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15 replies, 15 voices Last updated by Afshan Iqbal 3 years ago
  • Semantee Chattopadhyay

    We have often heard people saying that “my girlfriend is crazy” or “my mom’s too sentimental”. Ever wondered why are women so emotional? In ancient philosophical texts emotions were viewed as a sign of uncontrollable desires, but they weren’t gendered. In the medieval period, when humans can focus on the study of emotions, the stereotype of women being overly emotional took hold.

    From the early modern period being able to suppress your emotions became an important trait to mark the strength of character. Women workers eat as being inferior beings, who lacked the power to moderate their emotions. In Indian movies and TV shows, women are associated with having emotional outbursts and nervous breakdowns. Studies have found that women and men express emotions at equal rates. Men are more likely to show anger whereas women tend to express happiness and sadness.

    An influential study on workplace gender stereotypes found that when people were informed that a female manager was subject to the successful, they expected her to be the more emotional and a little less stable leader than a man. The fact that video by suppressing in motion has negatively impacted men’s mental health. It’s high time to think about why we have framed women as to be “overly emotional”. It also needs to be considered why we think expressing emotion is a bad thing. We are raised in a society where expressing too much emotion for either gender is considered to be a sign of weakness. This leads people to run away from their problems without confronting their feelings.

    Men are often insulted by “stop crying like a girl.” Not letting men express emotions is toxic masculinity. There is strength in being emotional and in learning to express and healthily process your emotions. So it’s time to recognize it and value it.

    anshika agarwal
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    One of the most common thing we heard in society is women are so emotional. Emotions are not based on gender. It is regardless of gender. But from childhood boys are told that they don’t cry, it’s a girly habit. Why? Why men can’t cry? Why they can’t show their emotions? Why they can’t be weak sometimes?
    Men are same in expressing their emotions like women but thing is that how each gender is taught to express their emotions. Women are allowed to cry because according to society they have a copyright on crying and they are also weak. Men are absolutely emotional like women but they are not allowed to express it like women. That’s the reason most of the people say women are so emotional. Yes we can’t deny to the fact that mother’s are more emotional are more connected to the child but father’s are also connected and they also love their child the same way women does. But a woman can express her emotions but man can’t express it.There is a need men and women both express their emotions as they feel and don’t hide it in their heart. They both need to understand when to react and when not to react. They have to work according to the situation not the society. It’s on us how we want to feel in a situation.
    So, its patriarchy that discriminate emotions. Men and women both have same emotions, same feelings. Emotions shouldn’t be considered as a sign of weakness. Men can also be emotional like women. They also have the same right to express themselves.

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    Since the dawn of society, femininity and emotions are viewed as weak, and thus women were labeled as the weaker sex. Now being emotional is very easily equated with women. However, we fail to acknowledge that anger is also an emotion which is displayed widely by men, but since it is deemed as a ‘masculine trait’ it is very easily accepted as being natural and manly. The statement that ‘women are so emotional’ has been used incessantly to discredit and demean women and prove that they have no credibility.

    Another big aspect noticed is that whenever a woman speaks up or gets aggressive, she is asked if she is on her period, another tool used to discredit her and demean what she was saying in the first place. But the lesser-known fact is that is that during the menstrual cycle is when female hormones look like those of a man. The high testosterone levels make the women act out and irritable- which tells us that it is actually a trait common to men. And yet, when displayed by women, anything and everything becomes weak and untrustworthy and dramatic. This flawed thinking takes roots in the age- old misogyny deeply meshed with the structure of our society.

    So, it can be concluded that women are not overly emotional. Emotional Intelligence or EQ is considered to be even more important than IQ these days. All traits shown by women are constantly undermined and looked down upon even though they are completely baseless. Not only is it very frustrating but it results in women having to work twice as hard as men to get recognition for the same work.

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    Emotions are a way in which a person expresses a feeling. Being emotional, aggressive, or any of ways doesn’t define who you are. Women are said to be more emotional than men because she cries, she becomes emotional during a movie scene, she cries when she’s happy or when she’s angry, are these things which make women emotional?
    Anyone can be emotional and sensitive but that doesn’t mean its only emotions are of being when you are sad it can be at any moment whether its good thing or worst scenario. It’s not that in each criteria women are emotional, but men can be too emotional, it’s just they don’t show it. It depends on the situation and how you act accordingly and then you can say if women are more emotional or men.
    If women express herself in the form of emotion while having tears in her eyes, it is said she is so weak and cry baby and considered a weak personality to take up responsibility on her. If she strongly faces each thing and doesn’t cry or become emotional then she is considered a non-emotional woman.
    It is all about what people say and think, and because of theirs thinking a woman can’t and should not change herself if she is emotional, it’s perfectly fine, and if she doesn’t act in a situation emotionally then too, she is perfectly fine. If her emotions are demonstrated and seen doesn’t mean are less emotional but its nature or behavior, we can that is taught to female from start to be quiet, calm, innocent and males being strong, brave, masculine, etc. So women are emotional because they understand each situation and it’s a behavior and you cant change.

