Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Gender Divide Women earn only one tenth of the world’s income despite working two third!

10 replies, 11 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Darshini Suresh

    To start with firstly, let me tell you what wage inequality is. Say two individual do similar work at the same level in a company with the same qualification and yet not paid equally despite of all the similarities. This is call wage inequality and such a situation is totally illegal since there is discrimination.
    It is hard to say that till what extent may wage inequality may exist but I according to the recent statistics it is mostly on gender basis. A women earns only one tenth of the world’s income despite working two thirds of the total work hours and yet nobody is talking about this increasing gender pay gap. When the gender gap may arise between a higher influence related to deprived individuals, their families, trade unions or political parties then the government can surely do something about it. But similarly if as a woman you earn less than your subordinate male colleague for the very same work with the same skills it becomes hard.
    According to recent updates in many countries, women averagely earn 20 to 40 per cent less than their male colleague. These unjust differences are usually accounted for but are these fair? As a woman you are totally free to take action against this discrimination but it wont be an easy path is all I can say. Sometimes a woman is even Harassed by men regarding career consequences like these which would make her resign her job. Often women have a lot more work and responsibilities to do than just to work for money. This is the main reason why a woman’s career choices choice different sometimes that men. This difference is however treated very normal but does have the consequences of putting down a women’s income level low in long run. Women should make sure they apply job for an occupation that is wider that will help learn skills to be applied widely.
    It’s now the 21st century and now I feel that men and women should be in this together to being about change in this gender gap. From our households to to our business, all function in a better way having access to better ideas when women and men are treated equally. Do what it takes to support because today a woman has the talent to what it takes let it be in any field whether you he an entrepreneur or a CEO or a managing partner. So I feel when any of you observe and go through such gender biased discrimination, call it out!

    Apoorva Pathak
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    We have this tendency in our culture that women are made to serve and she has to serve from her birth till her death. This indicates that women earn only one-tenth of the world’s income despite doing two-third of the work. This income which is paid to women is only to those who are earning out in some firms or companies but what about those women who are doing house chores works, taking care of children, cooking and many more house chore works. This the sad reality of our world.

    In India, men spend 80 per cent of their working hours on paid work., whereas 84 per cent of women are doing unpaid work. when we come to working hours of unpaid work we will find that Indian women spend more than 243 minutes in a day almost ten times more than the man.
    During this pandemic, we find that more women were unemployed and this leads to more unpaid work conditions. 40 per cent of GDP is contributed by unpaid work done by women. Four out of ten women have lost their jobs during this pandemic. The situation is more worst in the rural area than in urban areas. This unemployment or unpaid work leads to a drastic increase in poverty among women poverty don’t mean only financial one but also relates to physical, mental, emotional and social. The big reason behind the unpaid work even if they are working all day is due to lack of educational opportunity and even patriarchal society this doesn’t allow women to create her own space and lead to the summation of her to other and treat her like unpaid servants.

    Albeit our government is trying to solve the issue of universal income system and have a keen view. But is this going to work? First, we need to recognise the problems or hindrance which is faced by women due to which are doing unpaid work and find the solution to make equal paid jobs for all.

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    If a man and women work at the same level of position in a company then both are equal and both deserve equality over rights, powers, and mostly their pay. It is observed that many are okay with the fact of earning less and not raising their voice for themselves because it is assumed that women have much more than just this issue and then they accept what is given.
    Half of the women tend to work in lower-paying jobs and continue to accept what salary is given to them. But men earn more than women in many fields. Even if women are at top positions and good-paying jobs, she sometimes has to face low pay because of the working environment and unequal pay in offices because of genders.
    Women work more than men whether it is an area, like at home and at the workplace, she does more than what is given to that, it is said that whatever you give to women in small or less she will give it more than that. For e.g., if you give her raw veggies, she will make food from that, and so it is rightly said that she can do anything and everything.
    Even if she works more than men, she is earning less than men. It’s a very harsh reality that women earn one portion of the tenth and still keep on working double the tasks and hard work. So, there should be equality in work and pay because if this continues then one-tenth income which is earning data will reduce to half and two-third of work will become more, Equality in gender and pay needs to be taken into consideration.

