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14 replies, 14 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
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    Why are women only considered suitable for a few jobs like teaching, nursing etc.

    Yash Tiwari
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    The worldwide gender employment gap that leaves women more likely to work in low-paid jobs and often without the benefits accorded to men—such as genuine pay equity, maternity leave, or paid sick leave—is the product of a wide range of mitigating factors, including politics, culture, societal norms, and family laws. Because of various barriers (including lack of education), women often have less access to the paid labor market. These barriers exist at several levels: in some countries, some laws or traditions severely limit women’s autonomy, whether it is a matter of physical restrictions (only men can drive), cultural norms (women don’t work outside the house), or hiring practices (companies hire men because they are more assertive).

    There are many reasons why we see such large differences between the labor force participation rates of men and women, a big one being the role of choice. The labor force participation rate is used to measure the percentage of people either working or actively looking for employment. When making this measurement, you’re excluding people who may be able to work but choose not to. In many places, especially in the West, where there is no cultural pressure on women to stay home full-time.

    According to a report from the World Economic Forum, if the gap between rates of male and female participation in the global economy is closed, women would add about $28 trillion to annual GDP output worldwide by 2025. If that growth were distributed equally, it would be worth almost $10 trillion to women alone—about $650,000 per woman. This means that increasing women’s employment translates into increased economic security for an entire family, but also includes the social and political empowerment of an individual woman.

    Unemployment is a significant risk factor for poverty. Not only does it reduce women’s access to purchasing power, but also, because less income is available, their food security and nutrition are compromised. According to UNDP (2005), the severity of food insecurity has an impact on the level of education that women receive. In general, higher prevalence rates were found in rural areas than in urban areas, and among widowed and divorced/separated/never-married women. Given the positive link between women’s employment and higher levels of human development, reducing gender inequality at work is an important component of supporting women’s agency and broader efforts to promote human development. In particular, promoting women’s employment contributes to the well-being of children.

    Manpreet Singh
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    On average, women earn 20 percent less than men. This discrepancy increases as we factor in the race, with black women earning 37 percent less and Latina women earning 46 percent less than white men. There are plenty of fields where women are paid less than men for performing the same job. The most common explanation for the 20-percent wage gap, and the reason many people feel comfortable claiming it doesn’t exist, is that women occupy lower-paying fields of work than men. With this in mind, it would make sense for the average woman’s salary to be less than the average man’s.
    Women have to choose to prioritize family over work, choosing to major in the humanities instead of the sciences, choosing to be nice at work instead of playing hardball. It only makes sense that personal choice plays a factor in the gender wage gap. No one is holding women at gunpoint and forcing them to study cosmetology instead of welding. But there are several ways the choices women make might not be as free as we think. Women are significantly less likely to negotiate for a higher salary than their male peers. Some might say this is a result of women choosing to be liked over being respected, which is also a commonly used explanation for why women occupy fewer leadership positions than men. But for women in the workplace, choosing not to negotiate is less of a choice than a survival instinct. Studies show that both male and female colleagues often resist working with a woman who has negotiated for a higher salary because she’s seen as more demanding than a woman who refrained from negotiating.
    You might assume this trend occurs because women prioritize family more than men do, and will often choose a flexible, lower-paying job over a rigid higher-paying one. But according to the study it is mostly to do with the patriarchal setup of our society which has made gender norms and role which forces women to choose household work over their career. Also, they being mostly dependent on the husband, they don’t have much say in the choices. All we can do is to make them more educated and independent in order to give them more bargaining power.

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    It is from times back, women were not allowed to explore more than a home and household and family, be in that nutshell and explore to that limit only, still, somewhere it is observed and many women suffer and give up their choices, passions, dreams. Just because to be family-oriented, they are told to take up things and choose something in life which is convenient to family members and what is good for them.
    The employment factor was least considered in women’s lives, and doing a job or working in a company that is more corporate was not preferred, and are told to select a field that is female-oriented and which doesn’t require much hard work or much effort and time. So, the options given to them were teaching or nursing or work which is done within the home or from and don’t require traveling and long working hours.
    Women should have their choice in doing any kind of employment, it is never that the female gender has to do jobs such as teaching or like that related field. The employment rate of women has fallen down and it can be due to many factors like education, social factors, and considering the current scenario many have lost their jobs.
    Employment and choices of working are wholly a women’s decision. Education and awareness among everyone should be made so that women and choices of her life are taken by themselves.

