Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Safety and Security Women should get the right to punish her culprit?

11 replies, 10 voices Last updated by Samriti Sharma 2 years, 10 months ago
  • Woospire
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    Yes, absolutely a woman should get the right to punish the culprit. The pain a woman endures when she is raped or tortured is beyond our imagination. At that time a woman feels that why did this happen to her, why was it her fault, what did she do.
    That time , the pain becomes unbearable from which a woman. Man can even not predicted it , imagination it and can feel it . It is beyond imagination thinking and pain level. At that point of time if women just want to die or kill . And when in man or any of the person who don’t even came across to that kind of situation can punish the culprit how can a government give right to religious to the police to punish that person . It’s the sole right of the women and only that women what punishment she want to give to hurt culprit.
    In 2004 a group of 200 women, killed a rapist in a open court room. Because that rapist is getting bail again and again so Atlas not seeing any hope that take this wonderful step just you are right it’s a wonderful punishment given to a rapist. A man never does such a bad act like rape, without thinking or not understanding, what kind of step is this which is done with complete thinking and longing for revenge. Men believe that if they rape a woman, then her whole life will be ruined, but no, there is nothing like this now .People with such mentality should be explained that life is going to be spoiled not for that girl, but for the man who even thought of doing such a lousy thing.
    People torture women, kill them, women are harassed in homes for dowry, they never understand what pain she is going through. Women are forced many times to have a child and if she has another girl then she is also expected to abort which is a very painful time for a woman..
    When such lousy and shoddy deeds are done to women, how can the government take the right to punish their culprits in their own hands? When we have not gone through that problem , then how can we feel the pain of that woman and how can we punish that person. So, the sole right to punish the culprit of the women should be given to that victim , to that women only . It’s her right and to give her justice we should give her this right.

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    Ok now this is a contradictory discussion.
    In one side, we are well aware of the current situation of woman exploitation, whether it’s domestic violence or sexual harassment. And the root cause of it is considering women inferior to men. As nature’s rules, stronger one always rule over the weaker one. And in this case, it’s the same. Men are brought up being rough and tough while women are brought up getting informed on how they are weak and should never contradict a man.
    But what if we turn over the situation in an very instance? I’m pretty sure that many of us have thought this idea of women having liberty to punish her criminal.
    Of course it can be a effective one as nobody will have the courage to assault in regular bus, trains. In case of gang rape or homicide, that family will always have fear if victims voice become the first and last one to consider. As we mostly know that in most cases, real criminals roams freely because of lack of proof or having some political support system. So, I bet this can be effective, even the most effective one.
    Although, in other hand, we should never forget that women are not the only victims of our society. There are plenty of cases when, women tried to put husband and his family behind the bars in case of false assault or dowry related exploitation.
    In India, of course women are suffering, but they also possess some extra provision which lead them to easy justice or you can say which can lead to declare false accusations against male family and friends too. Among teenager or most of the grabby women make their way through enjoying this rules. Even society nowadays are more sensitive towards women.
    So, if we grand women a freedom of punishment or somehow killing the criminal, it’s never sure that nobody will harm those falsely accused people, even it’ll be easier to clear her path. And lastly, it’ll be a genocide for a society.
    So, this provision does contain effectiveness but with lots of negative sides. Otherwise, we can make sure to fast and correct delivery of judgement towards the accused. Applying a short term injury can have a effective way, so we should look forward to it without declaring freedom on punishment.

    Shumaila Siddiqui
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    Of course women should get the right to punish their culprit The torture and the pain she goes through when she’s been raped or harass or tortured or abused in any way. Nobody can experience that and fully understand how it felt when it happened to them, it’s feeling only women can understand and how much she got hurt with that incidents is not describeable., So we must make a specific legal procedure to give the right to women to punish the culprit. A victim should be her own judge so that a right amount of punishment will be given to the culprit.

    The rapist is not been held in a severe punishment, and they get bail again and again. This is the system we have in our country, and we expect women to be watching their culprit roaming around freely. Women goes through a series of emotions which is disguise for their mental health. She only knows the anger and frustration of not being able to see her culprit at the valid punishment.