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    Gender pay gap, how and why?

    Let me first tell you the basic what’s a gender pay gap ? The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is an average calculation between working men and women wages. And sadly it’s to be informed that yes, there’s approx two-third of working women but their wages are about one-tenth and that’s all.
    Now let me say what isn’t known to many, there’s two different number of pay gap: non-adjusted and adjusted one.
    Now, what’s the reason, we’re having for a gender pay gap?
    First, difference in jobs or industries: according to surveys it’s seen that most of the working women are working under some under-paying company, or there’s more men in higher rank than women.
    Every women must have been told at least once in her life like, why are you choosing so much stressful and labourers job, you’re a girl, go easy!
    Yes unfortunately that’s what our society think of the jobs, according to them it’s not the liking or excitement, it’s about what is more suited to you. Major of the women works in the mostly women-based works like home health aide, nursing, child care worker, teacher and most of them are not highly paying jobs. Thus women got a large gap between payment.
    Second, society leads us women to not exploring, women should have a calm, decent, settled life which is a bit different from men society somehow. Yes of course everyone wants a settled job, but in the process of failing, men got much more time and thus much experience which lead to a healthy and highly paying job. While women agreed on settl down soon and getting married. Which makes them lack of experienced.
    With these, there’s a lot of house hold duties and mother-child care, family care waiting for women that they can’t serve extra hours for job, which men can easily do. This is another reason of getting under-paid.
    In terms of physical labour, women are considered to be weak and inferior. So not every institution and field work accept much women workers.
    And last but not the least, there’s this ongoing gender discrimination process. Women are continuously getting under payed despite of giving same amount of effort. It’s even larger for women with colors. As we know though the amendment of 377, LGBTQ community service is not taken equally important and it’s an explicit truth of our community.
    Now why’s it so important to discuss? Being underpaid is an issue which is leading the fact that women being dependent, and economically targeting to lower female workers and thus a lower GDP.
    Meanwhile, there’s have to be a cure. First, women have to be informed about their rights, equal pay for equal job. Second, we should lead and inspire our women to get higher education and thus getting post on a higher rank. And lastly, we should consider the problem of LGBTQ community and try to resolve it, they are a part of our society and none should be discriminated.

    Yash Tiwari
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    We are all aware of the fact that we all have been brought up with the thinking that men are superior to women. This concept says that men have to be given respect and a higher position than women. This thinking of which I told you, is because of the social angle based on the level of education of a people. Though many changes occurred in the lives of women recently but still, in some parts of the world like India, women are not being treated as equal to men. These are the women who are serving for home with their brains, rather than hands. They are serving their husbands and children with their skills of cooking food, taking care of the children, doing household chores plus some tasks which include fieldwork besides looking after her children. Wherever we look she is serving someone all through her life. Not only she is earning that income for herself but she is also providing jobs to others in her own houses like drivers, maids, and other servants.

    Women have to work at home for long hours and still manage to take care of their children and the entire family. Women are always tired and their energy gets down as the day passes. But men get a lot of support from their wives for running a business where they can earn more income while their wife takes care of all the work at home. Moreover, women are deprived of education which leads them to be less skilled. At the same time, there is a bias against women in the workforce, which means women get jobs that have a lower salary. This discrimination of women has to lead them to earn lesser than men and also take fewer managerial posts.

    `The number of women is increasing in their education level, still, they do not earn enough and are even suppressed sometimes for being a woman who earns more than a man. The research shows that Asian women are the worst hit by the gender wage gap and earn just one ten of what men earn. For example, in India, women account for only 4% of landowners but own only 0.1 percent of the total agricultural land. Women are grossly underemployed and yet overworked. Though women are earning only one portion of the tenth in the world, She is still working double compared to a man. Having a family of 2-3 children, Women have been doing all sorts of work and earning income for themselves.