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    I think women should have full liberty to choose their career, but it does not happen like this women are told by a family member to be a teacher, or be a beautician or a nurse which are typical jobs which every other woman do, but girls have a dream to become a doctor, or a pilot and want to work in NASA, fashion designer, an automobile engineer, go in sports, in our country very few girls got the chance to fulfill dreams, other have killed their dreams and passion because of family pressure, early marriage, and social norms. Even in the workplace women have to face biasness by not getting the paid maternity leave, or less pay than men, low promotion. Women are asked to do small jobs which are nearby the home. Even when women are married they quit their career because they are unable to manage family and work both, things also seem evolving day by day women are not giving up on their career choosing what they want to do. Not caring what some class of society, it’s on women how they stand for their choices and facing criticism still not giving up. Obstacles are in every field it’s important how we tackle them. Women should get support and help from their husbands and family. Women need to take risks for their careers. Women should be the support system of other women and motivate them to choose what they want. if everyone started being fearless they can achieve what they dreamed of.

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    Women should give priority for herself to choose their career of their own choice. They should not take decision in pressure of someone or family members they should be confident enough to take their own decisions. Society always think that women job should be nursing, teachers, etc. Why? Women can also become pilot, scientist, business women, fashion designer, athletic and many more. women can also go to different fields of their own choice. Many women break their dreams because of not getting support from family. Many times we see that some parents are worried about their son education that how will you make money, what are your career plans but we never listen the same thing for daughters. Family should support and motivate her rather than putting force on her to do this and that. Society thinking should get change that women are made for some particular jobs only. women can explore every field it is not necessary that women work only at nursing, teaching or being housewife. Women can take care of family and do all the household chores with that they can also do job with hard work this shows how women balance their life professionally and personally. Their should be equally paid for men and women they should not do gender bais. In Office also women should get paid maternity leave. Women face lot of things in their office because their is no equality. Women are strong enough to fight for their rights but why? Everytime women has fight for rights. Why? Can’t society maintain equality between men and women. It’s time to support and motivate women to explore different fields society must change their thinking towards women employment. Society should always show equality and raise voice against inequality towards women. Women are equally deserve to choice their field and follow her goals to be independent and confident enough for her further life.

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    Women are not free to choose there jobs. Restricted to some job . Like teaching , banking ,human resource manager, nursing etc. A woman is always suggested to choose her career in teaching line or in banking line as they considered that time of these job is suitable for the woman that is 10 to 5 job and also women can handle household as well as his work life can we save from the external harm .
    Women are offered less salary job then a man. According to the survey women on 20% less than man. There are many platforms and places where jobs are not given according to the ability of person, it was given according to the gender, class and status of a person. The society differentiate between the job according to the gender, they considered these work can be only performed by the woman and this work should be performed by the man and women should not be in the field. They think women are not capable to of handling that responsibilities which a man can do on a left of a girl when a man too she should not enter in this field.
    Women are restricted to go for traveling job, especially when the woman is married then she supposed to handle the household work and take care of her family which is considered as her first priority. Women are asked to do small jobs which are nearby the home.
    I think it’s high time every job has some demand every job has some difficulty the thing is that we should understand how to tackle them. Handling the situation can be considered tricky but once understand can be it is very benefit for everyone and in men and women both have ability to handle the situation. Women should be free to choose her career line. According that time and the modernization of country and its People now women can see in many others sector like police, parliament, pilot. Style the wall is not completed there is a very large journey from which we have to pass through .