    Manpreet Singh
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    Being human means living with hormones and all kinds of brain chemicals that affect how we feel. We are the most intelligent and highly intelligent animals, and scientists have tied our success to another planet sometimes capable of our brain and emotional abilities. In fact, those of us who are emotionally wise are very successful. It is this emotional intelligence that allows us to work so well together in groups, enabling us to use our ingenuity in integrated ways that benefit many. No man, no matter how intelligent, could build a rocket ship to the moon or a democratic government system alone.
    Emotions are not just used to understand others and convince others to work with us. They are associated with being human as they are the unmistakable foundation of all the most important social movements, art, and sporting victories. But despite the personality of all emotions and the fact that they motivate both our efforts and our evils, emotions are still considered a field of only one sex – women.
    And while a recent study by Microsoft Research found that both men and women express feelings almost equally, they expressed the opposite. Men were more likely to express their anger and women were more likely to express joy and sadness. But a survey of 2,000 people found that at least some of the emotional expressions were culturally correct; French and Chinese women were smiling more than men. So we can probably say that everyone has feelings, but any that we are allowed or expected to express may be culturally appropriate.
    Men and women can express the same feelings, but they will be described differently, whereas women’s feelings are overly defined. This is the difference in who should express which feelings are problematic when women violate the rules of what they are not “allowed” to show and are punished for showing emotions. Men are also allowed in public to express anger, but for women it is verboten. While Michelle Obama recalls the run-up to the 2008 election, she was hailed as one of the most talked-about and most influential people in the history of politics. Criticizing women for expressing their feelings is not just a social issue: “‘Emotional’ is a term used to label women who do not want to have their say in the situation. It’s an insult instead of a listener; the words’ crazy ‘really mean’ I shouldn’t pay attention to you, ” The idea that women are “crazy” by expressing emotions in the same way that men are obviously doubled. So let’s stop calling women out to express the feelings of people we all share. Women are angry, and they are angry enough to cry – and so are men.
    Another solution would be for women to adopt some of these labels – so if some people call women “crazy” or “angry” or “too crazy” for acting like men, let’s go with it, which can change the meaning of the word over time. There is the first example of some groups retrieving words that were once used to look down on them. The other can be true, accustomed to the fact that we all hear things, and it is okay to express them, no matter who we are.

    Yash Tiwari
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    For many years, it has been widely accepted that females outperform males in emotional information processing. It is believed that females excel at using their emotional information, while males are less proficient. However, few studies have studied the role of emotional information in a naturalistic social-emotional task. This study explored whether there is a sex difference in using emotional cues in the perception of the face with negative affective expression. With the media full of male-bashing, it is nice to see some research showing that men have a lot to learn from women. This study suggests that women are more responsive to social feedback and emotions in decision-making than men. We know that women are more tuned into socializing and put a lot more time and effort into this and now it appears that when they are playing a gambling game they can use emotional material/information much more effectively.

    Female subjects were more willing to accept disadvantageous monetary conditions in comparison to males, to retaliate against their opponents’ negative facial expressions. This was especially true when the opponents made angry faces. Women were found to have a higher level of sensitivity to emotional cues than men, which provides a new perspective for explaining gender differences in interpersonal sensitivity and evaluation of social interactions.

    Most people are probably familiar with the stereotypes that women both express and feel emotions much more strongly than men. This stereotype, often taken as a given is based on evolutionary accounts suggesting that the underlying reason for such sex difference in emotional displays is due to ancestral selection pressures –men were primarily selected to show aggression and dominance, which is accomplished by exhibiting little or no overt emotion while, on the other hand, women were selected to act in a nurturing role and, therefore, needed to be able to signal their emotional state to communicate effectively with children.

    The study discussed above contributes new and important insight into the processing of visual emotional stimuli. For the first time, it was demonstrated that individuals rated the photographs with highly emotional content as significantly more arousing than the average of all photographs regardless of their valence. If arousal is used as a proxy for prioritization, these findings suggest that both male and female participants prioritized processing emotional facial expressions with higher arousal content over others despite their valence.

    “Why are women so emotional?” The answer will be found in the way their brains work. On average, women use both sides of the brain to process the information from their surroundings. They are not unilateral or linear thinkers but employ a “both-and” approach to problem-solving. As a result, they tend to see more “patterns” and potential outcomes than men.