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    In today’s generation their are many working Women’s who do all the household work and take care of family despite of all this, she balance both personal and professional life with smile on her face. By giving fully dedication in Office work then also she don’t get that equal respect and Salary than men. Why? Always men get the priority from family, society and at workplace also. Why aren’t women get that equal priority from family, society and at workplace. In this generation their are many working Women who do equal amount of work like men but they don’t get equal pay like men. In office, big project and responsibilities are given to men because of which women with same skills and education they don’t even get opportunity to do that project. Why? This gender discrimination towards women only. Men and women both equally deserve to get opportunities at workplace. In this pandemic situation also many men and women both were unemployment but women are the ones who face lot of rejection for jobs over men. Their are lots of female maid who can’t go for work due to pandemic because of which they don’t have any source to earn money. Government should arrange some job facilities for such females Who can’t even get opportunity to educate herself because of society mentality and inequality towards women. In offices female are doing hardwork on particular project in a team but credit will be given to the male member of the team because of such inequality will automatically result with men and women positions in office. Due to which women don’t even get appreciated for her hardwork towards project. Women are earning less than men because of inequality and not treating them equally like men at workplace. Women will earn equally when society will give equal support for education and by giving equal opportunities.

    Manpreet Singh
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    It is a sad reality that despite having a very strong constitution as a backbone of our country, women are still facing employment issues in the form of low wages and fewer employment opportunities. Despite the fact that the directive principle of state policy and the fundamental right coming under Article 21, calls for equality in working opportunities with a guarantee for equal wages. But in the real world, the situation is beyond perfect as till today, after more than 70 years of independence, our women earn only 30% of what their male counterparts are earning for the same job.
    The problem lies in many things. Firstly, we are still holding value to the old and archaic patriarchal system of society that still gives importance to the meaningless gender roles and how some roles are suited for a specific gender only. This reduces the employment opportunities for girls and in most cases, they don’t even get a basic education. In the workplace environment too, women have to face a hostile sexist culture, and they have ti at the mercy of their male bosses. Since they get work with great difficulty, they try to settle with whatever wages or salaries they are getting, and often they are at disadvantage. Most of the men who are running the workplace tend to dominate them. At home too, whatever they earn is taken away by their families as they consider women to be immature to be handling the monetary matters. This all compounds the problem and as a result, women have low employment and salary factor as compared to men.
    The problem can be solved by solved through a tough policy change by the government. More important than that, we have to dismantle the old notions of the gender divide which is proving to be a roadblock in the present scenario.

    Shumaila Siddiqui
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    While ladies represent 0.5 the world population and common fraction of the labor, they receive solely common fraction of the globe financial gain and own but one-hundredth of world property. They’re additionally to blame for simple fraction of all operating hours. A world profile on ladies, victimization elite economic and social indicators, reveals that ladies represent one 1/2 the globe population and one third of the official labor force; perform nearly simple fraction of labor hours; however in step with some estimates receive solely common fraction of the globe financial gain and possess but one percent of world property.
    There is no data on the symptoms used or their sources, or what’s meant by “some estimates.”
    ladies were 33 % of the world’s formal personnel, and that they were “only on the low financial gain level within the pyramid of employment,” where—even in those lowly jobs, supported information from “several countries”—they attained ten % to thirty % but men. Therefore, “one might assume that women’s financial gain is simply common fraction of the common financial gain of men.” Since they were an common fraction of the personnel, and attained common fraction the maximum amount as men, their total financial gain was .33 * .33, or eleven p.c. (She rounded it all the way down to ten p.c.) In short, a guess supported AN extrapolation wrapped spherical AN estimate.
    What concerning the dramatic conclusion, that ladies “possess but one percent of world property”? She offers solely this explanation: “if the common wage of girls is thus low, it may be assumed that they are doing not commonly have any surplus to take a position in reproducible or non-reproducible assets.” Hence, but one p.c. That’s it. In fact, she adds, “In reality the figure is also a lot of lower.”
    These things are onerous to live, onerous to understand, and onerous to elucidate. Setting aside the matter that the info did not (and still do not, completely) exist to fill within the numbers during this renowned sequence of facts—the 1st and maybe greatest downside is that we will not simply outline the ideas, that is an element of the feminist downside. Even in 1970, however might ladies own just one p.c of property, once most ladies were married and in several countries had a minimum of some legal claim to their families’ property? Equally, what claim did ladies United Nations agency worked in homes and fields ought to their husbands’ money incomes? And what concerning socialist countries (which were a giant deal back then), wherever a great deal of payment was within the sort of in-kind transfers, and wherever varied styles of collective possession were pervasive?
    Underneath it all, the universal downside of accounting for unpaid, and underpaid, work. (This was one in all the core insights that impressed the last decade for girls, and fueled its most progressive components.) so on.
    So it’s too easy to mention the renowned facts ar wrong. The burden of proof isn’t on the USA (me) to indicate they’re wrong, however rather to show that they were never incontrovertibly true, thus we have a tendency to should not use them. (I’m unsure the reality can set you free, however I am pretty positive this would possibly not, either.)
    As AN exercise, though, think about one in all the facts. With a mix of arithmetic and basic information of many demographic orders of magnitude, it’s easy to conclude that, whether or not ladies solely received ten p.c of the world’s financial gain within the Nineteen Seventies, they receive quite that currently.
    Here: within the U.S. in 2009, the 106 million ladies United Nations agency had incomes averaged $29,700 each. I believe that is $3.2 trillion. The total world’s gross domestic product—a rough live of total income—is $58.1 trillion. So, it’s to Maine like U.S. ladies alone earn five.4 p.c of world financial gain these days. Ballpark, however you see the purpose.
    One of the potential negative consequences of this is often additionally one in all its attractions: The claim that, for all ladies do, they own nearly nothing, may be a decision to world unity for girls. however, it’s undermined by the very fact that an oversized variety of girls are—let’s face it—rich. thus, if world feminist unity is to be had, it will not be designed on a shared impoverishment expertise.

