much time you spend with your time it’s how quality time you spend with children and how you shape their habits and manners. A working mother should never feel guilty for going to work you are not doing anything wrong there is a reason .it’s not the sole responsibility of women to look after the child but also the duty of the men but society always point out women this mindset should both are equally responsible. One positive benefit is that child learns to become independent and confident when both parents are working. Both parents are working they give the child a quality lifestyle and education and also spend on extracurricular activities. Women go to work child gets more time to spend with their grandparents and follow their hobbies. Women also know how to manage the work-life and personal life. One important thing parents should not fight in front of a child it can affect a child’s mental health. Women should make sure that her stress is not releasing on the child. Working women can call their child on lunch breaks or can plan a day out and weekends with a child, this helps make their bond much healthier, working women also need to be open with their managers about their child so they can cooperate.

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    A working woman is no less capable than a woman who doesn’t work, in fact, she also has that same capacity and ability to work and manage houses and all the work. They not only for their needs or satisfaction or only for herself but she works thinking about other factors like support to the family, increase in her productivity rather than being idle.
    Some people still think that a “good mother” is one who gives up work to stay home with her children. However, no scientific evidence says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child’s development is also influenced by other things too like family’s thinking, how they feel and act when mothers work, emotional factors, mental factors. So, whether mother works and child development is affected is no related terms.
    A mother who successfully manages both an outside job and parenthood provides a role model for her child. And in families where the father is supportive and helps in household and other chores, these are positive outcomes and examples which should be given importance and should learn from them. Even she is working, she doesn’t miss out or back on her duties as a mother and shaping a child’s development. There’s a quote given by Arlie Russell Hochschild, which can relate, “ Most women work one shift at the office or factory and a second shift at home”.

    Yash Tiwari
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    Some people, including feminists, say that if women are going to work outside of their homes that we should make sure there is enough daycare available so that children can be watched by qualified professionals. Some insist that this goes beyond merely making the logistics easier for working parents, but will save children from being raised by young, uneducated mothers who are so often their own worst critics and themselves semi-literate recipients of government “benefits” in one form or another. Well-meaning but misguided policies can either force women back to work too quickly or discourage them from working at all. When government agencies encourage new mothers to work, they often do not account for the toll the stress of balancing a career and children has on the family. Likewise, companies that encourage women to return to work soon after giving birth do not factor in the mother’s own reluctance to leave her newborn.

    However, one of the most startling comments I heard about working mothers was from my friend who is an adopted child. She said that all of her other friends from adoption agencies turned out to be working mothers. Most children born into families end up growing up in homes where the mother and father both hold full-time jobs outside of the home while doing their best to care for their children, a quite challenging task in itself. A working mom means a financially independent mom who opens her options which in the modern world is somehow a must. There are many advantages of having an employed mother and fewer disadvantages. Children with working mothers are more likely to see themselves as successful in their careers and more likely to be financially secure later in life.

    It is true that children whose mothers worked grew up to exhibit slightly more prosocial behaviors in the family, and tended to earn higher annual incomes when they were adults. They also ended up reporting slightly higher levels of overall satisfaction with their lives. So it’s not surprising that some researchers have concluded that working motherhood is a net boon for society. Working mothers are more likely to serve as role models for their daughters, and also tend to have higher income, which increases the likelihood that the child will have a higher income in adulthood. Maternal employment also tends to raise the educational expectations of children, and increase their tolerance for gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

    Some mothers who work also maintain full-time child care, while others rely on part-time help or services they oversee themselves. We can’t distinguish between these in the data, but like any well-made survey, it does allow us to tease out different effects for infants, preschoolers, and school-aged children. The changing relationship between employment and motherhood is a relatively new problem, and the solutions developed are still being worked out. Recent data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth show that mothers with babies, particularly younger ones were less likely to return to work if they didn’t have access to high-quality childcare.

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