    Men will not ever understand the difficulties and pain she goes through when she is been a victim of any kind violence, rape,harassment and abuse. They are doing such acts under their full involvement and in senses. Such men are a disgrace to our society. They don’t deserve to be among the society but in a jail or sailing through some punishment for the rest of the life.

    Domestic violence is the silent battle which women are fighting even today, and they don’t have the courage and support to raise their voice against the injustice . She goes through a number of trails of unjust acts and behavior throughout her life. And still we expect them to not punish their culprit how can we not allow them. Once the women start her own fight against injustice nobody can stop her because the power she possesses at that time is unmatchable. And we should make sure that it gets used at the right place that is by giving them the authority to punish their own culprit.

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    Women today have been exploited alot by the men, specially the rape cases and the violence have really increased so much. Also, the judiciary do not take decisions against this on time, it is really harsh about how, women have been treated so bad and in the end they don’t even get the justice they deserve, but that doesn’t mean that the law could be handed over to women’s in their hand.
    No person has the right to decide the punishment for the crimes someone create, because every crime has an equal amount of punishment to be proposed. If that would be given into a human’s hands that would be unfair to the criminals, some would suffer less and some more than what they deserve.
    Our law has proposed punishments for all the crimes done around but handing the opportunities to punish people in common people’s hands would be an unfair task to the world.

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    Each day we hear the news about rapes, domestic violence, or sexual assault but neither of these issues is taken seriously by any law or government and so these all keep on increasing and keep happening. There are least rights given to women and many cases are not reported because it’s about family and image in society.
    Should rights be given to women to punish her culprit? To this there’s a partial answer because it is like Rights should be given also and not also. Firstly, why the right should be given, as we all know women face so many issues like discrimination, inequality, violence, rapes, even teasing but the pain, the sufferings and what she goes through is only known and survived by her and who does it doesn’t know or any other individual also doesn’t know what it feels and how it feels. The verdict on these things takes too long and sometimes justice is not given to the valid person and so women should be given the right to punish her culprit and get justice for herself.
    But on the other hand, there are some cases where women are also manipulating and do it purposely to get noticed and so people would treat her victim and another culprit and what happens is in this case punishment is given to one who is not the real culprit in less time. So the system of our law is not better and not at par with what should be.
    There need to be proper law and policy and the punishment to the real culprit at the prescribed time because once the time has gone, then the issue and cases are not taken seriously and it keeps on increasing.

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    According to me yes, women should give the right to punish their culprit but it is not true in real court decides what punishment the should culprit of the crime gets, sometimes when the culprit gets a very small punishment as compared to the crime that is committed women feel unfair by judgment. When a woman is assaulted and sexually harassed, no one can understand what pain she had to go through and if his culprit gets punishment after years of crime has committed. If a woman will get to punish her culprit it would be satisfying to her soul and she will be free. Men who rape women if that woman gets the chance to punish of death because of the crime he has done which nothing equal to death in front of his family member. At least the court should ask a women’s suggestion if it that makes justice to her. Because sometimes culprit easily gets bail because that person has good connections and is rich. If a woman got a chance to punish her culprit became the reality, then many women who had suffer will come forward and will be will also help to create fear in men before doing anything wrong with women. Because the number of rapes which we hear only has increased in that also very few culprits has receives others are just roaming freely. Every woman has always a sense of fear when she goes out and travels alone. Women in the country do still not feel safe we are in the 21st century but the number of crimes with it just has increased. Why women need to fight for everything or face criticism and men get everything, we need to make punishments stricter for the culprits need to speed up the investigation time.
    I hope this reality becomes turns into reality and the women get a chance to do justice with her culprit.