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    I think the reason behind the earning less by working double is inequality, gender biases, and following the patriarchal legacy. Even if women do all the same work which man can do and also doing all the household chores then also, she has work in the half salary as compared to the males of our society. Sometimes women are exploited by the males in companies they are told to things which they can’t do to get increment because of this they resign their job. Sometimes I think why this happens only with the women, why they cannot receive the rewards for work. Sometimes bosses knowingly provide less work to women so they earn less and when women confront their boss about this, they say you already have a lot of work of the house and you cannot stay overnight and keeping work. Because of the unsafe environments, families do not give permission to women to stay overnight. Women need to understand they should apply for a job where everyone has given equal income and opportunities. Women when seeing start discrimination and call out because it is the only option there is no point in suffering silence. Unpaid works and very fewer risk women’s financial independence and we know when we are financially dependent on somebody for money they treat them as they their maid some people they cannot understand their worth, so I believe everyone should be independent no matter who your father is, the husband is and children you don’t need to beg anyone for financial support.

    Semantee Chattopadhyay
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    Let’s imagine a job where you are working non-stop. A workplace where you are not eligible to avail leaves even if you are sick sometimes. There is also no looking forward to a salary day because you don’t get paid for what you do. Would you accept the job? Generally, the answer would be no. Over 160 million women in India as a patriarchal society has already been doing this job for ages. For these women cooking, cleaning, taking care of children and the elderly and all the other activities that require a have sold to function is their main occupation. The supreme court in January 2021 said that a women’s work at home must be at par with that of her office going, husband. The court also said “fixing the national income for a homemaker was a signal to society that the law and the courts of the land believing the value of labour, services and sacrifices are homemakers.” On average women spend nearly 299 minutes a day on unpaid domestic work for household members whereas a man spends only 97 minutes. A woman spends 134 minutes a day on unpaid caregiving services at home where is a man spends only 76 minutes. This 24/7 work is dismissed as ‘duty’. It is thought to be something that homemakers do out of love and care completely ignoring the time and the efforts they put into it. If we hire someone for cooking, housekeeping, daycare and tutoring, taking care of the elderly, driving around family members, budgeting and grocery shopping, all this together would amount to an average of Rs. 45000 per month. This will be the estimated value of a homemaker’s labour in any metro city in India. The entire work goes unrecognised and noticed by the other family members. Many women are often asked by their husbands ‘what do you do all day?’ According to research by the international monetary fundraising women’s participation in the labour force to the same level as men can boost India’s GDP by 27%. One way to do this is by giving homemakers the majority of women by giving them a salary. This will help chartered the stereotypical image of Indian women were portrayed as ‘domestic and social parasites living on their husband’s and contributing nothing.’

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