Get Inspired, Be Empowered Forums Feminism Why fat is truly a feminist issue

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Woospire
    Not Helpful

    Honestly earlier never knew that fat is also a feminist issue, so basically feminism is raising your voice against inequality in society, patriarchy teaches that women cannot look fat, being fat is considered a big problem in society, so people who are fat have an experience that they have treated in a very different way. They are always judged by people in the society no matter where they go and even mistreated physically and abuse verbally but I don’t understand why people are so unkind to them, no one has the authority to question or demean the other person’s body shape, feminism is always promoting the body positivity in society we have removed the image of being perfect body shape for any work we have influence people to be comfortable in what body they are nothing is wrong with that. Their fat was an activist movement to address the issue of fat injustice and how it is unfair, it is a very big fight and a long way to go because feminists are taking a stand against society strong mindset, fat people are like living with sin, they are even looked as evil by some people. They are never prioritizing employment and even they are paid less, employers believe they hire fat people for jobs they will not actively do the work because they are lazy how can you judge. We should be really nice do not judge them and call them different names for being fat. So just expect our society should change thought processes do not discriminate against anyone.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Girls trade suggestions in foreign classes about how to eat less, how to get up, and how to imitate the flawless bodies they see from music videos, television soaps, the catwalk, magazines, and posters. Somewhere they know they’re not genuine – that surgery, lighting, camera angles, and digital processing physically have improved them to make them look like longer legs, smaller waist, larger breasts, and under bottoms. However, it doesn’t matter. Our reality has swept through the flood of visual pictures into our whole awareness. The way we regard our bodies and what we can and ought to do to our bodies, including our children, has altered. Today, bodies nearly have come to define our lives. Nothing in their lives seems okay without a body that girls feel all right about. They have problems and worry about their bodies. All regular challenges in growing up in teenagers’ fighting, decisions, and anguish are subordinated to the concern that the body is right. Is it worried about how their body is still developed, whether it is acceptable, nice, sexy, and appealing, whether it’s size, form and how it looks? Cosmetic operations are now anticipated by too many girls; the much-desired 16th birthday. You hope the surgeon will restructure your body and, if you are genuinely unhappy with your own looks, you might ask for your favorite celebrity’s back, teeth, brain, or face. Since the age of 5, the concern for how the body appears is vital to a female experience as young girls emulate the pop heroines they like through adolescence, early adulthood, motherhood, mid-aging, and even age. Women are increasingly not realizing how swiftly these problems have controlled their lives. But while we are conscious of our many efforts to look well, exercise, and eat properly, we can only understand the fundamental issues of why and how we have become so preoccupied with our bodies. In whatever lifespan that we select, we can see the proof of our cultural concern with food and the corporal image.

    Not Helpful

    Fat is truly a feminist issue because in our society people offend judge the person by their body shape, size and also by the skin tone. Feminism is all about serving equality for all the genders and in that activist are raising their voice against fat feminist issue and trying to make people understand that fat people should be treated equally without any discrimination or comparison. At workplace, fat people are also not getting an opportunities because of the judgment and body shape they don’t get chance to proof themselves or to have an opportunity. Instead People need to see their hardwork and talent to give an opportunity rather than judging by their body image like fat/ thin this thing is still going. There will very few of the companies who gives the equal opportunities and equal pay by seeing their talent and hardwork. We can also see that fat people are not treated equally like others, they always faces comparison. Because people has the mentality that being fat is such an issue or problem in our society. Because of the television and movies fat people usually thinks alot about their body image due to which they thinks alot and that causes stress to their mind. But fat people more gets affects from the discrimination and unfair treatment that other people does with them. This thing need to get change and society need to treat every person equally without making comparison or discrimination.

    Afshan Iqbal
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    Fat is truly a feminist issue, you know why? Because when we talk about feminism we refer to inequality, sexism, gender pay gap, etc. However, we often forget about the questions that are raised on a woman’s body type and the inequality she has to face just because she looks a certain way which is regarded as “not ideal” for a woman! How often do we see a man being declined a job opportunity, rejected for marriage and promotions, or not getting the chance for making impactful decisions because of his body? I guess rarely! Then why is a woman who owns her body type declined the same because she has an appearance that doesn’t suit societal criteria. Why are fat women considered a subject of mockery whereas fat men have been associated with prosperity? Is it just that the equality of men and women is limited to certain parameters and not in every way possible? These questions should alarm us. And yet sadly it doesn’t because we know how pervasive body type feeling is. We have a list of standards for women but the same standards don’t apply to men. Why? Because women are “supposed” to look the way they have been portrayed by society, adhering to impossible beauty standards while men can have social status irrespective of their physique.
    Fat women are oppressed, discriminated against, and abused precisely because of their physique. It is high time that we acknowledge fat-shaming and end capitalism on fatness. Feminism is a way of awareness that can help fat women get their equal share of respect and opportunities that they were denied due to irrelevant beauty standards.

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