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    Human beings are full of emotion they feel and express every emotion in their own way, men are always teaching don’t feel don’t cry like a girl, they cannot express it. it becomes a habit for them not to show their tears in front of people, men have this mindset that if they cry loudly, they will look weak and sensitive and other people will make fun of them. Women show to express their sadness and pain through crying it is very wrong thought people who cry does are not strong they are weak, normalize crying, nothing is bad in it. Women are more expressive about their emotions, for instance, women scoring higher than men it is may not be because of biological things it is because of gender role expectations most gender feel they need to bind into society especially when it comes to showing emotion. it’s not like men don’t feel emotions they also feel the same sadness, compassion, guilt. Society orthodox thinking doesn’t add up to their masculinity, a man not allowed to the grave when they lost something when men are married nobody tells him to show compassion and empathy towards her, man up, men are providers that are the reason when wife’s cry they are like ignorant to them. Society force men to keep their emotions within, it all slowly pile up and result into aggression. Women are strong and bold is also a quality of women just because they cry that does not mean they are seen as a sensitive and weak person. Then why men call women for their emotional support. I think men should open up and can cry change the thinking of society, we are human we can feel emotions that how people should rationally think.

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    Emotions are the real feeling of a heart which a person express. Everyone uses different way of expressing their emotion. Men and women both cries, Both get angry ,both laugh . So why people consider a woman emotional.
    Is we can consider psychological factor here that :- It is always told to a girl that you should always prostrate, take care of feelings and remain humble and a boy always ask to be strong , boy’s should never cry . In a child’s mind from childhood it is put that how their emotion should be grand. Boys always ask to never express his emotion since it will reflect his weakness . From childhood child is told how his behaviour should be, how they have to react in every situation for girls should be girls and for boys it should be Harsh . Why we ask a girl you should not laugh in this situation , you should be act like that and a boy is asked – don’t cry like girl , what are you doing like girl ?
    In TV series and movies a woman is show emotional her emotional breakdown, nervous breakdown is show their . Which is a wrong porter of a woman . Women is emotional but equally as a man. A woman and man both express their feeling but the difference is that a woman always thing about the other person emotions. So, that’s why she is considered emotional and a man never considered this and mostly burst out in anger.
    Actually women is not emotional . She always connects with people very quickly . A woman never keeps anything in her mind, that’s why she throws out her emotions so quickly. A woman is fearless , not afraid of this society how will they react to the emotion , she never think about that . That can be reason if women is considered emotional. Where is a man is always remain in a dilemma that if he would try the people will laugh at him and call him girly and etc. etc. A man has mentality that he should be brave, strengthen, fair less and should not express his emotion quickly and do not express his emotion in front of crowd specially .

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    Expressing your emotions, crying, getting angry are the basics of a human being, women are no less emotional than men, it’s the matter of fact that, men are taught not to cry, men are never expected to cry at anything, instead they’re taught to be tough, whereas women are expected to be sensitive and emotional. men are emotional too, they’re just so used to not showing their emotions. God has given everyone an equal amount of dopamine, to control emotions.
    Expressing your emotions should not be considered as an act of weakness neither for women nor men. Expressing up your emotions is a strong act, not everyone is able to do. Crying is not a sign of weakness but strength.
    Boys and girls should be allowed to feel emotional at any point of the day, we’ve often heard the phrases “boys don’t cry”, “you’re not a girl for you’re crying”, actually it should be “it’s okay to cry”, “boys too should vent out their feelings”.
    Boys being emotional should not become a big deal, it is normal and should be treated as normal. Restricting someone’s emotions is the worst thing we could do as humans and the world is no short of demons upon. The first step in spreading happiness includes pouring out the sadness, emotional pain within.

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    Everyone experiences emotions. It is not anything new. To say that no one faces emotions is wrong (unless you have alexithymia).
    We all experience emotions, be it happiness, sadness or anger.
    Women are often labelled the emotional gender. Crying is often associated to women. Pop culture always portrays women as the emotional types who always cry at the drop of the hat which portrays the stereotype that women are more emotional than men.
    This often leads to misconceptions about women and their capability in their work life. Some people might not want to have a woman as their boss because they fear she might be too emotional. Actually, it shows that women perform better in their work life because they think with their emotions and thus make great decisions.
    Men on the other hand are considered superior and better than women. In work life, many prefer men because they aren’t emotional. Ironically, men are known to be more emotional than women (they show their emotions through anger)
    Just because they do not show you their emotions doesn’t mean that they aren’t emotional.
    Men are known to suppress their emotions. They think any man who shows his emotions is weak. So, they hide their emotions because they do not want to be known as weak people. When you bottle up your emotions, life becomes harder and you can’t face the simplest of situations unless you address your emotions.
    We need to understand that it’s okay to cry. Emotions are normal. If only we stopped associating emotions with weakness, the stigma around emotions would be less.

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