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    In today’s generation their are many women who don’t get justice by not seeing her culprit is punished. Their are many women who are going through lots of problems and not has right to punish their culprit. In many cases we have seen that by not having evidence or culprit destroys the evidence due to which that criminal don’t get punishment and they get more free to do crime. And their are also people who don’t support women if they are witness of that incident because they don’t have to involve in that case. Society need to understand that they should support women if they are witness due to which any women who go through with such violence or abuse will feel better by getting justice. Their is increase in cases of women rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, child abuse and what not?. Women who are facing through this problems they can only understand that how difficult was to face or go through with that situation it is very painful and frustrating for women who faced violence and harassment. And then also women are not getting justice or don’t have right to punish her culprit. Their should be legal process for women to give equal punishment for culprit. Women who don’t fight the case against the rapist because of family pressure that what will be our image in society due to which women don’t get support from their family only then who will support her like this way she step back to not report a case. If women will get right to punish criminal than atleast she will give justice to herself. Society should support women to get their justice through which atleast women will feel that my side is stronger than culprit due to which she will get hope to receive justice for herself.

    Yash Tiwari
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    The effect of the crime on a woman is not restricted to physical injury. The psychological damage is also severe, sometimes resulting in cases of suicide and mental retardation. If a woman gets the right to punish a culprit, she trusts the system, and the culprit can also get an equal punishment for his crime. There are many cases in the past where women were killed by rapists or molesters. Rape is not only a physical crime. It is also an emotional and psychological crime. A woman can suffer many more problems later on because of rape. The victim may have physical injuries, but it is the mental wounds that last much longer.

    Although victims of rape may be provided with counseling and medical care by the state or by their organization, it is often difficult for them to get justice from the criminal justice system. The perception that rape is a ‘dirty’ and ‘shameful’ crime that should be kept secret causes the victim to feel further shame. The effect of the crime on a woman is not restricted to physical injury. The psychological damage is also severe, sometimes resulting in cases of suicide and mental retardation. The government often tries to be a representative of the citizens. As such, they should get involved with affairs that affect society, citizens, and other important aspects. When it comes to deciding on matters like divorce that affect men and women directly and in different ways, the government should take a strong stand or make any kind of conclusion based on facts and real cases.

    Women should have legal protection against domestic violence. Indeed, a man can hardly provide good care, sometimes even found guilty in court. But the legal provisions do not allow this and very stringent, who will land in jail if they the violation of the law. From the time of its inception, women were treated as objects that only had the purpose of being used by men. And in the present day, things have not changed as much. Life for women is still a world where women are expected to conform to certain roles in society and conventional behavior is supposed to be practiced by them.
    Women should use the right of punishment to her culprit under the Indian legal system. The best law against man’s aberrance to women is necessary and women had the right to punish their culprit as a state. Now the Indian penal code is equally fair to both, i.e. male and female but women must make separate laws separately for their courage to face any offenses against them so that they can get justice earlier.

    Manpreet Singh
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    We have seen enough painful sexual crimes happening in our society. From the nirbhya rape case to the recent brutal rape case in Hyderabad where a girl; the student was burnt to death, one is tempted to ask whether the girls should get a right to punish their own culprits or not? While the solution is tempting to follow, but it has its own pitfalls and is basically redundant.
    Our Indian penal code already has provisions regarding self-defense. It clearly provides that in case of apprehension of grave crimes such as kidnapping, rape, etc, the victim has a right to do enough harm in order to save her life. So providing them the right to punish seems a kind of redundant idea. The more appropriate thing to do in this case will be to make our girls aware bout the current rights that we have already implemented in the law. Along with that, we can invest in healthy self-defense training to make them safe and so that they can effectively use their rights in a dangerous situation.
    The idea of giving them the right to punish directly goes against the legal principles and our constitutional values. The solution is a bit anarchic in nature. The idea of instant justice is always laced with wrong judgment being passed and the potential to misuse is very very high. We cannot expect it to work perfectly, it can be used as a means of vengeance against enemies and a tool of harassment. No doubt it is very very painful to watch news about brutal attacks on girls, taking place on a daily basis, but we have to understand that this is not the right solution for the problem. We are ignoring the main problem i.e we have to take care od the factor which makes the crime to happen at frist place.

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