    Gayatri Somvanshi
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    Okay so when it comes to choosing a type of career and employment women are still practically restricted from choosing the profession they want. But as we know history, how reluctantly people are educating their daughters, so sometimes for any girl even receiving and reaching till graduation is sufficient.
    First we all know people didn’t even send girls to school and married them off early ,later people started to educate them till 10th , then 12th and now till graduation , post graduation. Though let’s not even forget that these changes were also made because the boys started demanding for educated girls. So you can say this change has been positive but still these boys want educated wives because they think that educated girls may help them in handling responsibilities not that she can earn for herself.
    Even though today girls can choose their own profession but still they are always recommended to opt for a job which can give me time flexibility so they can look after the family.
    Still jobs like telecalling , working as a call girl , modelling , acting and specifically all jobs related to showbiz are considered degrading according to our society. According to people, women can’t do joans that contain physical strength ,so jobs that contain tables and chairs are suitable for ladies.
    The jobs like being a police woman , pilots,army officer are called manly jobs and they think that they are not feminine jobs. So basically women are discouraged at every point. Also sadly there is less security to women so often just by these issues women have less choices to choose and have to give up many remarkable opportunities.
    Also if they dare to do jobs which are prohibited according to society they are questioned for their character and often disrespected. Even today there are some sectors where facilities for women are not updated. So I won’t deny that even professions discriminated.

    Apoorva Pathak
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    Since ancient time women were considered weak and they are excluded from social welfare. She is denied having education and even to speak in Sanskrit. Albeit the situation is a bit changed after a long fight but there are many more changes we need. In this 21st century still, women are considered soft and cant handle jobs that need high strength and mental abilities.

    In families, girls are only taught to be good teacher, nurse etc but not good policewomen, good soldier. This creates an identity that distinguishes based on physical features and made even women mind that she is very soft can’t do jobs which includes physical strength.
    Even though if women are working in the profession like teaching, nurse etc she is still reaching at heights. she is creating good humans through their teaching. We have also seen that in this pandemic covid-19 and even during wars women played a crucial role. They served their country in its worst as well as good times. Women as a nurse have worked like a solider during the pandemic and with full strength fight out this disease. Today women are going great as an entrepreneur they are boosting economic status. Although women are considered soft-hearted she is excel in many fields and works shoulder to shoulder with males. She is establishing her own identity.

    She is representing her and her country in Olympics showing her physical strength such as PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, Mary Kom, Shakshi Malik and many more. Even women are coming up from rural as well as urban areas. this shows that if women are supported and cheered up they can do anything as they can also fly in space like Kalpana Chawla. No one is perfect until you make them believe that they are perfect so we should always give chance to women to show their strength and capabilities.

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    Women can’t do this, women can’t do that- yes, it’s most probably one of the most common sentence, told to women. As everyone of us know how much society wants to dominate female. In early age, they’re not allowed to do anything outside their hall which was exclusively reserved for women of the families. And what’s there duty? Only cooking and serving their families and look after children. As it’s preached, women are only made for giving birth to the sons as heirs of the family.
    But the tragedy is,in this vast time, situation changed, not thinking. Still there’s some families which doesn’t allow their daughter-in-law to go outside for work,which is too common for us. Even when some families do accept this proposal, our society have discriminated even jobs in respective of gender.
    According to our society, women can’t do such work which needs force or physical activity or pressure, labor or hard work is only for men. The current labour force participation for women is 49% max while for men it’s 75%. So, the employment gap is near about 26%, where for some places, it’s upto 50%.
    Now, why is this employment gap we’re getting?
    First, gender discrimination as stated above, families are still conservative about women literacy and employment.
    Second, affect of illiteracy and customs are going on and on, preaching how women is inferior to men and thus put to be behind walls.
    And being customes by the social norms, women too lack the courage and energy to establish themselves or struggle for their rights.
    Ok, now, we all know less or much about male ego. Doing better or equal to husband has never satisfied male ego of our family and society too. It’s an indirect but huge problem, as male ego is somehow in the roots of gender discrimination and laws. It always try to condemn women, letting women live their dreams is ok until their male ego is satisfied but after that, it’s a crime.
    Now the question is, what’s so important about it?
    First, if we observed from economic prospective,a country with both of its male and female employees, demand to boost global GDP substantially.
    More workers we have, more jobs and projects shall be manufactured. Thus a increase in status of country will be observed.
    Now if we talk about women’s choice, our society has already discriminated jobs like teaching and nursing for women, which seems to have less physical labor but are women satisfied with only that?
    No. Every human has their natural interests in jobs, thus they should have right to decide what their future will look like. The freedom to work by choice, with dignity is integral to human welfare.
    Thus we have to not only allow but inspire our women to make choice for themselves, to explore themselves. It’s never a guy’s job or girls job. If you like it, you’ll do it. Thus only we can make women empowerment is a reality, and all over make our society better.

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